

中文摘要 (一) 工作核心指標: 1.評比輔導認證 本計畫於今年3、4、5月辦理評比輔導認證說明會(北、中、南)3場,於3月17日在鳳林鎮辦理第1場評比輔導認證說明會、於4月19日在瑞穗辦理第2場次說明會,5月15日於民生里辦理第3場次說明會,評比認證輔導說明會參與人數共約178位。截至11月底為止,已有11處村里完成入圍、3處村里達銅級、1處鄉鎮達銅級、1處村里達銀級。 (二) 輔導本縣村里(社區): 1.輔導至少3個潛力村里(社區) 本計畫針對現勘後委員所選定可深耕之村里(民政里、吉安村、豐濱村),進行實質協助低碳改造工作。於民政里設置雨撲滿,可澆灌1870平方公尺;豐濱村設置社區農園,宣導低碳有機飲食觀念;吉安村設置節水龍頭,可減碳354公噸。 2.輔導至少3個核心村里(社區) 本計畫針對現勘後委員所選定可深耕之村里(樹湖村、豐裡村、主農里)進行實質協助低碳改造工作。於樹湖村設置小型水力發電系統,可減碳4506公斤;主農里設置植生牆及雨撲滿,植栽牆面可減碳約3.1公噸,雨撲滿可澆灌143平方公尺;豐裡村設置雨撲滿,可澆灌35280平方公尺。 3.輔導至少2個社區推動魚菜共生系統或社區農園 本計畫依委員現勘後所選定可做為魚菜共生示範之村里(民生里、池南村),進行實質協助低碳改造工作。民生里設置之魚菜共生系統可固碳量1.8公噸,池南村可固碳量約為6公噸。 4. 輔導既有低碳示範社區 協助本縣既有之5個低碳示範社區,於國興里設置植栽牆固碳量共計約 1,460 公斤;於民生里設置雨撲滿,澆灌面積約達17,640平方公尺;鳳智里設置節水龍頭及省水馬桶,共可減碳約52公噸;豐山村設置魚菜共生系統,固碳量約為151.9公噸;池南村設置節水龍頭及雨撲滿,節可減碳量約405公噸及澆灌9,405平方公尺。 (三) 公私立場所設備節能及低碳環境改善 1. 綠能節電技術與資訊諮詢小組會議 本計畫已於3月27日及10月23日共辦理2場次綠能節電諮詢小組會議,會中針對花蓮縣可推行之綠能節電方案,如公有建築設置太陽能系統、節能燈具等,及跨局處需提出之議題進行討論。 2. 資源循環技術與資訊諮詢小組會議 本計畫已於3月30日及10月27日共辦理2場次資源循環小組會議,會中針對花蓮縣可推行之資源循環方案,如雨撲滿,及跨局處需提出之議題進行討論。 3. 辦理跨局處會議 本計畫已於6月29日及10月26日共辦理2場次跨局處會議,針對花蓮縣推動低碳永續家園營造之政策與各局處進行討論,目前各局處有執行之工項:文化局-辦理二手書集交換平台及落實機關四省專案、地方稅務局-落實機關四省專案、衛生局-落實機關四省專案及推動低碳永續教育宣傳、消防局-實施地(社)區災害防救與預警通報及辦理地(社)區災害防救演練、社會處-推動低碳永續教育宣傳及使用節能電器、行政暨研考處(府內機關) -落實機關四省專案、農業處-閒置空地綠美化、建設處-推動電動巴士。 4. 公私立場所設備節能及低碳環境改善宣導說明會 本計畫已於5月26日、6月26日、9月22日至環境永續教育中心、鳳林鎮公所、玉里鎮公所共辦理3場次宣導說明會,會中邀請專家學者或有實際經驗之業者分享公私立場所設備節能及低碳環境改善的優點,並邀請目前還使用重油之列管店家來參與討論,會後將對於有意願更換之店家協助輔導。 (四) 推廣低碳旅遊及低碳飲食: 今年度低碳旅遊說明會於不同於往年配合大型活動,改採於發展生態旅遊及低碳飲食狀況良好之社區進行觀摩,本計畫已於7月28日及8月23日至目前發展生態旅遊及低碳飲食狀況良好之池南村及大進村辦理低碳旅遊說明會,2場次參與人數共約184人,並於問卷調查中了解目前民眾在旅遊中所使用的交通工具及使用環保餐具之概念。 (五) 低碳校園宣導: 本計畫已於4月20日及9月12日至中原國小及豐濱國小共辦理2場次低碳校園宣導說明會,2場參與人數約110人,會中介紹減碳方式、垃圾處理及垃圾減量方式等作為。 (六) 創新作法 本計畫今(106)年度創新作為深入社區,推動「低碳校園深耕計畫」,輔導花蓮縣境內國小、國中、高中職推動低碳校園,並協助學校取得低碳永續評等認證資格。目前已由委員評選出7處學校,分別為4處國小(明義國小-銀級、中正國小-銀級、中原國小-銀級、吉安國小-銀級),2處國中(秀林國中-金級、美崙國中-銀級)及1處高中(花蓮女中-金級)。
中文關鍵字 低碳家園、低碳宣導、 低碳生活


專案計畫編號 106-2-11 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3350 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/23 專案結束日期 2017/11/30 專案主持人 楊家源
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 黎虹宛 執行單位 威陞環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年期末報告.pdf 16MB 106年度期末報告

106 annual Hualien County low carbon sustainable home operation system and implementation of the effectiveness of management plan

英文摘要 (A) work core indicators: 1. Assessment counseling certification This program will be held in March, April and May this year, appraisal guidance counseling certification will be (North, Central and South) three games, on March 17 in Fenglin Town, the first game of appraisal certification guidance, in April 19 The second session of the Mizuho Seminar was held on May 15 and the third seminar was held in Minsheng on May 15. A total of about 178 participants attended the Seminar on Certification and Accreditation. As of the end of November, 11 villages have been short-listed, with 3 villages reaching the copper level, 1 township reaching the copper level and 1 village reaching the silver level. (Two) counseling the county village (community): 1. Counseling at least 3 potential villages (communities) The project will focus on assisting low-carbon transformation efforts in the villages (Civil Affairs, Ji'an Village and Fengbin Village) selected by the committee members currently selected for exploration. In the civil affairs set up rain piggy bank, watering 1870 square meters; Fengbin village community farms set up to promote the concept of low-carbon organic diet; Ji'an village set water-saving tap can be 354 tons carbon reduction. 2. Counseling at least 3 core villages (communities) The project will provide assistance for low-carbon transformation in essence in the villages (Shuhu Village, Fengli Village, and Zhongnongli Village) selected by the members currently being surveyed. In Shuhuhu Village, a small hydropower system can be set up to reduce carbon emission by 4,506 kilograms. In the main farm, there is a plantation wall and a rain piggy bank. The planting wall can reduce carbon by about 3.1 tonnes and rain can fill up to 143 square meters. Fengli Village sets rain Piggy bank, watering 35280 square meters. 3. Coaching at least 2 communities to promote fish-vegetable symbiosis or community farms According to the plan, the project will be selected as the village (Minshengli and Chi Nancun) selected for demonstration of fish and vegetable symbiosis to carry out substantive assistance in low-carbon transformation. The Minshengli fish-vegetable symbiosis system has a carbon sequestration capacity of 1.8 tonnes and Chi Nancun's carbon sequestration capacity of about 6 tonnes. 4. Counseling both low-carbon demonstration community Assisting the existing 5 low-carbon demonstration communities in this county to set up a total of about 1,460 kilograms of carbon sequestration in Guoxingli; setting up a rain piggy bank in Minsheng with a watering area of ​​17,640 square meters; Feng Chiri set up faucets And water-saving toilets, a total of about 52 tonnes of carbon can be reduced; Fengshan Village set up fish-vegetable symbiosis system with a carbon sequestration of about 151.9 tonnes; Ch'ang Nam Tsuen sets water-saving faucets and rain piggy banks to reduce carbon emissions by about 405 tonnes and watering 9,405 square feet meter. (C) energy saving and low-carbon environment improvement of public and private facilities 1. Green Energy Saving Technology and Information Advisory Group Meeting The project has conducted two sessions of green energy conservation advisory group meetings on March 27 and October 23 for the green energy saving scheme to be implemented in Hualien County such as setting up solar energy systems and energy-saving lamps in public buildings, etc. Inter-bureau to be raised for discussion. 2. Resource Recycling Technology and Information Advisory Group Meeting A total of 2 rounds of resource cycle meetings were held on March 30 and October 27 to discuss the feasibility of a resource recycling program in Hualien County such as rain piggybacking and issues to be raised at the inter-bureau meeting. 3 for cross-bureau meeting The project has been conducting two inter-bureau meetings on June 29 and October 26 to discuss with the Bureaus on the policies for promoting a low-carbon sustainable home in Hualien County. At present, there are a number of work items implemented by the Bureaus: Bureau of Culture - Handle secondhand book exchange platform and implementation agencies Four provinces, local tax bureaus - Implement agencies 'special projects in four provinces, Health Bureau - Implement agencies' special projects in four provinces and promote low-carbon education on sustainable education, Fire Bureau - ) District Disaster Prevention and Early Warning Notification and Handling of Disaster Rescue Drills and Social Districts in Local Communities - Promoting Low-carbon Sustainable Education Publicity and Use of Energy-Saving Appliances, Administration and Research and Examination Offices Project, Department of Agriculture - Green Landscaping of Vacant Land, Construction Department - Promoting Electric Bus. 4. Public and private place equipment energy saving and low carbon environment improvement briefing The program has been held on May 26, June 26, September 22 to the Environmental Education Center, Fenglin Town Office, Yuli town hall for a total of three times to declare the meeting, the meeting invited experts and scholars or Experienced practitioners share the advantages of energy conservation and low-carbon environment improvement in public and private places, and invite managers who currently use heavy oil to participate in the discussion. After that, they will assist counseling stores that are willing to replace them. (D) to promote low-carbon tourism and low-carbon diet: This year's Low Carbon Tourism Seminar is different from previous years with large-scale activities. It is diverted to observe the development of eco-tourism and communities with good low-carbon diets. The project has been developed on July 28 and August 23 till now Low-Carbon Tourism Seminar for Low-carbon Tourism and Low-carbon Eating in Nanking and Taijin Village A total of 184 participants participated in the low-carbon tourism briefing and learned about the public transportation and the use of green tableware in tourism during the survey. Concept. (E) Low-carbon campus advocacy: The program has been conducting two introductory lectures on low-carbon campus to Central Elementary School and Feng Binh Country in Central Plains on April 20 and September 12, with about 110 participants in two sessions. The meeting will introduce ways to reduce carbon emissions, Garbage disposal and garbage reduction methods as. (Vi) Innovative practices As part of its deepening community engagement, this (106) annual innovation program promotes the "Low Carbon Campus Deep Cultivation Program", assisting small, medium and high vocational schools in Hualien County in promoting low-carbon campuses and assisting schools to achieve low-carbon sustainable assessment qualifications. At present, seven schools have been selected by the members, namely, four primary schools (Mingyi Elementary School - Silver School, Zhongzheng Elementary School - Silver School, Central Plains Elementary School - Silver School, Ji'an Elementary School - Silver School), two middle schools Xiulin in the - Gold, the United States Lunan - Silver) and a high school (Hualien Girls - Gold).
英文關鍵字 (Low-carbon homeland)、(promotion of low-carbon)、 (low-carbon life)