

中文摘要 為能確保長期監測數據的準確性與可靠度,今年計畫乃針對低頻非游離輻射長期監測設備進行量測技術的研究,並研析國內非游離輻射來源特性及現況,同時規劃研提適用我國之低頻非游離輻射長期監測規範草案與校驗方法,以及協助環保署完成辦理3場次「電磁波民眾教育宣導會」及1場次「縣市環保局非游離輻射檢測實習說明會」,並維護更新全國非游離輻射地理資訊系統及非游離輻射資料庫,以利民眾查詢。維護更新全國非游離輻射地理資訊系統及非游離輻射資料庫方面,完成本年度非游離輻射地理資訊系統與非游離輻射資料庫維護作業,亦對系統異常進行排除作業,使系統功能皆可正常操作。協助各部會機關量測人員申報與上傳量測資料,提供諮詢服務、排除疑難及檢核資料,量測資料由量測人員執行資料建置、上傳及檢核後更正作業,提供民眾以條件或地圖查詢。檢測資料亦定期上傳至環境資源資料開放平台(OpenData.epa)提供使用,並完成彙整相關量測位置資料提供資訊平臺使用。
中文關鍵字 非游離輻射、電磁場、極低頻


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-U1F1-02-A205 經費年度 106 計畫經費 1860 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/10 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 蕭振龍
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林怡君 執行單位 千一科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-106-U1F1-02-A205_OPEN.pdf 8MB

Research on the measurement of low-frequency non-ionizing radiation and the calibration of monitoring equipment

英文摘要 In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of long-term monitoring data, this plan conducts researches on the calibration techniques for the monitoring equipment and on the analysis of the electromagnetic field radiated by the power facilities in Taiwan. At the same time, we assist Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) in conducting the "non-ionizing radiation information education and promotion conference" and the Non-ionizing Radiation Testing and Internship Seminar of the County Environmental Protection Bureau(EPB), as well as updating the information of National Non-ionizing Radiation Geography Information System(GIS) and non-ionizing radiation database to facilitate public inquiries. Non-Ionizing Radiation GIS and Non-Ionizing Radiation database maintenance included Non-Ionizing Radiation GIS and Non-Ionizing Radiation database routine maintained. With this work, all systems could be used without exceptions. Furthermore, consulting services to assist measurement personnel in uploading measurement data was provided. Those data which were entered into Non-Ionizing Radiation database had been inspected and corrected. And those data would be provided to OpenData.epa for information platform using.
英文關鍵字 Non-Ionizing Radiation, Electromagnetic Field, Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)