

中文摘要 空氣品質分析結果顯示,馬公站106年AQI<50良好比率約占52%,AQI=51~100 普通比率約占43%,AQI=101~150比率約占5%,AQI>150比率為0%,AQI良好比率占比為近三年最佳,且至12月底為止並無出現AQI>150情形;自動測站PM2.5年平均值至12月止為20.2μg/m3、24小時第98%值為41 μg/m3;手動測站PM2.5年平均值為15.3μg/m3,24小時第98%值為35 μg/m3,24小時第98%值較歷年為改善,並符合空品標準。 另參照TEDS9.0推估手冊及應用本縣農漁局提供實際種植作物、農地休耕、海岸防風林面積,並參考卑南溪河川揚塵實際揚塵事件日PM2.5/PM10比例,進行本縣污染物排放量更新推估,更新後排放量顯示本縣PM2.5排放來源有餐飲業、車行揚塵、工業(電廠為大宗)、柴油車、風蝕排放(農地/海岸)等。 各項污染防制計畫的執行成效方面,彙整各子計畫106年度執行成果,尖山電廠SCR設備平均防制效率為77%,NOx排放量較105年度減少107.3公噸;尖山電廠配合秋冬季節實施降載,經環保署評核結果,105年度因應空品不良季節環保機關協調公私場所降載成果,削減比率為6.1%,顯示空品不良季節管制成效良好;二行程機車從102年至106年已汰舊7,019輛,累計汰舊比率為63%;電動機車占有比例為4.9%(全國第一);本縣海岸線為全國最長,自民國81~106年已完成海岸造林2,220公頃,占全縣土地面積17%,透過跨局處協調農漁局種樹植林提升綠化面積,共新增造林20.1公頃,減少裸露地風蝕揚塵排放;餐飲業管制方面,已輔導裝設有效防制設備共50家,餐飲業加裝有效防制設備率達13.1%;102年至106年累計削減量成果PM10為43.7公噸/年、PM2.5為5.86公噸/年、NOx為1.5公噸/年、NMHC為54.7公噸/年。 加強空氣品質不良通報及因應措施方面,依據環保署106年6月9日公告修訂「空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法」,重新制定「澎湖縣區域空氣品質惡化防制措施」,並於9月22日併同空氣污染防制計畫書公告。針對本縣已設置完成之空氣品質淨化區,至12月底已媒合4處空氣品質淨化區予以民間企業認養,企業分別為元泰飯店與尖山電廠。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制計畫書、空品淨化區、考核、排放量推估、空品不良查處


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 4300 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/10 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 王義輝
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳永晉 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年度澎湖縣空氣品質發展管理計畫期末報告(定稿).pdf 26MB

Penghu 『2017 The air quality management development plan』

英文摘要 The results of air quality analysis showed that the AQI <50 good ratio was about 52% in 106 years, the AQI = 51-100 ordinary rate was 43%, the AQI = 101-150 was about 5%, and the AQI> 150 was 0% , The proportion of AQI good ratio was the best in recent three years and there was no AQI> 150 until the end of December. The average annual PM2.5 of auto station was 20.2 μg / m3 as of December, 98% of 24 hours, Value of 41 μg / m3; manual station PM2.5 annual average of 15.3 μg / m3, 24-hour 98% of the value of 35 μg / m3, 24-hour 98% value over the previous years to improve and meet the blank standards . Another reference to the TEDS9.0 estimate manual and application County County Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries to provide the actual planting crops, fallow land, coast windbreak forest area, and with reference to the Beinan River dust incineration PM2.5 / PM10 ratio, the county pollutants The updated emission estimate shows that the PM2.5 emission sources in this county are from the catering industry, dust from the automobile industry, industrial (bulk power plants), diesel vehicles, wind erosion (farmland / coast) and so on. As for the implementation results of various pollution prevention plans, the 106th annual implementation results of all the sub-plans were collected. The average SCR control efficiency of Jianshan Power Plant was 77% and the NOx emission was reduced by 107.3 tonnes compared with that of the previous year. Jianshan Power Plant was implemented with autumn and winter seasons According to the EPD's assessment results, the reduction ratio of 6.1%, which was coordinated by the environmental protection authorities in response to unfair seasons in public goods and public places, showed that the control of bad season was in good effect. The second-cycle locomotives ranged from 102 to 106 years 7,019 cars have been eliminated and the cumulative ratio of elimination has reached 63%; that of electric motor vehicles has reached 4.9% (first in China); the coastline of this county is the longest in the country; 2,220 hectares of coastal afforestation have been completed in 81 ~ 106 years in the Republic of China, The land area is 17%. Coordination with the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries to increase the greening area by planting trees and plantations through cross-bureaux departments will increase the total afforestation area by 20.1 hectares to reduce the exposure to wind erosion and dust emission. In respect of catering industry, 50 effective anti-control equipment have been counseled , And the effective control equipment installed in the catering industry reached 13.1%. The cumulative reduction from 102 to 106 was 43.7 tonnes / year for PM10, 5.86 tonnes / year for PM2.5, 1.5 tonnes / year for NOx and 54.7 for NMHC Metric tons / year. To enhance notification of adverse air quality and response measures, the "Measures for Emergency Control of Severe Air Quality Deterioration" was revised in accordance with the EPD's announcement of June 9, 106 and the "Prevention and Control Measures for Air Quality Deterioration in the Region of Penghu County" was re-formulated. In September On the 22nd with the air pollution control plan notice. For the county has been set to complete the air quality purification area, by the end of December has been a blend of four air quality purification area to be adopted by private enterprises, enterprises respectively Yuantai Hotel and Jianshan Power Plant.
英文關鍵字 air quality status, capacity of environment