
105-106年度環境保護產品規格標準 第2年(2年計畫)

中文摘要 在去年度蒐集國內外資訊上,發現各國環保標章計畫近年來新增規格標準速度有減緩之趨勢,主要著重於現有規格標準之修訂及整併,於今年的蒐集結果再次確認減緩趨勢已不可避免。我國今年除了修訂及整併規格標準以外,於新增項目轉向重視民生用品開發,期待能使環保標章更貼近一般大眾的日常生活。而於驗證及追蹤查核部分,主要以風險管理概念,隨機抽查,如發現違規,最重可處停止廠商環保標章使用權。在宣傳推廣上GEN會員四分之三以上的環保標章計畫被各國政府採購所承認,各國搶進數位化、移動化環保標章相關資訊等等,並持續透過大型採購者力量要求供應商生產符合相關綠色規範之產品,以共同提升環保標章之認知度。 本年度完成環保標章規格標準新增、修訂及廢止篩選機制。在新增環保標章規格標準部分,共完成枕頭、蓮蓬頭、保鮮盒、拖把組等4項新增產品項目以貼近一般民眾生活。檢討修正環保標章規格標準或廢止案共完成床墊、堆肥、使用回收紙之衛生用紙、變壓器、再生塑膠薄膜製品及油性塗料等6項修正產品項目;廢止產品項目包含可重複使用之購物袋、視訊媒體播放機、木製玩具、木製傢俱、黑白影印機、普通紙傳真機、充電電池、植物油油墨等8項產品標準,多因規格標準整併已含括故廢止。 在維持驗證一致性上,舉辦2場次驗證一致性討論會議,包含新增及修訂規格標準之條文解讀、申請資料要求之內容及申請過程作法等,以維持各驗證機構對規格標準條文要求之一致性。辦理2場次特定類別(資訊產品類、服務業)環保標章產品暨服務業申請說明會,包含環保標章申請說明與驗證重點,除讓業者瞭解標章之緣起、推動成果、說明驗證申請重點及取得證書後應注意之事項以協助廠商與服務業業者申請,更能於會議中交換意見,以納入後續環保標章制度檢討參考。 協助辦理檢測機構申請檢測項目認可登錄案及暫行認可登錄案已完成台灣德國萊茵技術監護顧問股份有限公司電梯能耗、台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司化學實驗室申請衛生紙分散性及台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司超微量工業安全實驗申請工商業用清潔劑六價鉻計三家次暫行認可登錄。本年度隨規格標準修訂或新增公告同步執行翻譯作業,已完成13項修正及新增8項規格標準之翻譯。 持續進行環保標章產品環境效益指標具體應用已研擬廠商申請應填具數據資料規劃,提供資訊系統設計參考。並已規劃環保標章廠商申報使用量填具單位與資料。另已依機關綠色採購、民間企業與團體綠色採購總量及環保標章用量資料量化分析環保標章產品環境效益。 本年度執行單位參與106年於瑞典-斯德哥爾摩舉辦之全球環保標章( GEN )年會,於年會中我國為唯一受邀於本次國際研討會提出報告之非北歐國家代表,且報告結果頗受肯定,成功展現我國之技術領先性。其次,我國環發會陳靖原副總經理受GEN董事會指派執行GEN之績效指標研究,並主持年會後之Workshop,其研究成果並獲大會接受,將納入後續之例行GEN年度成果調查開始實際實施,此一結果除再次展現我國之技術領先性外,對其107年競選續任GEN董事亦有正面助益。另近年來標章會員間再次興起簽訂相互承認風潮,然由於其他合作國家人員異動頻繁,導致國際相互間合作接軌困難,為延續以往之努力,未來可考慮配合此一潮流擴大相互承認對象,初期目標可考慮新南向政策之標的國家。 後續工作上,除持續關注國內外環保標章制度發展、適時處理廠商意見及舉辦相關說明會外,由於減緩新興產品項目已為不可避免之趨勢,未來建議回歸透過廠商、公會、其他相關業者或服務機關之提案以作為新增規格標準開放之參考。目前環保標章省水設備相關標準均要求為符合省水標章規範,然省水標章於去(105)年經立法院通過未來馬桶、洗衣機…等11項用水設備如未取得省水標章不得販售,將省水標章列為基本要求。由於省水標章又分為金級與普級產品,為凸顯環保標章較同級產品之優勢,建議後續省水設備標準可逐步向符合金級方向靠攏。於執行過程中發現公會與業者相關意見,如因國際環保相關規範修正,由橡膠公會提出之輪胎標準修正;因服務業條文過於複雜導致業者申請卻步,旅館業標準的檢討等亦建議於未來納入優先檢討修正選項。於環保標章相關計畫追蹤查核發現原生碳粉匣產品之塑膠件常有重金屬不符合事項要求,查其原因在於部分重金屬豁免條文於部分規格標準尚未納入,未來可納入檢討修正範圍。 今年作業要點的修訂方向開始將重心放於產品獲證後的管理制度,未來建議可邀請獲證之環保標章廠商召開說明會,以加強業者申請取得環保標章後之管理觀念與正確環保標章使用方式,同時宣導企業正確環境宣告方式與產品持續符合之管理作法,以維持環保標章之公正性與符合性。 於國際合作方面,建議未來仍應重新投入經費,落實以往簽訂之相互承認協議,並設法擴大國際合作之對象與範圍,此舉除確保我國環保標章之國際領先地位外,亦可協助我國綠色產品業者爭取國際綠色貿易商機。可以配合南向政策,技術援助東南亞區域之新標章組織,並協助其成為正式GEN會員,維持我國於此一領域之長久影響力,並提高在GEN會員中之盟友數量。可考慮提供更主動之援助,如主動派員參與GENICES評鑑,甚至贊助部分GEN活動如辦理董事會與年會,持續參與GEN並發揮影響力。
中文關鍵字 環保標章、規格標準、國際合作


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-K102-02-D026 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3120 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/03 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 林建宏
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 林高慶 執行單位 財團法人環境與發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106規格標準-期末(定稿)-EPA-106-K102-02-D026-N.pdf 19MB

105-106 Study on the Development and Revision of Green Mark Product Criteria.

英文摘要 One of the project’s tasks involves the continuing collection of information regarding the implementation of domestic and foreign ecolabeling programs. After last year’s information gathering exercise, it was observed that many ecolabeling programs have slowed down in introducing new product criteria, and instead focused more on revising and integrating existing product criteria and standards. Analysis of this year’s gathered information, again confirmed this trend in decreasing new product criteria development. For this year’ Green Mark program implementation, in addition to revising and integrating existing product criteria, the introduction of new product criteria has focused on new products related to daily living, so that the impact of Green Mark ecolabeling can be felt in consumer’s daily lives. In performing follow-up surveillance activities related to certified Green Mark products, the emphasis has been on the risk management concept and random sampling. If non-compliances are observed during the surveillance activities, the most severe penalties are usually the termination of license holder’s right to use ecolabel on non-conforming products. Regarding the global promotion of ecolabeling programs, the results of a survey conducted by the Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN) showed that over three quarters of the ecolabeling programs operated by GEN members are recognized by their respective governments’ purchasing programs, the governments are actively promoting digitized and mobile-platform based ecolabeling information, major purchasers are utilizing their tremendous purchasing power to pressure suppliers in manufacturing or supplying products conforming to green requirements, and that those efforts in turn improve the consumers’ awareness of global ecolabeling programs. During this year’s project, multiple Green Mark product criteria have been developed, revised or repealed. With regard to the development of new Green Mark product criteria, 4 new categories of product criteria have been developed, including daily use products such as pillows, shower heads and mops. In addition, 6 existing product criteria have been revised, including mattresses, sanitation paper with recycled content, compost, transformers, and plastic films with recycled content; and 8 product criteria were repealed, including multiple use shopping bags, video media players, wooden toys, wooden furniture, monochrome copy machines, plain paper fax machines, rechargeable batteries, and plant-based inks. These criteria were terminated mostly due to their covered products’ integration into other product categories. In order to maintain the consistency of certifications among different certification organizations, 2 information seminars have been held. During the seminars, topics on interpretations of new and revised criteria, requirements on contents of application materials, and processing of applications were discussed, so as to maintain the consistency among certification organizations regarding interpretations of criteria and application processing. Two specific (targeting information technology products and service sectors) information seminars were also held to provide information related to application process and focus of certification audits. These seminars are helpful for potential applicants in understanding the development of Green Mark, results of program implementation, focus points of application and certification process, and actions after obtaining certification, so that they can be better prepared and willing to submit applications. The participants of the seminars are also encouraged to voice their comments and concerns, which can serve as important inputs for the Green Mark review process. Regarding provision of assistance to testing organizations or laboratories in applying for official or provisional registration of certified tests for designated test items, the following test items have received provisional registration status: energy consumption of elevators (TÜV Rheinland- Taiwan), dispersion of sanitation paper (SGS-Taiwan), and content of hexavalent chromium in industrial cleaners. During the year, all newly developed or revised criteria have been translated into English versions at the time they are published, so that both Mandarin and English versions of the criteria are available to the users. This translation effort has covered 10 revised criteria and 7 new criteria this year. Regarding practical applications of environmental benefit indicators for Green Mark products, planning has been conducted on the mandatory data required to be submitted during application to use the Green Mark logo, and the Green Mark information system developer has been aware of the proposed entries of required data. Also under planning are the data unit and format to be used while licensees report their information on Green Mark usage. In addition, quantified analysis of environmental benefits for Green Mark products has been conducted using data sets for green purchasing of government agencies, private sector entities and organization, and reported number of Green Mark logo usage. This year, the Green Mark implementation organization, EDF, attended the 2017 GEN Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in Stockholm, Sweden. EDF was also the only non-Nordic ecolabeling organization invited to present at the accompanying international conference. The EDF presentation was positively viewed and deemed able to demonstrate EDF’s technical leadership in ecolabeling. Mr. Chin-Yuan Chen, Vice President of EDF, previously assigned by the GEN Board of Directors to implement the project on the study of GEN’s performance indicators, was also asked to chair a post-AGM workshop on this topic. Results from this study have been well accepted at the AGM, and the resulting data requests are to be incorporated into the annual GEN member survey. EDF’s successful implementation of this project is deemed capable of demonstrating its technical leadership in this research area, and be constructive for EDF’s effort in seeking a successful reelection of the GEN Director position in 2018. In recent years, entering into mutual recognition agreements (MRAs) has reemerged as a new trend among GEN members. However, due to the high turnover of personnel involved in these agreements, pursuits of continuing cooperation among these members have been difficult. In order to make full use of past experiences in entering MRAs, it may be beneficial for EDF to expand the scope of organizations involved in MRAs, with the initial focus on organizations located in the countries selected in Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy. Regarding the project’s future work, besides paying attention to the development and status of domestic and foreign ecolabeling programs, responding to views and comments expressed by Green Mark licensees and applicants, and organizing relevant informational seminars, it is recommended that future work of the Green Mark Program should recognize the international trend in decreasing introduction of new product criteria, and decide on the need to introduce new product criteria after considering the proposals on new product criteria submitted by manufacturers, trade/industry associations, interested parties, relevant organizations and government agencies. At present, Green Mark product criteria on water saving equipment contain a requirement that certified products meet the requirements of the Water-saving Label. However, in 2016, the Legislative Yuan passed a regulation that forbids the future sale of 11 water saving equipment (including toilets and washing machines, etc.) without the Water-saving Label certification. As there are two levels (Gold-level and General-level) of Water-saving Label certified products, it is recommended that Green Mark product criteria be revised to meet the Gold-level criteria of Water-saving Label in order to demonstrate Green Mark product’s superiority. During the Green Mark program implementation, comments and opinions of manufacturers and trade associations were routinely considered. For example, due to the revisions in international requirements, the Green Mark tire criteria have incorporated inputs from the Rubber Manufacturers’ Association; applicants were often deterred by the complexity of Green Mark criteria for service sectors, therefore, the revision of criteria for Green Mark-certified hotels should be considered as a priority; during the follow-up surveillance activities, non-conformances related to heavy metal content of plastic parts used in original toner cartridges are common, and part of the reason being that exemption of heavy metal content has not been incorporated into the current criteria, and this issue should be addressed in future revisions. This year’s revision of Guidelines for Green Mark Implementation focused on management of post-certification products. It is recommended that informational seminars be offered to all Green Mark licensees which will enable them to be aware of proper management practices for management of Green Mark certified products and usage of Green Mark logo. These seminars can also be used to inform licensees and interested parties of the proper means to conduct product environmental declaration and continuing conformance to relevant requirements, so that the integrity and conformity of the Green Mark certified products can be maintained. Regarding future international cooperation activities, it is recommended that continuing funding be provided to support activities in this area, implement existing mutual recognition agreements with other ecolabeling programs, and expand organizations and scope involved in future cooperation projects. Doing so will allow Taiwan’s Green Mark Program to maintain its internationally leading status, and allow Taiwan’s green product manufacturers to expand international green business opportunities. Furthermore, in line with Taiwan’s Southbound Policy, pursuing these activities will allow Taiwan to provide technical assistance to emerging ecolabeling programs in the Southeast Asia region, assist them in becoming members of the GEN, maintain our influence in GEN, and increase the number of our allies among GEN members. In this aspect, it is recommended that proactive assistance be provided, such as actively participate in the GENICES assessment process, or provide funding to GEN activities, including sponsoring and organizing GEN Board meetings and Annual General Meetings, and continuing our participation and influence within the GEN sphere.
英文關鍵字 Green Mark、Criteria、International Cooperation