英文摘要 |
This project was carried out from January of 2017 to December of 2018 and the object of this project to be executed is the waste vehicle recycling agencies with the qualification of being got subsidy (divided into Keelung City with downward its south area, and Taichung County with upward its north area, Yilan County, and Nantou County). The Auditing and Certification for Waste Vehicle must be executed separately examinations on engine and the impurities of vehicle shell. We administer the auditing and certification 9,278 times in total. There were 1,389 times on engine examination, 1,025 times on regular examination, and 6,864 times on the impurities of vehicle shell examination. Certified recycling quanity 304,161 of waste vehicles and certified recycling quanity 700,339 of waste motorcycles ; Auditing for disposal of waste vehicles quanity were 205,400 . Auditing for disposal of waste motorcycles quanity were 541,462 .And 127,666,295 kg of wastecertified body clearance quanity, transported, and audited.
In addition, this project also managed various tasks specified in the contract, including recycled and disposed quantities audit, operation procedure audit, environment examination, regular submittal of various accreditation documents, result report and revision of manual and etc. Besides, according to the schedule specified in Audit Accreditation Operation Manual, the audit schedule had registered on the internet, including handling of abnormal cases such as assisting new plant application and modifying audit, and handling exceptional cases, examining where the derivatives flow to and etc. Furthermore, this project has established the operation procedure manual of various operations in order to ensure execution quality, including internal audit, character management and assessment, performance evaluation, and personnel education and training. With the well management of abovementioned tasks, this project will achieve the goal progressively.