

中文摘要 本計畫協助環保署延續103年至105年臺美生態學校夥伴計畫相關推動內容,持續輔導與協助我國生態學校申請認證與姊妹校締結相關事宜,並維繫臺美姊妹締結校數量85所。 認證輔導方面,本計畫維運北、中、南與東4區環境教育輔導團隊,在地化陪伴生態學校,同時協助環保署推廣生態學校理念,鼓勵更多學校加入生態學校並參與認證。 國際交流部分,今年度雖暫緩雙邊互訪活動,但本計畫亦持續協助維繫與美方締結姊妹相關事宜,維繫臺美姊妹締結校數量85所,並同時持續維運與更新專屬的「臺美生態學校夥伴資訊平臺」中英文版網頁,以利我國生態學校可於該網頁辦理認證申請、成果上傳、新聞發布等各項相關事項。 最後,為配合我國環保署協同美方促進環太平洋夥伴國家的環境教育合作,本計畫亦協助環保署持續推動全球環境教育夥伴計畫,除分享各國於環境教育上之成果與經驗外,亦逐步將我國環境教育相關成果拓展到國際。
中文關鍵字 生態學校;臺美姐妹學校;全球環境教育夥伴計畫


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-EA13-03-A190 經費年度 106 計畫經費 7654 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/10 專案結束日期 2018/01/31 專案主持人 鄭光倫
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 張文芬 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 期末報告(定稿)合併檔.pdf 74MB

2017 Promoting “Agreement between the US and Taiwan for Technical Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection” Environmental Education Program

英文摘要 This project assisted Taiwan EPA to follow up the work that had been done during the past three years (year of 2014, 2015 and 2016), and kept guiding and assisting all the registered eco-campuses in Taiwan to apply for the certificate and helped schools, which had paired American counterparts, to communicate with their sister schools if necessary. In addition, 4 Environmental Education and Counseling Groups continue to help schools located in the northern, central, southern and eastern regions of Taiwan locally, the main focus is to promote the core values of eco-campus, as well as encourage more schools who deem the values to be important to also join the eco-campus certification. This year, the educators exchange was temporarily put on hold, however, the 85-paired schools continue to exchange news and updates with each other. The Eco-Campus website in both Chinese and English language, is also being updated periodically, for everyone to read the latest affairs. The website is also a platform for certification application, achievements upload, news releases and relevant matters. Last but not least, in order to assist Taiwan EPA to cooperate with the US EPA to facilitate the Environmental Education Cooperation Program for the Partner Nations around the Pacific Rim, this project also worked on promoting the Global Environmental Education Partnership Program (GEEP), as well as connecting Taiwan to the world.
英文關鍵字 Eco-Campus;US-Taiwan Sister Schools;Global Environmental Education Partnership