

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作項目及執行成果,協助針對違反環保法令案件進行不法利得計算,總計完成6件,均為違反水污染防治法案件,行業別包括電鍍業2件,以及屠宰業、貨櫃集散站經營業、金屬表面處理業、造紙業各1件。 完成蒐集國內外裁處不法利得案例總計30件,包括國外案件8件及國內案件22件,國內案件依違反法令類別包括17件違反水污法案件、1件違反環評法案件、2件違反廢清法案件及2件違反空污法案件,經研析各類型案例違反法令及不法利得計算方式,並據以彙編成「不法利得計算參考指引」。 協助成立污染案件之跨領域專家學者專業諮詢顧問團,成員總計為37位,各專業領域人數為空污5位、水污7位、土污4位、廢棄物7位、毒化物5位、農漁業3位、財會3位及環工技師3位,另協調顧問團成員出席諮詢研商會議,包含廢棄物案件諮詢(106年9月15日)、財會領域諮詢(106年10月5日、6日及11日)及水污染案件諮詢(106年12月26日)共計辦理5場次,專家學者累計出席8人次,參與人次總計為93人次。 完成3種不同水污染行業別,包括印染整理業、造紙業及製革業之廢水質量關聯性參數之統計分析與建立,並參考環保署104年10月7日公告施行「違反水污染防治法義務所得利益核算及推估辦法」規定,利用EXCEL完成該3行業別之不法利得簡易試算表建置。
中文關鍵字 不法利得、簡易試算表、參考指引


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-Z101-02-104 經費年度 106 計畫經費 1700 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/18 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 張淑惠
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 張育嘉 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-106-Z101-02-104期末報告定稿(上傳).pdf 12MB 期末報告定稿

2017 Interdisciplinary professional consultation construction project of assisting investigation operating platform

英文摘要 The main aims and implementation results of this project were to assist performing illegal benefits calculation for cases violating environmental protection acts. There were total 6 illegal benefits calculation cases of violating Water Pollution Control Act and the industry categories included 2 cases of electroplating industry and one case of butchery, container terminal business, metal surface treatment industry and paper industry, respectively. There were total 30 penalty cases of illegal benefits completed collection in Taiwan and abroad, including 8 cases in foreign countries and 22 cases in Taiwan. The categories of domestic cases, according to the laws violated, included 17 cases for violating Water Pollution Control Act, one for Environmental Impact Evaluation Act, 2 for Waste Disposal Act and 2 for Air Pollution Protect Act. The cases violating various acts were studied and the the calculation of illegal benefits were analyzed so that the illegal benefits calculation reference guide were complianted. The total advisory committee members assisting the establishments of pollution cases were 37 interdisciplinary professionalists from various professional careers, including 5 experts in air pollution protection, 7 in water pollution protection, 4 in soil pollution protection, 7 in waste pollution protection, 5 in toxic chemical managements, 3 in agriculture and fisheries, 3 in finance and economic and 3 environemtal engineers. We also coordinated the advisory committee members to attend the consulation meetings. The themes of 5 meetings organized included Professinal Consultation for Wastes Cases (September 15, 2017), Professional Consultation for Finance and Economic (October 5~6 and October 11, 2017) and Professional Consultation for Water Pollution Cases (December 26, 2017). A total number of 5 meetings have been organized, 8 professionalists invited and 93 attendees participated. The correlation parameters of statitical analysis and establishment between waste water quality and 3 different water pollution industries, including the printing, dyeing and finishing mills, paper industry and leather industry, have been completed. In addition, the easy trial sheet for the illegal benefits of these three industries described above have been established with EXCEL, in accordance with requirements of the “Benefits Accounting and Estimation Regulations of Violating Water Pollution Control Acts Obligation” announced on October 7, 2015 by the Environmental Protection Agency, Excutive Yuan as reference.
英文關鍵字 illegal benefits, easy trial sheet, reference guide