

中文摘要 空氣品質影響臺北市民健康甚鉅,特別是細懸浮微粒PM2.5。由於粒徑小,易隨著呼吸系統深入肺泡,影響人體健康。本計畫團隊於104年度「臺北市空氣品質監測資料應用及指標管理計畫」中,與臺大醫院急診部研究團隊分析臺北市空氣品質與心血管疾病、呼吸道疾病之關係,發現若PM2.5日平均濃度大於35g/m3,對於慢性阻塞性肺病、氣喘、缺血性心臟病之敏感族群便開始出現較高的健康風險,且一次污染事件發生之1-3天內皆有健康風險,因此若能提前進行空氣品質預警,便能使民眾進行自我防護,減少身體傷害。 本計畫今(106)年度自3月29日起每日進行臺北市空氣品質預報及影音播報,提供臺北市民健康風險預警,預報準確度已超過六成,截至11月30日完成錄製216支影片,影片露出多元管道包括「臺北市空氣品質監測網」、「臺北市環保局官網」、「氣象達人彭啟明」Facebook粉絲團、「臺北綠生活」YouTube、「觀天氣」APP、「愛臺北」APP、全家及麥當勞之數位看板,提醒臺北市民空氣品質變化,同時持續維護與更新「臺北市空氣品質監測網」,並將預報資料製作成公開資料及json檔,使用者可輕易獲取資料或串接到其他網頁上,市府可以開放資料型式對外宣布,此舉已率先應用於手機「觀天氣」APP。 另外,由於全球暖化會增加極端高溫事件發生的頻率及強度,亦危害臺北市民健康。本計畫團隊配合辦理各項臺北市政府「熱浪災害防救對策」行政事項,每日提供未來24小時高溫預報,若達熱浪警戒標準(單日高溫攝氏38℃以上,連續三日高溫攝氏37℃以上)即進行通報,供各局處進行高溫應變,今年實際通報8次,集中在七月中至八月中。 此外,本計畫團隊於「2017臺北世界大學運動會」期間提供臺北市及外縣市比賽場館之中、英文空品預報,內容包括各賽會場館之即時監測及未來2天之空氣品質影音預報。影音自7月31日起上線,完成31則中文版及24則英文版預報影音,共錄製55支世大運空品預報影音。露出管道更新增世大運官網、世大運官方APP,並建置「世大運空品預報專屬網站」,網站包括電腦版及手機版。為擴大宣傳環保局之空氣品質作為,本團隊於7月18日協助辦理「迎接世大運 臺北市空氣品質預報服務登場」記者會,宣傳世大運跨縣市空品預報以及空污相關管制措施,活動當日也特邀請英文主播進行現場示範,此次記者會共有14家媒體採訪露出。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 2655 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/29 專案結束日期 2017/11/30 專案主持人 彭啟明
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 周宇威 執行單位 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年度臺北市空氣品質監測計畫-期末報告 (定稿).pdf 8MB

Air quality broadcast of Taipei city and air quality index application project, 2017.

英文摘要 Air quality seriously affects the health of people in Taipei City, especially small particle size with particulate matter PM2.5. The particulate matter will go deep into the alveolar with the respiratory system and affect human health. To analysis correlation between air quality and cardiovascular and respiratory disease, we cooperate with Taiwan hospital emergency department. The result shows that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma and ischemic heart disease sensitive groups under unhealthy risk when the concentration of PM2.5 over 35g/m3 and every pollution incident influences public health from 1 to 3 days. Above reasons demonstrate public may protect themselves to decrease physical hazard if air quality forecast is available beforehand. This project has forecasted and broadcasted the daily air quality via audio media to provide early warning of high health risk Since March 29, 2017. The accuracy of Forecast has exceeded 60%. Until November 30, the 216 films have been recorded and broadcasted at convenience store’s digital billboards, on Facebook fan page “氣象達人彭啟明”, APP “觀天氣”, APP“愛臺北”, Taipei City Air Quality Monitoring website, Department of Environmental Protection in Taipei City official website, YouTube“臺北綠生活 green up”to call for public`s attention to variations of air quality in Taipei City. While continuing to maintain and update the "Taipei City Air Quality Monitoring Website". In order to open the forecast data, the project made the public information and json file, users can obtain the information or connect to other website pages easily. Taipei city government can announce the open data type to the citizens and it has taken the first applied to the mobile phone APP "觀天氣". In addition, as global warming will increase the frequency and intensity of extreme high-temperature events, so extreme hot weather also endanger the health of Taipei residents. We follow up Taipei City government administrative item to conduct “Heat wave disaster prevention and rescue” and provides a high-temperature forecast in 24 hours to come. If circumstance reaches to heat wave alert standard (The maximum temperature over 38℃ in a Single Day or over 37℃during 3 days), every relevant office is noticed to respond high-temperature condition. The notifications are launched 8 times and occurred from the middle of July to middle of August. Furthermore, for the “2017 Taipei Summer Universiade”, the team had provided bilingual air quality forecast for Taipei city, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City and Hsinchu. And broadcasted the daily air quality via audio media to provide early warning of high health risk Since July 31, 2017. Until August 30, the 55 films have been recorded. There is 31 Chinese version and 24 English version. Built the "2017 Summer Universiade Air Quality forecasts website", the version of the website includes computer and mobile phone. And holding a press conference named “Welcome to the 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade - Taipei City Air Quality forecast service debut” on July 18, 2017. The press conference invited English anchor to perform a live show and total of 14 media interviews revealed.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality