

中文摘要 本計畫就廢棄物管理法規檢討研析之執行成果與內容,主要為下列三部分: (一)配合廢棄物清理法修正,推動相關子法之訂定或修正事宜 1.配合立法院之廢棄物清理法修正案,蒐集彙整國內外相關資料,謹提出下列精進建議:(1)廢棄物清理法第30條確立無過失連帶清理責任原則,有利於充分發揮對於未妥善清裡案件之場址及受害人之較佳善後作用,使事業嚴格履行產源責任,可充分發揮廢棄物清理法環境保護方面的作用,此一立法模式衡諸現況當屬必要且符合一般社會通念;(2)事業連帶清理責任之課予對象,除縱向(產源與受託機構)連帶清理責任外,日後宜納入橫向(委託事業之間)清理責任之規範態樣;(3)將追繳不法利得定性為不具裁罰性的管制性不利處分,則與罰鍰處分可分別為之,方能收懲戒貪婪之效,遏止經濟不法;(4)歐洲法院對於歐洲聯盟廢棄物法制中,有關「廢棄物」概念所提出的判斷標準,應可供我國廢棄物清理法中「廢棄物」一詞解釋判斷上之參考。 2.配合廢棄物清理法部分條文修正案,研擬應訂定、修正、廢止之相關子法草案,謹提出下列精進建議:(1)廢棄物清理法修法後,於受託者未妥善清理之具體個案,縱使主管機關認定委託事業已盡相當注意義務,委託事業仍應負連帶清理責任,對事業之課責程度極高,主管機關於作成命事業負連帶清理責任之行政處分時,應妥慎依據比例原則為之;(2)主管機關就違反「廢棄物清理法」案件,不宜僅依行為人違規次數決定其裁罰之額度;(3)非法棄置案件若有查獲非法行為人,且該非法行為人應繳納之費用包括清理費用及不法利得罰鍰,建議執行機關先依廢棄物清理法第71條規定,命行為人限期清理或支付相關費用,嗣後再考量追繳不法利得。 (二)檢討精進資源回收再利用法之再生資源運作管理 1.蒐集彙整德國、日本、美國、歐盟及中國等國之資源回收再利用發展歷程、相關政策、法令、管理架構及執行成效與評價,並針對立法模式、責任主體、資源回收制度及相關經濟政策等進行比較研析。經檢討認為可資我國借鑑之處包括:(1)由政府主導制定相關法規與政策;(2)藉由完善的立法推動資源回收再利用之發展;(3)加強資源回收再利用技術研發;(4)建立適應國情的廢棄物回收、利用和處置體系;(5)善用經濟約束和激勵政策;(6)明確的權責劃分並擴大生產者責任、(7)強化公眾參與、深化資源回收及環境保護意識。 2.經檢討資源回收再利用之待強化事項,謹提出再生資源回收再利用待強化事項精進策略如下:(1)建議得於「資源回收再利用法施行細則」增訂再生資源未依規定回收再利用之意涵;(2) 建議考量降低「資源回收再利用法」第19條之規範強度;(3)建議設立推動再生資源使用之專責中央單位,以確保各部會目標上的一致性,並參考德國及日本之推動模式,善用政府外圍組織或民間團體的力量。 3.經檢討資源回收再利用法第22條應優先採購之環保產品、再生資源或再生產品之執行情形,提出下列建議:(1)刪除部分無環保標章產品之公告項目;(2)新增公告項目並提升年度採購金額比例;(3)確立應優先採購項目之評估準則;(4)透過分級方式調和政府採購法第96 條及資源回收再利用法第22 條之適用。(5) 增修環保標章規格標準,並加強優先採購項目之查核與品質抽驗。 (三)配合相關行政作業 1.本計畫配合子法研訂之法制作業程序,已完成辦理1場次公聽會、協助辦理2場次研商會,另完成2場次專家學者諮詢會議。 2.本計畫已協助回復廢棄物清理法等相關法律疑義計8則。
中文關鍵字 廢棄物清理法、資源回收再利用法、環境保護產品


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-H102-02-A097 經費年度 106 計畫經費 4699.65 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/10 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 林培杰
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 楊智閎 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 配合廢棄物清理法修正案相關子法檢討分析計畫.pdf 50MB

Project of the Review and Analysis on Waste Disposal Act Amendments Related Sub- Law

英文摘要 The results of the Waste Disposal Act review and analysis project are presented in three parts: I. In support of the amended Waste Disposal Act, assist the drafting and revisions of supporting regulations. a. Support the Legislative Yuan for the amendment of the Waste Disposal Act by collecting and analyzing related international information and propose the following: (1) Consider extending the term limit for the regulatory agency to pursue no-fault liabilities, in order to preserve environmental justice; (2) Waste cleanup liability is assigned vertically (between the producer and entrusted agents), but should also be extended horizontally (amongst all downstream agents) as well; (3) The collection of illegal profits should be considered a non-punitive regulatory action, separate from punitive fines, in order to sufficiently punish illegal economic gains; (4) European courts have issued interpretations and benchmarks for the term “waste” under European Union directives, which may offer useful precedents for the local interpretation of the term “waste” under the Waste Disposal Act. b. In support of the amendment process of the Waste Disposal Act, we reviewed the proposals of the drafted, revised, and deleted articles and suggest the following: (1) After the Waste Disposal Act is revised, the original liable party is still held responsible for any unfinished cleanup by their entrusted downstream agents, even if the regulatory agency affirms the original liable party had acted responsibly. This may place an undue burden on the original liable party, so the regulatory agency should carefully consider the proportionality principle in enforcement; (2) When enforcing violations of the Waste Disposal Act, the regulatory agency should not only consider the number of previous violations in determining the severity of the punishment; (3) When a responsible party is found guilty of illegal waste disposal, the responsible party shall be liable to pay the cleanup costs and illegal profits plus fines. We suggest the enforcement agency should first set a deadline for the responsible party to clean up or pay for cleanup of the waste, in accordance with Waste Disposal Act Article 71, and then subsequently consider how to best recover the illegal profits. II. Research the applications of recycled resources under the Resource Recycling Act a. Collected information related to the development of resource recycling and reuse in Germany, Japan, China, United States, and the European Union, including history, legislation, regulatory frameworks, and implementation efforts. Conducted comparative analysis on the various legislative models, liability structures, and economic effects of resource recycling policies. After review, we find the applicable conclusions include: (1) The government should lead the development of related regulations and policies; (2) Effective legislation promotes the development of resource recycling and reuse; (3) Invest in the development of resource recycling technology; (4) Develop a complete waste collection, recycling, reuse, and disposal ecosystem appropriate for the locality; (5) Utilize appropriate economic constraints and incentives in policy; (6) Clearly define roles of responsible parties, and expand the scope of the producers’ responsibilities; (7) Encourage public involvement, develop awareness of resource recycling and environmental protection issues. b. Reviewed the potential improvements for resource recycling and reuse policies, we suggest the following: (1) Clarify the intent of “loss of original usefulness” and related provisions in the Resource Recycling Act Enforcement Rules; (2) Consider reducing the regulatory burden in Article 19 and Article 26 of the Resource Recycling Act; (3) Establish a central authority for the promotion of recycled resource usage to insure unity of purpose, in cooperation with public and private agencies. c. Reviewed Resource Recycling Act Article 22 regarding the preferred purchase of environmentally preferable products and we suggest the following: (1) Strike certain sections regarding the public disclosure of products without environmental labeling; (2) Impose additional public disclosure requirements and increase the annual purchase budget percentage; (3) Clarify the criteria and standards for preferred purchasing products; (4) Applicably harmonize Government Purchasing Action Section 96 and Resource Recycling Act Section 22 by establishing a tiered rating system.(5) Establish environmentally friendly product labeling standards, and more strictly audit the quality sampling of environmentally preferable products. III. Administrative Support a. In support of the legislative amendment process, we conducted one public hearing, assisted with two research seminars, and conducted two expert opinion panels. b. The project assisted with the reply of eight legal inquiries regarding the provisions of the Resource Recycling Act.
英文關鍵字 Waste Disposal Act, Resource Recycling Act, Environmentally Preferable Products