

中文摘要 本計畫為瞭解現行國際間航空噪音模式相關法規及管理做法,檢視我國相關航空噪音模式及管制法規,希望透過執行本計畫研提我國相關法令改善之建議內容;另國內各機場航空噪音監測站及監控(測)中心缺失有待改進之處甚多,希望透過執行本計畫協助機場所在地縣市環保局完成航空噪音監測站及監控(測)中心查核。本計畫辦理航空噪音監測資料判讀工具說明會議,及陳情案件改善方法與相關法令修正說明會議,以提升航空噪音監測品質,俾使有效、準確進行軍用、民用及軍民合用等機場航空噪音監測資料查驗等工作,強化提升機場周圍航空噪音監測品質,降低航空噪音陳情數量。今年度航空噪音管制計畫工作成果包括: 一、完成彙整國際上現行航空噪音模式相關法規及管理做法,並研提我國法令改善建議 (一)本工作團隊完成彙整美國、德國、西班牙、法國及英國等5個國家之機場航空噪音模式,如美國INM、NOISEMAP、NEF、AEDT、ACNIM、HNMH模式;德國CadnaA FLG、SOUNDPLAN、IMMI模式;西班牙Canarina CUSTIC模式;法國01dB-Stell公司的MITHRA模式及英國ANCON等12種模式。 (二)完成蒐集英國、美國、加拿大、日本等4國之機場周圍單一航空噪音最大音量管制做法,其中包括英國倫敦Heathrow、Gatwick和Stansted機場、美國Santa Monica、Bob Hope、John Wayne機場、加拿大Edmonton City Centre機場、日本Osaka International等8座機場,可做為我國未來對機場周圍航空噪音管制做法之參考。 (三)完成檢視國際民航組織之航空器噪音驗證標準至第7版,可做為我國未來修訂民用航空器噪音管制標準修正之參考。 二、完成蒐集並分析我國機場周圍地區航空噪音陳情案件並提出改善建議 (一)本工作團隊完成蒐集12個縣市17座機場周圍地區近3年航空噪音陳情案件及分析各類型陳情案件內容樣態,可供各環保局交流及處理之參考。 (二)完成協助蒐集歐洲(英國、荷蘭、法國)、亞洲(香港、新加坡與澳洲)與北美(美國、加拿大)共9個國家之航空噪音防制及補助措施相關規範與做法(包括由發生源、土地使用規劃與管理、降低噪音之飛機操作程序、營運限制以及噪音費)管理機場噪音問題。 (三)完成國內機場周圍地區各類型航空噪音陳情案件樣態分析,提出有效改善建議,供地方環保局及機場管理單位參考,以降低陳情案件。 三、完成協助機場所在地縣市環保局完成航空噪音監測站及監控(測)中心查核,提升航空噪音監測品質 (一)本工作團隊於民國106年8月7日完成空軍四五五聯隊(嘉義水上機場)及民國106年9月22日完成陸軍飛行訓練指揮部(台南歸仁基地)航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核作業,以提升航空噪音監測品質。 (二)完成檢討並修正「執行航空噪音監測站、監控中心查核及機場周圍地區航空噪音監測報告書審查指引」,提供各機場所在之縣市環保局使用。 (三)完成彙整更新全國17座機場201座固定式航空噪音監測站相關資料,建立各機場航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核標準程序。 四、完成辦理航空噪音監測資料判讀工具說明會議,及陳情案件改善方法與相關法令修正說明會議,以提升航空噪音監測品質 (一)民國106年7月10日於臺北車站5樓第2會議室完成辦理機場管理單位及機場所在地縣市環保局之航空噪音監測資料判讀工具說明會,以簡化查核判讀時間人力,減少查核判讀人為誤判,避免人為更改航空噪音監測資料。 (二)民國106年11月15日法鼓德貴學苑完成辦理航空噪音陳情案件改善方法及相關航空噪音法令建議修正內容之說明會議,會中提出陳情案件改善方法以降低陳情案件數量及提出相關航空噪音法令修正建議。
中文關鍵字 航空噪音


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-F104-02-A233 經費年度 106 計畫經費 1060 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/25 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 劉嘉俊
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 丁培修 執行單位 環境永續工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年航空噪音管制計畫期末報告.pdf 4MB 106年航空噪音管制計畫期末報告.pdf

Aviation Noise Control Project

英文摘要 This project aims to understand the related laws and regulations, as well as the management practices, of aviation noise models currently implemented internationally and review the related aviation noise models and control regulations adopted in our country in the hope of proposing recommendations for the improvement of the related laws and regulations implemented in our country through the implementation of this project. In addition, since there are still quite a lot defects that need to be improved with regard to the operation of aviation noise monitoring stations and centers of various airports in our country, it is hoped that the implementation of this project would assist the Environment Protection Bureau (EPB) of the counties (or cities) where an airport is located in completing the checkup of aviation noise monitoring stations and centers. With the implementation of this project, explanation meetings on auxiliary tools for aviation noise monitoring data interpretation, as well as the improving measures for public petitions and revision of related laws and regulations, have been held with an aim to improve the quality of aviation noise monitoring so as to facilitate the checkup of aviation noise monitoring data at various military, civilian and military-civilian airports in a more effective and accurate way, strengthen the quality of aviation noise monitoring in the vicinity of airports, and reduce the number of petitions against aviation noise. The achievements of this project on aviation noise control include: 1.Completed collecting and organizing current regulations and administration practices relating to aircraft noise models internationally and proposed recommendations for regulations improvement in our country. 1)The project team completed collecting and organizing 12 aircraft noise models at airports in five countries – the US, Germany, Spain, France, and the UK, such as INM, NOISEMAP, NEF, AEDT, ACNIM, and HNMH in the US, CadnaA FLG, SOUNDPLAN, IMMI in Germany, Canarina CUSTIC in Spain, MITHRA in France (01dB-Stell), and ANCON in the UK. 2)Completed collecting the control practices for maximum volume of single aircraft noise in the vicinity of 8 airports in four countries – the UK, the US, Canada, and Japan, such as Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted in the UK, Santa Monica, Bob Hope, John Wayne in the US, Edmonton City Centre in Canada, and Osaka International in Japan. These practices might serve as a reference for future establishment of aircraft noise control practices in the vicinity of airports in our country. 3)Completed examining the Aircraft Noise Certification Standards (7th edition) promulgated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), of which the findings might serve as a reference for future revision of the Aircraft Noise Control Standards of our country. 2.Completed collecting and analyzing the petition cases on aircraft noise in the vicinity of airports in our country and proposed recommendations for improvement. 1)The project team collected petition cases against aircraft noise in the vicinity of 17 airports in 12 counties (or cities) during the past 3 years and analyzed the content and modality of those petitions, of which the findings might serve as a reference for the Environmental Protection Bureau of various counties or cities to exchange views and deal with various petition cases. 2)Completed assisting in collecting the related regulations and practices on aircraft noise control and subsidy measures to deal with airport noise problems in 9 countries, covering Europe (the UK, Netherlands, and France), Asia (Hong Kong, Singapore, and Australia), and North America (the US and Canada), including noise-producing sources, land use planning and administration, aircraft operation procedures (for noise attenuation), operating limitations, and noise charges. 3)Completed analyzing the content and modality of petition cases against aircraft noises in the vicinity of airports in our country and proposed recommendations for effective improvement to serve as a reference for local Environmental Protection Bureau and airport administration units in their efforts to reduce the number of petition cases. 3.Completed assisting the Environmental Protection Bureau of counties (or cities) where an airport is located in checking of aircraft noise monitoring stations and centers in order to improve the quality of aircraft noise monitoring. 1)Our project team completed checking of aircraft noise monitoring stations and centers at Air Force 455th TFW (Chiayi Shueishang Airport) on August 7, 2017 and at Army Flying Training Command (Tainan Guiren Army Base) on September 22, 2017 respectively to enhance the quality of aircraft noise monitoring. 2)Completed review and revision of the “Review Guidance for Report on Checkup of Aviation Noise Monitoring Stations and Centers and Aviation Noise Monitoring in the Vicinity of Airports”, which will be available for use by the Environment Protection Bureau of the counties (or cities) where an airport is located. 3)Completed compiling and updating data concerning 201 fixed aircraft noise monitoring stations at 17 airports nationwide and establishing SOPs for checkup of aircraft noise monitoring stations and centers of various airports. 4.Completed explanation meetings on auxiliary tools for aircraft noise monitoring data interpretation and improvement of petition handling and revision of related regulations to enhance the quality of aircraft noise monitoring. 1)Held an explanation meeting on auxiliary tools for aircraft noise monitoring data interpretation at the 2nd meeting room (on the 5th floor) of Taipei Railway Station on July 10, 2017 to simplify the process of checkup and interpretation, so as to reduce operating time and manpower, as well as prevent human misinterpretation or alteration of checkup and aircraft noise monitoring data. The meeting was attended by representatives from airport administration units and the Environmental Protection Bureau of counties (or cities) where an airport is located. 2)Held and explanation meeting on the improvement of petition handling and revision of related regulations on aircraft noise control at Dharma Drum Degui Academy on November 15, 2017, during which improvement methods of petition handling (to reduce the number of petition cases) and recommendations for revision of related regulations on aircraft noise control were proposed.
英文關鍵字 aviation noise