

中文摘要 本計畫協助辦理環境清潔評比相關作業、列管公廁稽核並媒合機關團體認養公廁、廣告物巡查與取締、海岸環境清潔與淨灘活動並媒合機關團體認養海岸以及製作相關宣導物品等。依合約規定,本計畫人員設備已於106年5月10日完成簽約及到位,工作執行期間自簽約日5月10日,截至106年10月31日為止,共執行將近6個月,各項工作執行成果摘要如下: 一、辦理本市環境清潔評比,提昇自我環境品質改善動力 (一)本次評比外聘委員根據學經歷進行邀請,共找出六位外聘委員協助辦理環境評比,已針對本市29區進行行程規劃,截至10月31日止,已執行6個里之現場評比,並於評比前均會邀請委員辦理行前會議。 二、辦理因應環保署對地方政府環境清潔維護考核事項 (一)推薦考核區里(含鄰近里周邊)考核前協助加強現場整頓(含清潔用具),目前從106年8月15日起開始執行加強現場整頓,已完成51人日次,並持續加強該地區之清潔維護。 (二)宣導文宣品已於106年8月31日提送1600份。 (三)推薦考核里宣導說明會及勘查於106年8月22日至上安里里民活動中心辦理一場次宣導說明會,並於現場進行相關勘查作業。 (四) 於106年8月22日已辦理一場次推薦考核里動員環保志工清潔日,本次舉辦於上安里,並提供掃具如棉紗手套50打、垃圾袋50捲、竹掃把50支、長夾100支及餐盒100份等。 (五)環保署考核簡報會議配合期程辦理。 三、建檔公廁提升整潔品質 (一)建檔公廁巡查並更新綠網資料,已於106年10月31日前完成2,956座次,並提報31座髒亂廁所供環保局參考,另持續針對建檔公廁進行巡查。 (二)辦理績優公廁實地考核,已完成委員之邀請及行程之規劃,預計於11月5日、11月6日辦理現場考核,並持續完成後續頒獎等相關事宜。 (三)公廁清潔維護管理宣導說明會,已於106年8月18日辦理2場次,針對公廁管理單位進行新政策之宣導與說明,參與人數約100人,並已提報相關成果報告。 (四)推動列管建檔公廁認養,目前洽談對象主要為環保志工及里長,並以上安里為主要認養區域,現已媒合60座公廁,並持續拜訪相關機關團體進行認養作業。 (五)績優公廁表揚將配合期程進行辦理。 (六)提報績優公廁相關新聞於媒體將配合期程進行辦理。 (七)公廁宣導貼紙已於106年6月14日提送25,000份公廁宣導貼紙供貴局使用,內容為衛生紙丟馬桶之宣導字樣。 四、違規廣告物巡查及取締 (一)執行違規廣告物巡查及蒐證工作,已於106年10月31日提送630件違規廣告物案件。 (二)廣告物宣導說明會已於106年6月28日辦理1場次,針對不動產及房仲業者進行違規廣告物張貼之相關宣導,另因貴局已無辦理宣導說明會需求,因此後續2場次已不再辦理。 (三)分析違規廣告電話號碼停話效率,已於106年8月25日提送違規廣告電話號碼停話分析報告,針對全市各區之違規廣告物數量進行分析,可以得知以西屯區及豐原區為違規廣告物之好發區。 (四)廣告物物力租賃成本,已於106年6月3日提送設備清單,包含相機1台、專用智慧型手機3台、預付卡30張及預付卡補充費。 五、參訪環境衛生績優地區 (一)觀摩參訪外縣市績優環境衛生地區,已於106年8月3日辦理1場次參訪活動,拜訪苗栗縣及新竹縣環境衛生績優場所,共有約40人參與活動。 六、淨山或淨灘或環境衛生宣導動員活動一場次 (一)已於9月24日於龍井區麗水漁港與梧棲國際青年商會聯合辦理,提供相關餐點、清掃用具及舞台設備等,本次參與人數共計377人,共清理垃圾352公斤、寶特瓶48公斤、鐵罐120公斤、鋁罐250公斤及玻璃瓶3公斤。 七、促進海岸地區環境清潔。 (一)海岸環境清潔維護工作,已分別於大安區海岸線(6月10日、6月17日、7月15日、7月22日)、雙寮海堤(7月8日)、米粉寮出海口(8月17日)及高溪段海堤(8月19日)等辦理共10場次海岸清潔維護工作。 (二)簽訂海岸環境認養團體,分別與臺中海線社區大學(清水段)、錦江體育用品店(大甲段)、友達晶材(大安段)等共9家機關團體進行海岸線之認養。 八、其他工作事項。 (一)例假日環境衛生巡檢或設攤宣導,於10/1協助於友善國際勞工嘉年華活動中設攤宣導環境衛生。 (二)綠網查詢連絡追蹤(含假日)通報案件及其他綠網相關事項,已於每日進行至少三次查詢並聯絡各地區清潔隊,並追縱案件情形。 (三)設置狗便袋箱,已提供相關規格及樣式供貴局參考,目前已於西屯區上安里設置2處,並於後續設置地點確定後,至現場進行設置。 (四)宣導單共有三式已提供設計後之初稿,另因狗便相關宣傳單因印有環保局之地址電話,而有遷移之疑慮,已進行展延,廣告物宣導單已無製作之需求,因此目前提送潔淨市容宣導單一式6,000張。 (五)宣導布條已於8月17日提送宣導紅布條600條,宣導布條內容為狗便清理等相關宣傳內容。
中文關鍵字 市容清潔、公廁巡查、違規廣告物取締


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 2396 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/10 專案結束日期 2017/12/15 專案主持人 蘇憶安
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭旻芝 執行單位 創境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年臺中市容期末上傳系統0327.pdf 5MB

106 years Taichung City, clean city appearance and environmental management and public toilets to enhance the quality supervision and control program

英文摘要 The project assists with the management of environmental cleanliness assessments, monitors public toilets and organizes associations to adopt public toilets, advertisements inspection and banning, coastal clean-up and clean-beach activities and organizes organizations to adopt coasts and make relevant publicity articles . According to the contract, the personnel and equipment of the project were signed and put into place on May 10, 106. During the implementation of the work, the contract was executed for nearly 6 months from the signing date of May 10 to October 31, A summary of the results of the implementation of the work is as follows: First, the city clean the environment for evaluation, improve the quality of self-improvement momentum (A) According to the experience of the appraisals, the external members invited six external members to assist in environmental appraisal. The external appraisers have been planned for 29 districts of the municipality. As of October 31, there have been 6 On-site appraisal, and before the appraisal will invite members to handle the pre-meeting. Second, in response to the Environmental Protection Agency to clean the local government environmental assessment matters (1) Recommended to assess the area (including neighboring neighborhoods) to assist in strengthening on-site reorganization (including cleaning appliances) before the assessment. At present, implementation of on-site rectification has been implemented since August 15, 106, and 51 people have been completed and have been continuously strengthened Clean maintenance in the area. (2) Propaganda propaganda products were delivered on August 31, 2006 at 1,600 copies. (C) recommended examination in the propaganda briefing and exploration In August 22, 106 to the activities of the Supreme People's Armed Services Center for a briefing session, and on-site exploration operations. (D) On August 22, 2006, a clean-up day was mobilized for environmental volunteers in a secondary recommendation examination. This was held in Shangri-La and was provided with 50 swatches of cotton gloves, 50 garbage bags, 50 bamboo brooms , Long clip 100 and 100 lunch boxes and so on. (E) EPD examination briefing meeting with the schedule. Third, the file public toilets improve the neat quality (A) Archiving public toilets to inspect and update green network information, 2,956 seats were completed by October 31, 2006, 31 dirty and messy toilets were reported for use by the Environmental Protection Agency, and the other public toilets were continuously inspected. (II) To handle the field examination of excellent public toilets, the invitation of members and the planning of the itinerary have been completed. It is expected that on-site assessment will be conducted on November 5 and November 6, and the follow-up awards will be continued. (C) public toilets cleaning, maintenance and management of the publicity briefing, has been handled on August 18, 2006 for 2 sessions, for the public toilet management unit of the new policy of the publicity and instructions, the number of participants of about 100 people, and have reported the results report. (D) To promote the construction of public toilets for archiving purposes. At present, the main targets for negotiations are environmental volunteers and chiefs. In the area where more and more adults are adopted, there are 60 public toilets now in their possession. They also continue to visit the relevant agencies and organizations for adoption. (Five) the performance of public toilets praise will be carried out with the schedule. (F) to mention the excellent performance of public toilets related news in the media will be handled with the schedule. (VII) Public toilets promotion stickers On June 14, 106, 25,000 public toilets promotion stickers were provided for use by your bureau Fourth, illegal advertising inspection and banned (A) the implementation of illegal advertising inspections and search and certification work, has been on October 31, 106 delivery of 630 cases of illegal advertising. (B) The Advertizing Propaganda Briefing Session was conducted on 1 conference on June 28, 106 for the publicity of real estate and property owners, as well as the announcement of non-compliance advertisements, Therefore, the follow-up two sessions are no longer handled. (C) analysis of illegal advertising telephone number call efficiency, has been on August 25, 106 illegal telephone number suspended call analysis report for the city's various districts of the number of illegal advertising for analysis, you can learn to Xitun District and Fengyuan District is a good place for illegal advertising. (D) advertising material resources leasing costs, has been June 3, 106 to submit the list of equipment, including a camera, 3 dedicated smart phones, prepaid cards 30 and prepaid card replenishment fee. Fifth, visit environmental health merit areas (I) To observe the visit to the mega-excellent sanitation area in the counties and municipalities, conducted one visit on August 3, 2006, and visited the Miconus and Hsinchu County sanitation venues with a total of about 40 participants Fifth, visit environmental health merit areas (I) To observe the visit to the mega-excellent sanitation area in the counties and municipalities, one visit was conducted on August 3, 106, and Miaoli County and Hsinchu County sanitation premium sites were visited. About 40 people participated in the activity. Six, clear mountain or clean beach or environmental health advocacy mobilization activities (A) On Sept. 24, Lishui Fishing Port in Longjing District and Wu Xun International Youth Chamber of Commerce jointly handled and provided relevant meals, cleaning utensils and stage equipment. The total number of participants was 377, with a total of 352 kg of garbage Special bottle 48 kg, 120 kg cans, 250 kg aluminum cans and glass bottles 3 kg. Six, clear mountain or clean beach or environmental health advocacy mobilization activities (A) On Sept. 24, Lishui Fishing Port in Longjing District and Wu Xun International Youth Chamber of Commerce jointly handled and provided relevant meals, cleaning utensils and stage equipment. The total number of participants was 377, with a total of 352 kg of garbage Special bottle 48 kg, 120 kg cans, 250 kg aluminum cans and glass bottles 3 kg. Seven, to promote clean environment in the coastal areas. (1) The clean and maintenance work on the coastal environment has been carried out on the coastline of Daan District (June 10, June 17, July 15, July 22), Shuangliao Seawall (July 8), Mefenliao (August 17) and the seawall of Gaoxi (August 19) for a total of 10 coastal cleanup and maintenance work. (2) Signed a Coastal Adoption Group and adopted nine coastline groups including a total of 9 organ groups including the Taichung Sealine Community College (Shimizu Section), Jinjiang Sports Products Store (Daya Section) and AUO Crystal Materials (Daan Section). Eight other work matters. (A) An environmental sanitation inspection tour or stall promotion was conducted on 10/1 to assist in setting up a booth at Friendly International Labor Day Carnival to publicize environmental hygiene. (B) Greennet Inquiries Contact tracking (including holidays) Notification cases and other greennet related matters have been consulted at least three times a day and liaised with the local cleaning teams to trace cases. (C) set the dog pouch box, has provided the relevant specifications and styles for your reference, has been set up in the Xitun District, Ann, and in the follow-up to determine the location of the setting to the scene. (D) A total of three pre-release monographs have been provided for the first draft after design. The other one has been delayed due to the publication of the address book of the Environmental Protection Bureau due to a dog-related leaflet. As a result, there are currently 6,000 single-type clean-friendly publicity projects. (5) Propaganda Article of cloth has been sent on August 17 600 pieces of propaganda red cloth, propaganda cloth content for the dog clean up and other related publicity content.
英文關鍵字 public toilets to enhance