

中文摘要 本計畫目標為強化空氣污染突發事件預防管理工作、提升空氣污染突發事件應變處理能量,以及協助彙整及督導地方空氣污染突發事件應變執行成效。現階段主要成果包括:(1)調查105年空氣污染事件應變處理標準作業修正草案中跨局處事項之可執行性,提出2項修正建議。(2)辦理2場次專家學者會議,探討空污事故風險管理計畫書架構、內容及執行對象之適切性;以及空污事故風險管理計畫書之審查機制與審查方法。(3)完成各縣市於毒性化學災害類型所規劃之環保局因應措施與跨局處聯繫做法之彙整分析作業,提出地方環保局及環保署處理空污事件之3項執行建議。(4)完成空氣污染事件應變處理查詢系統之使用者端登入權限分類與管理功能、87項易致空污事件高風險物種危害資訊建置、3次空污應變緊急聯絡人員資訊及空氣檢測機構相關資訊更新、4次緊急聯絡人電話通聯測試,以及396件空氣污染事件監控案件之彙整分析。(5)與高雄市環保局合作,完成仁大工業區之基本資料、空污擴散模擬情境、敏感受體、疏散避難、工廠排放等應變決策支援相關資料之建置作業。(6)辦理2場次教育訓練,介紹空氣污染監檢測儀器、個人防護裝備,及說明空氣污染事件民眾疏散管制及裝備需求。(7)辦理1場次研習會議,說明空污應變業務現況及相關作業建議事項、緊急應變12階段執行工作,並請基隆市等3個地方環保局提供應變經驗交流。(8)完成手持式總揮發性有機物偵測器、硫化物分析儀等15項常用空污緊急應變器材的定期點檢與必要之校正工作。(9)出席花蓮縣等12個縣市之空污應變相關演練,並提出改善建議。(10)完成2次無預警空氣污染事件應變通報測試。(11)完成金門縣等5個地方環保局的訪查作業。
中文關鍵字 預防管理、緊急應變、空氣污染事件應變執行成效


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FA12-03-A083 經費年度 106 計畫經費 9820 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/13 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 沈克鵬
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 江勝偉 執行單位 工業技術研究院綠能與環境研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年空氣污染突發事件應變處理能量強化計畫期末報告(定稿).pdf 18MB

Program of strengthen response handling of air pollution emergencies

英文摘要 The objectives of this project are to strengthen the prevention and management of air pollution emergency, to enhance the capability of emergency response to air pollution, and to help with summarization and supervision of effectiveness of local air pollution emergency response. At current stage the major achievements are: (1) investigation of feasibilities of inter-office matters in the draft of amendment of 2016 standard operating procedure of air pollution emergency response, and proposals of two suggested amendments; (2) organization of 2 experts and scholars meetings for discussing the structure, content, and appropriateness of execution object of air pollution incident risk management plan; and mechanism and method for review of air pollution incident risk management plan; (3) completing the summarization and analysis of EPA responsive measures and inter-office communication approaches of various counties/cities with respect to toxic chemical hazards, and proposing 3 execution suggestions for local environmental protection bureaus and environmental protection administration dealing with air pollution incidents; (4) completing user login permission classification and management function of air pollution incident emergency response inquiry system, establishment of 87 pieces of information related hazards of high risk species which could lead to air pollution incidents, 3 updates of air pollution emergency response personal contact information and information related to air testing institutions, 4 tests of phone communication with emergency contact persons, and summarization and analysis of 396 monitoring cases of air pollution incidents; (5) cooperating with environmental protection agency of Kaohsiung City to complete establishment of basic information and information related to emergency response decision making such as simulation scenario of air pollution diffusion, sensitive receptor, evacuation, and factory emission of Renda Industrial Park; (6) organizing 2 education trainings to introduce air pollution monitoring instruments and personal protective gears, and to explain the evacuation crowd control and equipment requirement in response to air pollution incident; (7) organizing 1 seminar to explain current status of air pollution emergency response and suggestions for related operations, 12-stage executions of emergency response, and emergency response experience exchanges provided by 3 local environmental protection bureaus including Keelung City; (8) completing periodic inspection and necessary calibration of 15 frequently used air pollution emergency response equipment such as portable total volatile organic compound detector and sulfide gas detector; (9) attending air pollution emergency response drills of 12 counties/cities (including Hualien County) and providing suggestions for improvement; (10) completing 2 air pollution emergency response reporting tests without warning; and (11) completing the visits to 5 local environmental protection bureaus (including Kinmen County).
英文關鍵字 prevention management, emergency response, implementation of air pollution incident emergency response measures