

中文摘要 本計畫完成之工作:(1)41家次戴奧辛排放源工廠運作法規符合度現場查核及建檔;(2)113件次戴奧辛排放源申報資料、檢測報告審查與建檔及31家次工廠稽查、定期、改善、操作許可申請等檢測現場監督;(3)20根次排放管道戴奧辛稽查檢測;(4)5根次重點行業管道重金屬排放特性檢測;(5)7根次重點行業管道PM2.5排放特性檢測;(6)2季戴奧辛污染源密集地區及環保署測站桃園農工共3處環境空氣戴奧辛濃度監測;(7)蘆竹區海湖坑口工業區異味污染源查證及空氣污染物種資料建立;(8)環保署空品測站-觀音環境空氣PM2.5監測與數據解析;(9)中油桃煉廠P030煙氣中SO3與鹽類排放特性調查、中油桃煉廠M27製程重油樣品釩濃度、寶馨實業、義愷、等污染源製程用原物料之成分,協助確認空污費繳交金額、環境大氣HAP濃度監測等支援環境污染案件調查與檢測共29件樣品;(11)辦理一場次法規說明會;(12)熱感應高解析空拍機購置與操作人員教育訓練。 本計畫審查113件次桃園市境內列管之戴奧辛排放源所申報之檢測報告書、檢測計畫書及其他相關資料,執行31家次列管戴奧辛排放源之檢測現場監督工作,本計畫人員於採樣過程中監督及查核工廠進料量與污防設備操作必須符合法規及操證的規範。 現場查核共計清查41家次戴奧辛排放源,清查工作針對列管廠家之戴奧辛排放源的進料量、焚化設備操作、污染防制設備運轉狀況、採樣設施條件等現場各項操作參數以科學儀器進行查驗,本年度以燃燒氣體分析儀針對戴奧辛排放源排氣中CO進行現場查核,查核到多家焚燒固體廢棄物之焚化爐CO小時動平均值有大於中小型廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛管制及排放標準中CO小時動平均值規範100 ppm與廢棄物焚化爐空氣污染物排放標準120 ppm的情形;以廢棄物為燃料之鍋爐也有CO監測濃度較高之問題,尤其是有混燒污泥之鍋爐。 執行20根次列管戴奧辛排放源稽查檢測工作,不符合排放標準者共1家次,為日環科技(小型醫療廢棄物焚化爐),於稽查過程確認台灣永光第三廠、銅鼎、堡富興於污染源及防制設備經改善後,戴奧辛有明顯減量效益;針對以新料與刨除料作為瀝青拌合原料之路盛與大正瀝青進行稽查,確認使用不同物料之戴奧辛排放量;發現正隆大園廠OPAC監測值大於4 %,濾袋即有破損,戴奧辛有超標之疑慮;欣榮公司於起爐後之一禮拜焚化爐操作狀況易有異常,戴奧辛有超標之疑慮;現場以燃燒氣體量測日環CO小時平均濃度,CO實測濃度為10.0 ~ 76360 ppm,平均為2757 ppm,在現場去了解操作狀況,得知該廠所收之醫療廢棄物中,有一類屬注射針頭之廢棄物熱值過高(7000kcal/kg以上),於投料進焚化爐內即會劇烈燃燒,氧氣需求量較大,以致該期間就會有燃燒不完全之情形發生。 桃園市106年戴奧辛排放量推估,列管污染源戴奧辛總排放量為3.608 g-TEQ/year,約占環保署推估之105年度全國戴奧辛年排放量(52.1 g-TEQ/year)之1/14。 完成兩季環境空氣戴奧辛檢測,採樣點為水美工程辦公大樓、觀音區樹林國小、桃園農工監測站,106年8月3處採樣點之平均濃度0.030 pg TEQ/Nm3,範圍介於0.020 ~ 0.040 pg TEQ/Nm3;107年2月3處採樣點之平均濃度0.097 pg TEQ/Nm3,範圍介於0.018 ~ 0.218 pg TEQ/Nm3,3處採樣點之監測值均低於日本周界空氣戴奧辛環境品質基準年平均值0.6 pg-TEQ/Nm3。 本計畫至今已針對燃氣鍋爐、焚化爐、燃油鍋爐、燃煤鍋爐、印染整理業定型機等五種類型污染源進行PM2.5排放特性調查,其中燃油鍋爐又細分針對油品種類、有無防制設備進行調查,以FPM2.5與CPM2.5排放結果來看,燃氣鍋爐之排放濃度較低且較穩定,大部分樣品之排放濃度是以FPM為主;燃油鍋爐PM2.5排放調查工作,目前FPM之濃度為未有防制設備之重油鍋爐=有防制設備之重油鍋爐>柴油鍋爐,CPM之濃度為未有防制設備之重油鍋爐>有防制設備之重油鍋爐>柴油鍋爐,裝有防制設備之燃油鍋爐對於PM2.5仍有一定之去除能力。 本計畫於觀音空品測站以PQ200及哈佛採樣器手動採樣分析與在線式氣體與氣膠成分監測儀監測大氣中的PM2.5成分,由分析數據可知PM2.5與Cl-、NO3-、NH4+、SO42-之關聯性較高。將關聯性高之物種進行污染來源判定,可發現NO3-、HNO2-來自於西南方,由測站與鄰近污染源相對位置資料可知來源應為大潭火力發電廠;Cl-、SO42-、NH4+、NH3來自於西北西方,該方位為桃環科園區,目前該園區內有多座焚化爐,其中有三座裝有SNCR,SNCR常因混合不均勻,造成注入的NH3過量,形成氨逃逸現象,故此於觀音站測得NH4+、NH3,而Cl-與SO42-也是焚化爐所會排放之污染物。 本計畫於海湖國小執行異味污染源查證測得較高濃度之氯乙烯(VCM),該物種由海湖國小東北方飄過來,經至固定污染源管理系統比對資料與前年度計畫查核結果,確認為大洋塑膠工業股份有限公司桃園廠M01製程-聚氯乙烯塑膠製造程序逸散所致,於107.04.27台灣曼寧針對該廠進行設備元件稽查,發現仍有污水管道未加蓋,濃度高達2000 ppm,另與該廠專責人員確認於氯乙烯高值出現期間是有進行PVC聚合槽開槽作業,以致下風處周界濃度上升;丙酮、二氯甲烷、環己烷、甲醇由海湖國小東南東方飄過來,經至固定污染源管理系統比對應為由台耀化學股份有限公司蘆竹廠與蘆竹二廠-其他西藥製造程序所貢獻。 本計畫於協助進行廢氣排放分析調查中油桃煉廠觸媒裂解程序(M27)管道P030白煙有拖尾不易消散之問題,P030煙氣經檢測含有高濃度硫酸鹽達20.1 mg/m3,其次為硝酸鹽0.684 mg/m3,氯鹽0.611 mg/m3,年排放量達45.0公噸,對照文獻資料鹽類形成之細微粒應是造成白煙拖尾及不透光率偏高的原因;文獻資料顯示煙氣中H2SO4及細微粒會對不透光率有明顯的影響,若煙氣中含有16 ppm H2SO4與5 mg/m3直徑小於1微米之細微粒即會導致不透光率大於35%。
中文關鍵字 環境監測、戴奧辛、細懸浮微粒、揮發性有機物、排放係數


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 12720 千元
專案開始日期 2017/04/26 專案結束日期 2018/04/25 專案主持人 杜敬民
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 汪正倫 執行單位 工業技術研究院綠能與環境研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 計畫成果報告摘要(詳細版).pdf 0MB

This project is management and assistance of dioxin and fine particle matter emission and supported the investigation of environmental pollution cases(2017)

英文摘要 Work plan to be completed: (1) On-site inspection and documentation of the operational compliance of 41 Dioxin emission source factories; (2) On-site supervision of 113 Dioxin emission source declaration materials, inspection report review and documentation, and 31 factory inspections, regular check, improvement, operation permit application, etc.; (3) Dioxin inspection of 20 discharge pipelines; (4) detection of heavy metal emission characteristics of 5 key industrial pipelines; (5) PM2.5 emission characteristics detection of 7 key industrial pipelines; (6) 3 places of environmental air dioxins concentration monitoring in 2-season Dioxin pollution-concentrated areas and Taoyuan Agricultural Monitoring Station of Environmental Protection Agency; (7) Verification of odor pollution sources and establishment of air pollutant data in Haihu Kengkou Industrial Zone of Luzhu District (8) EPA Air Quality Monitoring Station - Guanyin ambient air pm2.5 monitoring and data analysis; (9) Survey of SO3 and salt emission characteristics in P030 Flue Gas of CPC Taoyuan Oil Refinery, M27 processing heavy oil sample’s vanadium concentration of CPC Taoyuan Oil Refinery, Boamax Industrial, E-Kay, and other components of the raw materials used in the pollution source processing, to assist in confirming the amount of air pollution payment, monitoring of environmental atmospheric HAP concentration, and support the investigation and test of totally 29 samples of environmental pollution cases; (11) To hold a briefing session; (12) Thermal induction high-resolution camera drone purchasing and operator training. The plan examines the test reports, test plans and other relevant data of 113 Dioxin emission sources in Taoyuan City, and performs the on-site test supervision of 31 Dioxin emission sources. The plan personnel monitor and check the factory feed volume and the pollution prevention equipment operation in the sampling process, which comply with the regulations and the specifications. On-site inspections totally check 41 Dioxin emission sources. The inspection work aims at the on-site operating parameters such as the amount of Dionix emission sources, the operation of incineration equipment, the operation status of pollution control equipment, and the sampling facility conditions by the scientific instruments. In the inspection of this year, the combustion gas analyzer is used to conduct the on-site inspection of CO in the exhaust gas of Dioxin emission source. It finds that CO hourly average of several solid waste incinerators is 100 ppm higher than CO hourly average specification of the small and medium-sized waste incinerator in Dioxin control and emission standards, and 120 ppm of the waste incinerator air pollutant emission standard; the waste-fueled boiler also has the problem of high CO monitoring concentration, especially for boilers with mixed sludge. In the inspection execution of 20 tubes of Dioxin emission source, there is one not conforming to the standards, RIHUAN Technology (small medical waste incinerator), and confirms Dioxin has significantly reduced after the pollution sources and control equipment have been improved in Taiwan Everlight Chemical Third Factory, TUNG-DING, and BAOFU XINGYE; audits Lusheng and Dazheng Asphalt adopting new materials and milled materials as the asphalt mixing materials, and confirms the Dioxin emissions from different materials; finds OPAC monitoring value of Cheng Loong Dayuan Mill is greater than 4%, and the filter bag is damaged, so Dioxin may be over the standard; Xinrong Company is prone to abnormal operation after one week of incineration, and Dioxin may be over the standard; the combustion gas amount is adopted to measure the average hourly concentration of CO in RIHUAN, and the measured concentration of CO is 10.0 ~ 76,360 ppm, with an average of 2,757 ppm. On-site understanding of the operation status finds that one of the medical wastes collected by the factory is the waste injection needles, whose heat value is too high (7,000 kcal/kg or more), which will be burned violently and immediately in the incinerator, and the oxygen demand will be large, so that there will be incomplete combustion. For 2017 Dioxin emission estimate in Taoyuan City, the total emission of the pollution source Dioxin is 3.608 g-TEQ/year, which is about 1/14 of the 2017 national discharge of Dioxin (52.1 g-TEQ/year) estimated by Environmental Protection Agency. The two seasons of ambient air dioxin testing has been completed. The sampling points are Shuimei Engineering Office Building, Guanyin District Shuoshi Primary School, and Taoyuan Agricultural Monitoring Station. The average concentration of 3 sampling points in August of 2017 was 0.030 pg-TEQ/Nm3, ranging from 0.020 to 0.040. pg-TEQ/Nm3; the average concentration of 3 sampling points in February of 2018 was 0.097 pg-TEQ/Nm3, ranging between 0.018 ~ 0.218 pg-TEQ/Nm3. The monitoring values of the three sampling points are lower than the annual average 0.6 pg-TEQ/Nm3 of the ambient air quality in Japan. The plan has investigated the PM2.5 emission characteristics of five types of pollution sources, such as gas boilers, incinerators, oil-fired boilers, coal-fired boilers, and printing and dyeing finishing machines. The oil-fired boilers are subdivided for oil types and with or without control equipment; according to the results of FPM2.5 and CPM2.5 emissions, the emission concentration of gas boilers is relatively low and stable, and the emission concentration of most samples is mainly FPM; for the investigation of PM2.5 emissions of oil-fired boilers, at present, the concentration of FPM is that the heavy oil boiler without control equipment = heavy oil boiler with control equipment > diesel boiler, and the CPM concentration is that the heavy oil boiler without control equipment > heavy oil boiler with control equipment > diesel boiler, which shows the oil-fired boilers installed with control equipment have some removal capacity for PM2.5. This plan manually samples and analyzes the online gas in the atmosphere with PQ200 and Harvard sampler and the PM2.5 components by gas component monitor at Guanyin Air Quality Monitoring Station. From the analysis data, the correlation between PM2.5 and Cl-, NO3-, NH4+ and SO42- is high. Judging the pollution source of the highly correlated components, it can be found that NO3- and HNO2- are from the southwest. From the relative position data of the station and the adjacent pollution source, the source should be Tatan Power Plant; Cl-, SO42-, NH4+, and NH3 come from the northwestern west. The location is Taoyuan Environmental Science and Technology Park. At present, there are many incinerators in the park. Three of them are equipped with SNCR. SNCR usually results in excessive NH3 injection and ammonia escape caused by mixing unevenly, NH4+ and NH3 are thus measured at Guanyin Station, and Cl- and SO42- are also the pollutants emitted by the incinerator. The plan verifies the high concentration of vinyl chloride (VCM) through the implementation of odor pollution source investigation in Haihu Primary School, which drifts from the northeast of Haihu Primary School; through the comparison data to the check results of previous year in the fixed pollution source management system, it confirms that it is caused by M01 processing - polyvinyl chloride plastics manufacturing process dispersal of Taoyuan Factory of Ocean Plastics Co., Ltd. On April 27, 2018, Taiwan Manning checks the equipment component and finds that there are still sewage pipes uncovered and the concentration is as high as 2,000 ppm, and the Company's responsible personnel confirm that the high value of vinyl chloride occurs when there is PVC polymerization tank grooving operation, resulting in the increase in the perimeter concentration of the downwind area; the acetone, methylene chloride, cyclohexane, and methanol are drifted from the southeast of Haihu Elementary School; through the comparison in the fixed pollution source management system, it finds it was contributed by Formosa Laboratories Inc. Luzhu Plant and Luzhu Second Plant - other western medicine manufacturing procedures. This plan assists in the problem that the pipe P030 has a white smoke tailing and is not easy to dissipate of the catalyst refining process (M27) of CPC Taoyuan Oil Refinery in the exhaust emission analysis and investigation. P030 flue gas has a high concentration of sulfate of 20.1 mg/m3, followed by nitrate of 0.684 mg/m3, chloride salt of 0.611 mg/m3, and the annual discharge is 45.0 metric tons. According to the literature, the fine particles formed by the salt should be the cause of the white smoke tailing and high opacity; the literature data also shows H2SO4 and fine particles in the flue gas will have a significant effect on the opacity. If the flue gas contains 16 ppm H2SO4 and 5 mg/m3 fine particles less than 1 micron in diameter, the opacity will be greater than 35%.
英文關鍵字 environmental monitoring, dioxin, PM2.5, VOCs, emission factor