

中文摘要 本計畫係推動環保示範區、友善城鄉環境延續性計畫,除持續推動環保示範區、友善城鄉環境外,本年度延續去年度將病媒蚊防治與新增的環境衛生業務列為主軸,透過環境孳生源清除培訓說明會,進而到回饋村里的實務指導、協助環境衛生業務的查核作業,鼓勵民眾瞭解並親身參與,喚起民眾注意自身的環境維護清理,進而影響並擴散至周邊,達到觀念傳達、群起效尤共同提升環保意識之目的。 本計畫於活動成果上,辦理友善城鄉觀摩活動及秋季淨灘活動各1場次,兩場次共計334人參與。於登革熱防治推廣上,辦理環境孳生源清除培訓說明會6場次共計572人參與,以鄉鎮市區公所與村里、清潔隊及環保局最多共佔70%;村里社區實務指導辦理23場次,針對村里長、鄰長、志工及里民進行實務宣導,參與村里數量達67個,共計1,232人參與。另外,實務指導配合海岸業務推動及瞭解垃圾組成需求,辦理2場次海岸國際淨灘行動(ICC)廢棄物監測活動,共計91人參與。 本年度為提升環境衛生品質,成立病媒蚊及環境衛生顧問團與撰寫國外公廁清潔維護作法及管理制度研析報告;辦理海岸管理單位研商會、防蚊記者會、海岸清潔維護工作會議及病媒蚊專家學者諮詢會等共計4場次,評估檢討本年度執行以提供未來發展策略,並協助海岸及淨灘活動現場查核4場次、登革熱複式動員查核16場次及環境衛生清掃活動2場次。
中文關鍵字 友善城鄉、登革熱、海岸淨灘


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-J102-02-A131 經費年度 106 計畫經費 4800 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/07 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 尤世雄
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 郭權展 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


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期末報告 EPA106J10202A131.pdf 53MB 期末報告定稿

The 2017 Environmental Friendly Urban & Rural Areas Establishment Initiative: Keeping the Community and Environment Clean and Green

英文摘要 This progress report is the subsequent plan of establishing Model Environment Protection Districts and Environmental Friendly Urban. In addition to the continuous promotion of the two plans listed above, the main objectives this year are the continuation of those from last year, which include the control of vector-borne diseases and the newly implemented environmental hygiene business. To achieve these objectives, three measures were conducted: firstly, training seminars on eliminating mosquito breeding sources were held; secondly, practical instructing sessions were provided for local residents in the community; thirdly, assistance was provided in inspecting the implementation of environmental hygiene business. Through these measures, we hope to encourage the residents in each community to recognize and personally engage in the elimination of breeding sources. We hope that by raising people’s awareness on cleaning and maintaining their surrounding environment and further spreading the concept to the people and communities nearby, collective awareness on environmental protection can be raised which then creates further impacts. On the aspect of achievements, an observing event on Environmental Friendly Urban and a fall season coastal cleanup event were held with a total of 334 people’s participation. In promoting the prevention and control of Dengue fever, six training seminars on eliminating mosquito breeding sources were held with 572 people joining the seminars. 70% of the participants were of the township (city) offices, the cleaning squad of villages and communities, and the Environmental Protection Bureaus. 23 instructing sessions were held aiming to provide practical training for the representatives, volunteers, and residents in the village and the neighborhood. 1232 people from 67 villages and neighborhoods participated in these training sessions. In addition, to assist in the promotion of coastal business and understanding the composition of marine debris, two International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) monitoring activities on coastal debris were held with a total of 91 participants. To improve the environmental hygiene quality, a group of consultants focusing on vector-borne diseases and environmental hygiene was established. In addition, the research and analysis on the practices and management of public toilets maintenance were conducted and reports were submitted. Moreover, four conferences were held to assess and review the implementation which took place this year in order to provide strategies suggestions for future development. These include deliberations conducted by coastal area managing units, a press conference on mosquito-borne disease prevention, a conference on coastal cleanup and maintaining coastal cleanliness, and a consultation seminar conducted by mosquito experts and scholars. In addition, assistance was provided by conducting four on-site surveys on beaches and at coastal cleanup events. 16 inspections on multiple mobilizations for Dengue prevention and two environmental cleaning events were conducted.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Friendly Urban;Dengue Fever;Coastal Cleanup