

中文摘要 過去由於水資源調配、集水區管理及河川地墾殖等開發,形成部分河川基流量銳減,造成下游河床裸露地增加。再加上河川灘地開放農民申請耕種,導致裸露面積擴大。 每年10月至翌年4月期間,適逢東北季風與河川枯水期,河床砂石乾燥、裸露,造成河川揚塵污染、空氣中懸浮微粒濃度增加,影響周邊居民生活環境品質。 環保署為有效抑止及減緩河川揚塵導致空氣品質嚴重惡化事件,自96年11月起便邀集水利署、林務局及相關地方政府共同研商,環保署自100年度起持續補助直轄市、縣(市)政府執行河川揚塵防制及改善推動計畫,對於濁水溪、大安溪、大甲溪、烏溪、高屏溪、卑南溪、花蓮溪、秀姑巒溪及立霧溪等9條揚塵嚴重之河川,進行河川揚塵防制及改善工作,辦理揚塵預報、應變、宣傳、防護與環境清理等工作,並定期檢討評估防制成效。 環保署於102年1月7日奉行政院核定推動「河川揚塵防制及改善推動方案」,具體實施「河川揚塵防制及改善行動計畫」,且為加強河川揚塵防制,環保署業將「防制揚塵」項目納入105年10月17日奉行政院核定「清淨空氣行動計畫修正計畫」10大強化措施之一,積極辦理減緩河川揚塵防制措施。 106年12月14日,行政院會通過「空氣污染防制法」修正草案,並於106年12月21日提出「空氣污染防制行動方案」。其中針對河川揚塵污染,仍持續以強化源頭管理及加強環境清理為執行方向,各部會將持續加強橫向溝通合作。 環保署並依河川揚塵影響程度,將濁水溪、高屏溪、卑南溪及立霧溪列為整治重點河川,本計畫蒐集國內外抑塵工法,依國內各河川特性,提出適合可行作法,本年度並協助召開4場次專案會議及辦理3場現勘,且配合相關單位現場勘查活動,透過會議協調平臺,協調各單位確認汛期前與汛期後分工、易發生揚塵區位各種防制工法及各項作業管控期程,檢討河川揚塵防制及改善推動成效。 以濁水溪為例,行政院並於107年4月20日核定「濁水溪揚塵防制及改善行動方案」,依水利、造林及防災應變三大架構,由點改面全方位執行揚塵防制措施。 各縣市環保局因應河川揚塵已建立河川揚塵防制標準作業流程及應變體系制度,因應地方河川地理特性、氣候等條件,依揚塵污染程度,研訂不同應變分級標準,並透過網際網路及通訊軟體,提高通報效率,並即時掌握各單位應變資訊,並將應變措施公布於網路與媒體,讓民眾能及時獲得相關資訊,做好預防及因應措施。 本計畫為加強河川揚塵應變,建立警示系統,於各河川揚塵預警測站PM10濃度達一定濃度時,發布緊示簡訊通知並提醒相關人員,擴大加強揚塵應變作業強度,並再次提醒民眾注意環境安全,減少外出。 本計畫並彙整各地方政府歷年績效及推動成果,地方政府101至106年已完成教育宣傳說明會共303場次,參與人數達34,195人次,並辦理61次防護演練。截至107年度6月止,已辦理15場宣導說明會,參與人數達2,501人次。101至106年度已完成環境清理總長度489,220.20公里,107年1-6月各縣市共完成環境清理45,550.977公里。 重點河川各項河川揚塵推動及改善預計工作目標及執行策略,透過環保署專案會議及地方聯繫會議,相關單位皆已達成共識,確立施作方向,汛期前及汛期中多為各項抑塵計畫規劃及發包,各河川多已完成發包,後續將視汛期後裸露地變化進行滾動式檢討,迎接東北季風及揚塵好發季節來臨之挑戰。
中文關鍵字 河川揚塵、預報及應變機制、裸露地


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FA14-03-A237 經費年度 106 計畫經費 6620 千元
專案開始日期 2017/08/24 專案結束日期 2018/08/23 專案主持人 黃超群
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 隋婉君 執行單位 新紀工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年期末報告(定稿)-OK.pdf 16MB

Control to promotion of River Fugitive Dust Management Plan

英文摘要 Due to water resource allocation, watershed management, and river development, some rivers have exhibited a sharp decline in base flow, and more exposed riverbeds are being observed downstream. The exposed surface area is constantly expanding as a result of farmers being allowed to cultivate by the riverside. The period spanning from October to April the following year coincides with the northeast monsoon and dry river period, resulting in dry sandstones, exposed river beds and fugitive dust by the rivers, as well as increased PM10 concentration that in turn affects the quality of people’s living environment. In order to effectively curb and mitigate air quality deterioration as a result of fugitive dust by the river, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has collaborated with the Water Resources Agency, Forestry Bureau, and related local governments since November 2007 to assist special municipalities and county (city) governments to implement river fugitive dust prevention and improvement projects starting from 2011. In total, fugitive dust prevention and improvement projects were conducted along 9 rivers with severe fugitive dust problems, including the Jhuoshuei River, Daan River, Dajia River, Wu River, Gaoping River, Beinan River, Hualien River, Siouguluan River and Liwu River. The projects include fugitive dust forecasts, responses, promotion, protection and environmental cleaning, and regular reviews are carried out to evaluate the performance of these preventive measures. On January 7, 2013, the EPA was tasked by the Executive Yuan to launch the “River Fugitive Dust Prevention and Improvement Program” and implement the “River Fugitive Dust Prevention and Improvement Action Plan”. Furthermore, in order to reinforce the prevention of river fugitive dust, the EPA has incorporated the “fugitive dust prevention” item into the Executive Yuan’s “Revised Clean Air Action Plan” as one of the 10 major reinforcement measures. The aim is to proactively implement river fugitive mitigation and preventive measures. On December 14, 2017, the Executive Yuan approved the draft amendment to the “Air Pollution Control Act” and proposed the “Air Pollution Control Action Plan” on December 21, 2017. In order to mitigate river fugitive dust pollution, the various departments will continue improving inter-departmental communication in order to strengthen source management and environmental cleaning. Considering the severity of the river fugitive dust, the EPA has shortlisted the Jhuoshuei River, Gaoping River, Beinan River and Liwu River as key implementation sites. The project has brought together domestic and international dust prevention techniques to propose feasible approaches based on the characteristics of various rivers in the country. This year, the EPA helped convene 4 project meetings and 3 site visits. In addition, in conjunction with site visits by related units, the EPA has coordinated with them through the conference coordination platform to confirm work allocation before and after the flood season, preventive technique implementation in fugitive dust-prone areas, and the scheduling of various operations, as well as to review the performance of river fugitive dust prevention and improvement efforts. Taking the Jhuoshuei River as an example, the Executive Yuan approved the “Jhuoshuei River Fugitive Dust Prevention and Improvement Action Plan” on April 20, 2018. Three major frameworks were implemented, including hydrology, afforestation and disaster contingencies, to execute all-encompassing fugitive dust prevention measures. In response to river fugitive dust, environmental protection departments in various municipalities have formulated a river fugitive dust prevention SOP and contingency system. Depending on the geographic characteristics of different rivers, climate and degree of river fugitive dust pollution, various response categories and standards have been devised. Furthermore, the application of Internet and communication software improves reporting efficiency and allows for real-time updates of responses taken by various units. The contingency measures are announced through the Internet and the media so that the public can receive the latest information and take the necessary preventive and response measures. In an effort to strengthen river fugitive dust responses, a warning system has been established for the program. When the level of PM10 at various river fugitive dust advanced warning stations reaches a certain concentration, an alert message is sent to related personnel, so that the intensity of fugitive dust response measures can be increased and expanded. The public will also be reminded to pay attention to environmental safety and avoid venturing outside. The program also includes archived information on performances and achievements of local municipalities from over the years. From 2012 to 2017, the local municipalities have hosted 303 education and promotion briefings that were attended by 34,195 people. In addition, 61 drills were organized. As of June 2018, 15 promotion briefings were held for 2,501 people. From 2012 to 2017, a total of 489,220.2km of the environment had been cleaned up. From January to June in 2018, various municipalities have cleaned up a total of 45,550.977 of the environment. For expected river fugitive dust improvement goals and implementation strategy at various key rivers, related units have reached a consensus through the EPA’s project meetings and local meetings concerning the direction of execution. Most of the work involved before and during the flood season consists of planning and subcontracting various fugitive dust prevention projects. Currently, projects for most rivers have been subcontracted, and rolling revision will be conducted depending on subsequent changes in the exposed land after the flood season in order to embrace the challenges associated with the northeast monsoon and the fugitive dust season.
英文關鍵字 River Fugitive Dust、early warning and contingency mechanisms、river bare land