

中文摘要 『106 年度花蓮縣電動機車推廣設置計畫』執行期程自決標日105 年12 月26 日起,主要工作內容包含協助機關進行補助審查作業、宣導活動辦理、多媒體行銷、實車查核、問卷調查、推廣策略等六項進行規劃執行,今年度各項工作執行如下: 一、 補助審查作業 配合花蓮縣政府推行「低碳友善環境」,持續維護花蓮的良好空氣品質,減少傳統高污染機車對空氣品質的破壞,鼓勵民眾使用低污染交通工具,提升本縣鄉親換購低污染交通工具之意願,協助環保局辦理「花蓮縣106 年電動機車花東基金加碼補助」申請案件受理、審查及撥款等業務,今年度補助名額為1,050 輛次,申請案件共235 輛次。 二、宣導活動辦理 (一)為提升於電動機車宣導效益,本計畫配合各機關於縣內各場大型活動中設置宣導攤位,展示符合經濟部工業局TES 認可之低污染運具,供民眾參考及試乘,提高民眾購買意願,今年度共辦理7 場次宣導活動及2 場次宣導說明會。 (二) 另外藉由搭配多元之推廣宣導活動,如搭配花蓮市公所「環抱幸福、健康齊步走」、「2017 客家桐花季」健走,花蓮縣環境保護局辦理106 年「秋季擴大淨灘」…等活動,本計畫人員現場發送電動機車補助及充電站相關資訊文宣,並依序與民眾進行互動問答,透過小遊戲互動,加深民眾對於電動機車的了解,進一步增加民眾購買意願及宣導效益,每場宣導活動參加人數100人以上。 (三) 購置2,500 份宣導品供宣導活動中發送民眾。 三、多媒體行銷 (一) 委託洄瀾、東亞有線電視跑馬燈播放宣導每月4 日(兩系統每月各2 日)洄瀾每日6 線每30 分鐘播出1次,每月可播出576 次,東亞每日7 線,每10 分鐘播出1 次東亞每月可播出2,016次,宣導內容為電動機車補助金額、補助方式、補助期限及客服專線等訊息,每月播出2,500 次以上,全年度將播出25,000 次以上。 (二) 製作「騎乘電動機車好處多」宣導短片,每月於洄瀾有線電視進行託播,全年度(4~11 月)短片託播30 日,每日播放8 次。 (三) 為了讓有收聽廣播習慣之民眾及開車族能透過收聽廣播,收聽到106 年度推廣新購電動機車補助方案,委託中國廣播公司及好事聯播網,共5 頻道託播,2~11 月每月216 次以上,全年度共播出2,165 次。 (四) 有鑑於許多人會透過網路蒐集所需資訊,本計畫於花蓮環保局網站連結專案「花蓮縣環境保護局電動機車推廣設置資訊網」及臉書(Facebook)粉絲團,即時更新目前電動機車補助剩餘數量、充電站及宣導活動資訊等;宣導活動時可請民眾透過臉書打卡、分享讓其親友也能知道粉絲團相關資訊提升網頁宣傳效果。 四、實車查核 為確認本縣104(租賃)及105 年申請電動機車補助,申請人是否遵守「105 年度花蓮縣新購電動機車補助注意事項及淘汰二行程機車新購電動機車推動補助辦法」內容,申請補助車輛時效內需於花蓮縣境內使用亦不得辦理過戶等規定,本計畫依104、105 年申請補助資料,查核申請人與車籍資料是否有異動情形,今年度共查核1,221 輛次,未發現違規事項。 五、問卷調查 為了解民眾使用電動機車後心得,針對104、105 年申請電動機車之民眾,本計畫設計有關使用狀況、使用心得及建議事項等相關問題問卷,於實車查核時,請受訪人員協助問卷填寫,今年度共回收300份問卷,進行統計分析。 六、電動機車充電站及電池交換站設置 為提升本縣電動機車使用便利性,全縣目前共設置116 座電動車充電站,其中58 座為投幣式充電站;另今年度輔導中華電動二輪設 置6 座電動機車電池交換站,見發先進科技有限公司於105年共設置10 座電池交換站,本縣目前合計共16 座電池交換站。 七、推廣策略 本計畫依本縣現行狀況,規劃分近期及中長期階段推動方式,說 明如下: (一)近期:示範運行階段(2016 年~2018 年) 1.擴大示範區域:透過公開評選機制,委託有意願業者辦理租賃電動機車,進行電池交換;將以後山山後故事館為中心,北至七星潭風景區、南至花東縱谷、台11 線進行試辦,未來將試辦經驗擴大到全縣,視營運狀況,逐漸擴大 試運行範圍及降低補助費用,達到使用者付費之目的。 2.持續加碼獎勵民眾高污染老舊機車換購電動機車。 3.補助民眾參與電動機車電池交換費用。 4.補助公司或社區,設置投幣式電動機車充電站。 (二)中、長期:成熟階段(2018~) 1.補助民眾參加電動機車電池交換系統,隨著營運商達到商業營運規模,則遞減補助金額,由電池交換營 運商自負盈虧。 2.持續加碼獎勵民眾高污染老舊機車換購電動機車。 3.配合機動車輛空品淨區管制(如:太魯閣風景區、鯉魚潭風景區),使用電動機車當交通工具。 4.推動公部門新購電動機車取代傳統燃油機車,當公務車使用,列入考核評比。 5.推動車輛共享系統,在本縣設置公共電動機車租賃系統,發展電動機車共享系統,使得來花蓮旅遊觀光客,能非常方便租借到電動車輛,完成低碳樂活旅遊。 八、工作達成率:95.89% 九、進度管控率:95.89 %
中文關鍵字 花蓮縣電動機車補助、花東基金、花蓮縣電動機車宣導試乘活動、花蓮縣充電站、花蓮縣電動機車電池交換站


專案計畫編號 EPB1050127 經費年度 106 計畫經費 2790 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/01 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 陳永勳
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 劉美杏 執行單位 新研綠能科技有限公司


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期末報告 106期末全.pdf 39MB 106年度花蓮縣電動機車推廣設計計畫期末成果報告

106 Hualien Electric Motor Vehicle Promotion Plan

英文摘要 The “106 Hualien Electric Motor Vehicle Promotion Project” was implemented on December 26, 2005. The main work includes assisting agencies to conduct subsidy review operations, advocacy activities, multimedia marketing, real vehicle inspection, and questionnaires. Six projects such as surveys and promotion strategies are planned and implemented. The various tasks for this year are as follows: I. Grant examination work Cooperate with the Hualien County government to implement a “low-carbon friendly environment” and continue to maintain good air quality in Hualien, reduce the damage of traditional high-pollution locomotives on air quality, encourage people to use low-pollution means of transportation, and increase the willingness of local residents to redeem low-pollution means of transport. EPA assisted the EPA in handling applications for the acceptance and review of funds and grants for the Hualien 106 Electromotor Vehicles Huadong Fund Overweight Grant. This year, the number of grants was 1,050 and the total number of applications for the case was 235. II. Propaganda activities (I) In order to promote the benefits of motor vehicles, the project will coordinate with various aircrafts in various large-scale activities in the county to set up an awareness booth to display the low-contamination transport equipment approved by the TES of the Ministry of Economic Affairs for public reference and test. By taking advantage of the increase in people’s willingness to buy, this year, they handled 7 events and 2 presentations. (b) In addition, through collocation and promotion activities, Hualien County Environmental Protection Bureau will apply for 106 years of “expanding net beach in autumn” with Hualien City Association’s “Happiness, Healthy Steps” and “2017 Hakka Tonghua Season”. ...and other activities, the planners sent motor vehicle subsidies and information related to charging stations on site, and conducted interactive Q&A with the public in order. Through interactions with small games, they deepened people's understanding of electric vehicles and further increased public purchase willingness and promotion. Benefits: More than 100 participants participated in each campaign. (c) Purchasing 2,500 publicity materials for dissemination during the campaign. Third, multimedia marketing (a) The entrusted officials and the East Asian cable TV Marquee Broadcaster announced that they broadcast on the 4th of each month (2 days per month on the 2 systems), 1 line on the 6th line every day and 576 times on the monthly basis. East Asia broadcasts 7,016 times per day on the 7th line every 10 minutes. East Asia broadcasts information on the amount of subsidies for electric motors, subsidies, subsidy terms, and customer service lines. It broadcasts more than 2,500 times per month. More than 25,000 broadcasts will be broadcast throughout the year. (b) To produce a promotional video entitled "Benefits for Riding Electric Vehicles", which will be broadcast on Yuen Cable TV every month. The annual (April to November) short film will be broadcast for 30 days and broadcast 8 times a day. (c) In order to enable people who have the habit of listening to the radio and driving families to listen to the radio, they will be able to listen to the 106-year plan to promote the new purchase of electric locomotives and entrust the China Broadcasting Corporation and the Good News Network with a total of 5 channels to broadcast, from February to November. More than 216 times per month, 2,165 broadcasts throughout the year. (d) In view of the fact that many people will collect information through the Internet, the project is scheduled to be updated on Hualien Environmental Protection Agency's website link project “Hualian County Environmental Protection Bureau Motor Vehicle Promotion and Information Network” and Facebook Fan Group. At present, the remaining number of electric locomotive subsidies, charging stations and information on promotional activities, etc.; the publicity campaign may ask people to punch and share through Facebook, so that their relatives and friends can also know the relevant information of fans to improve the effectiveness of the website. Fourth, the real car check In order to confirm the county 104 (lease) and 105 years of application for electric locomotive subsidies, whether the applicant complied with the “105 Hualien County Newly Purchased Electric Locomotive Subsidies and Phased-out Subsidies for Newly Purchased Electric Locomotives for Two-stroke Locomotives” and applied for subsidized vehicles The aging domestic demand shall not be used in Hualien County nor shall it be transferred. The plan will apply for subsidies in 104 and 105 years to check if the applicant and the vehicle registration data have changed. This year, a total of 1,221 vehicles were checked and no violations were found. . V. Questionnaire survey In order to understand the people’s experience after using the electric motor vehicle, for the people who applied for the electric car in 104 and 105 years, the project designed questionnaires on related issues such as usage status, experience and suggestions, etc., and asked the respondent to assist the questionnaire when checking the real car. Fill in, this year a total of 300 questionnaires were recovered for statistical analysis. Sixth, motor vehicle charging station and battery exchange station settings In order to improve the convenience of electric vehicles in the county, the county currently has a total of 116 electric vehicle charging stations, 58 of which are coin-operated charging stations; In the six-seat motor vehicle battery exchange station, the Advanced Technology Co., Ltd. set up a total of 10 battery exchange stations in 105 years. The county currently has a total of 16 battery exchange stations. Seventh, promotion strategy The plan is based on the prevailing situation in this county and is planned to be implemented in the near, medium and long term. As follows: (I) In the near future: demonstration operation phase (2016-2018) 1. Expand the demonstration area: through the open selection mechanism, entrust a willing business owner to apply for leased electric vehicles to exchange batteries; take the later Shanshanhou Story Museum as the center, go north to Qixingtan Scenic Area, and go south to the East Rift Valley, Taiwan 11 line. Conduct trials and expand the trial experience to the whole county in the future, and gradually expand the company's operating conditions. The scope of trial operation and the reduction of subsidy fees are for the purpose of user payment. 2. Continue to overweight and reward the public with high-pollution old locomotives to purchase electric locomotives. 3. Subsidize the public to participate in the battery exchange costs of electric vehicles. 4. Subsidizing companies or communities, setting up coin-operated electric vehicle charging stations. (II) Medium and long-term: mature stage (2018-) 1. Subsidize the public to participate in the battery exchange system for electric vehicles. As operators reach the scale of commercial operations, the subsidy will be deducted from the battery exchange. The shipper assumes its own profits and losses. 2. Continue to overweight and reward the public with high-pollution old locomotives to purchase electric locomotives. 3. In coordination with the control of empty areas of motor vehicles (such as: Taroko Scenic Area, Liyu Lake Scenic Area), use electric vehicles as vehicles. 4. Promote the purchase of electric locomotives by the public sector to replace traditional fuel locomotives. When used as official vehicles, they shall be included in the appraisal and appraisal. 5. Promote the vehicle sharing system, set up a public motor vehicle rental system in this county, and develop a sharing system for motor vehicles. This will make it easier for tourists visiting Hualien to rent and use electric vehicles and complete low-carbon, music and live tourism. VIII. Work achievement rate: 95.89% 9. Progress rate control rate: 95.89 %
英文關鍵字 Hualien Electric Motor Vehicle Subsidy, Huadong Fund, Hualien Electric Motor Vehicle Declaration and Trial Campaign, Hualien County Charging Station, Hualien Electric Motor Car Battery Exchange Station