

中文摘要 為推動廢棄物非法棄置案件管理工作,爰此持續辦理「106年推動廢棄物非法棄置案件管理策略行動計畫」,以建立IDMS系統優先關注場址名單(至少辦理10處場址現勘工作並提出清理處置建議),協助IDMS系統功能提昇、建立電子化報表及檢討場址履歷登載統計功能,並透過場址調查協助瞭解近期非法棄置場址的廢棄物特性,修訂相關作業程序及規範、提供顧問及法律諮詢服務。 經查詢IDMS系統資訊,持續列管場址中有49處場址為近3年新增場址(103年起迄今),本計畫據以建立列管場址清冊,逐場址現勘,完成場址現勘報告,並篩選11處場址為優先關注場址,提出後續處理建議及經費估算供參考;併同104~105年優先關注場址,總計建立39處場址清理經費計畫並排定優先序位。此外,現勘49處IDMS場址經與SGM系統清查比對,確認IDMS 466、497、527場址列管範圍與SGM土水列管場址範圍重疊。 在協助IDMS系統功能提昇方面,提出場址履歷管考功能及電子化報表規劃書,106年8月28日完成IDMS系統新增電子化報表功能上線運作;此外,完成IDMS系統與農航所圖資介接工作,並於106年8月17日辦理「廢棄物非法棄置案件管理系統(IDMS)新增圖資功能及衛星影像應用」說明會。此外,為提升案件資料填報效率,提出場址履歷管考評分及三階段燈號提醒方式,配合錄案時間,通知各地方環保局進行案件資料補填及清查。 在場址廢棄物特性調查方面,比照105年度篩選原則,先行以105年11月~106年5月IDMS新增列管場址為標的,篩選列管521及522為調查場址。此外,蒐集106年1~11月廢棄物非法棄置新聞事件,除建議15處場址應錄案列管外,並於106年7月20日執行新竹縣新豐場址(列管58場址)廢棄物調查及UAV空中影像拍攝記錄。總計本年度完成新竹、雲林等縣市共3處場址調查,共採集37件樣品,執行XRF元素分析37件,溶出毒性重金屬項目分析、三成份分析、揮發性固體含量分析、惡臭物質分析等各12件,戴奧辛分析2件,XRD及SEM/EDX分析4件。106年7月20日執行新竹縣58場址調查,太空袋內廢棄物包括集塵灰及污泥,集塵灰樣品鉛、鎘、戴奧辛及呋喃等測項濃度超過管制標準,集塵灰鋅濃度介於13%~20%,主成分為ZnO及Fe2O4Zn,初步研判來源為碳鋼電爐煉鋼業,而非不鏽鋼電爐煉鋼業。106年9月6、7日進行雲林縣521及522場址調查,樣品經TCLP溶出試驗均未超出管制標準值,雖呈現漿紙、紡織污泥氣味,但分析皆未發現惡臭物質。依據檢測分析結果,研判可能因所收受燃油鍋爐灰、污泥無法調配成燃料,而造成堆置及棄置於場址。依據本年度調查結果,建議可研議修訂漿紙污泥及紡織污泥再利用程序,將可燃分、揮發性固體含量分析等納入廢棄物收受及工廠運作管理。 在顧問諮詢服務方面,完成顧問及法律諮詢服務17件及法律意見書3件,現勘場址5處,出席相關會議15次暨提供簡報資料等及其他交辦事項。此外,為加速政府機關管理之非法棄置案件清理程序,依106年7月12日「新豐掩埋場非法棄置案及本署處理流程與分工原則」研商會議結論檢討如何運用土污基金啟動緊急應變,以加速如新豐場址之清理程序,將污染物優先移除。本計畫依據環保署處理非法棄置場址流程圖及署內分工表,增列「判定是否須進行緊急性評估」判定條件,由環境督察總隊依「補助地方環保機關執行廢棄物非法棄置場址緊急應變措施注意事項」審查地方環保局提報之緊急應變計畫,核定補助後由地方環保局啟動緊急應變並辦理相關工作。 經彙整環保局提案建議及顧問諮詢案例,建議107年度可朝以下方向研議修訂廢棄物清理法第71條相關規定,並逐年編製參考案例供各環保機關參考。修訂方向包括:(1)仿照土水法將重大過失修訂為輕過失,以強化土地關係人善盡土地維護義務之規定;(2)授予法源訂定善良管理人應注意義務準則;(3)參考土水法將假處分事項(如禁止土地處分、土地謄本註記、採取應變措施…等)納入法條;(4)直轄市、縣(市)主管機關或執行機關得代為清除、處理,並求償清理、改善及衍生之必要費用,得由由全體清理義務人負連帶責任。
中文關鍵字 廢棄物非法棄置案件管理系統、廢棄物特性調查、IDMS系統功能提昇


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-GA02-03-A172 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3780 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/24 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 王耀銘
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 林玉麟 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年推動廢棄物非法棄置案件管理策略行動計劃期末報告.pdf 6MB

FY 2017 Promoting Strategy and Action Plan of Illegal Waste Disposal Case Management

英文摘要 In order to promoting the case management of the illegally dumped wastes, this project continues to establish the prioritized list of IDMS sites (at least 10 site inspection with cleanup suggestions), assist IDMS system enhancement, digitize forms, analyze site history statistics, evaluate waste characteristics through site investigation, modify operation procedures, and provide consultation and legal services. In the data of the IDMS system, 49 sites are newly enlisted within the past 3 years (since 2014). This project built up a list for the said sites and inspected one by one with a result. 11 sites were selected as the prioritized ones and were determined for treatment and cost estimation. Combined with the prioritized sites from 2015-2016, 39 sites were analyzed for cleanup costs and priority. Besides, the 49 IDMS sites were cross-checked with the sites in the SGM system, ensuring that Sites IDMS 466, 497, and 527 were also shown in the SGM system. With respect to the IDMS system enhancement, the site history management and inspection were planned and the digitized forms were proposed. The digitized forms of the IDMS system were up and running on Aug. 28, 2017. Moreover, the map information in the IDMS system was connected with those in the Forestry Bureau Aerial Survey Office. An introductory meeting for the said system enhancement was conducted on Aug. 17, 2017. Furthermore, in order to increase the efficiency of the case reporting, the evaluation employed light system with 3 levels. Incorporated with the case reporting, the local Environmental Protection Bureau will be notified once the case is reported. With respect to the waste characteristics investigation, Sites 521 and 522 were selected with the screening principle used in 2016. Moreover, illegal waste dumping news was collected between Jan. and Nov. in 2017. Not only 15 sites were identified to be suggested enlisting, but also Site 58 (Hsinfong, Hsinchu County) was investigated with UAV video filming on July 20, 2017. In total, 3 sites (Hsinchu and Yunlin) were investigated with 37 grab samples incorporating XRF, TCLP, moisture contents, combustible contents, ash contents, volatile solid contents, odor, dioxins, XRD, and SEM/EDX. On the Site 58, wastes included furnace dust and sludge. The concentrations of the contaminants in the furnace dust were higher than the regulations, including lead, cadmium, dioxins, and furan. Zinc concentrations in the furnace dust fell between 13% and 20% with the main contents of ZnO and Fe2O4Zn, indicating the wastes were originated from carbon steel EAF rather than stainless steel EAF. As for Sites 521 and 522 investigation on Sept. 6 and 7, 2017, all samples processed with TCLP complied with the regulation although there smells of paper pulp and textile sludge. Based on the analytical results, these sludge were left unattended due to the incapable of converting the sludge into furnace fuel. According to the result of the investigation this year, the recycling procedures for the sludge of paper pulp and textile industries is recommended to be regulated as combustible contents, volatile solids, or energy value. As for the consultation, 17 cases were conducted and 3 legal opinions were issued. 5 site visits and 15 meetings were attended. Besides, in order to process the cleanup faster for the Hsinfong site, Hsinchu County, Deputy Administer Chang advised to examine how to use the emergency funds in the consultative meeting on July 12, 2017. Based on the operation procedure of handling illegal dumping sites and work assignments, the determination conditions were added in the the need for an emergency assessment and thus emergency response can be determined by BEI(Bureau of Environmental Inspection) to whether or not fund local Environmental Protection Bureaus. The local Environmental Protection Bureaus can use the funds to carry out the emergency response. Based on the suggestions and consultation from local Environmental Protection Bureaus, the following is recommended for 2018, involving the Article 71 of the Waste Disposal Act: (1) in order to strengthen the obligation of the land stakeholders to better manage lands, reduce the major mistakes to minor mistakes based on the example of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act; (2) provide law enforcement to regulate the obligation of the land management of land owner.; (3) put into regulations for probation such as land transfer, land registration, etc. based on the example of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act; (4) all pollution responsible parties have to pay back for the costs including cleanup, treatment, and other related work.
英文關鍵字 Illegal Dumping Management System(IDMS), the waste characteristics investigation, IDMS system enhancement