英文摘要 |
The National Development Council (NDC) initiated Taiwan’s national climate change adaptation policies in 2009. Through vigorous discussions the “national climate change adaptation framework” was approved by the Executive Yuan in 2012, followed by the establishment of the “national climate adaptation action plans (2013-2017)” two years afterwards. Since the promulgation of the “Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act” in 2015, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) became the central competent authority for climate change related strategies and actions.
After collecting and evaluating the current development of climate change adaptation policies of United Nations, and developed countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, and Korea, this project conduct bureau interviews to understand the status, difficulties, and future strategies concerning climate change adaptation issues. With reference to the current status of departmental policies, suggestions on plausible pathways were then proposed for the promotion of adaptation strategies.
EPA is the national central competent authority for climate change policies, but also acts as the central competent authorities for environmental protection related issues. Therefore, apart from devising stage-wise strategies to promote national adaptation actions, this project also evaluated potential topics to consider in the environmental protection fields for EPA to design adaptation-related projects later on. Additionally, EPA is also responsible for enhancing climate change adaptation literacy of the general public, so this project utilized existing knowledge to compile the ”2018 Climate Change Adaptation Guidebook”, in the hope to strengthen understandings of climate change and introduce adaptation case studies to the readers. Lastly, this project also participated the Adaptation Futures 2018 conference (5th international climate change adaptation conference established by the UNEP) to communicate national adaptation policy-makings, and share Taiwan’s experience.