

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署為推廣環境教育法之實施,為提升國人環境素養,廣泛吸收環境知識,舉辦「環境知識競賽」。藉由生動有趣、刺激的競賽方式,吸引大眾積極參與,並傳達正確的環境知識。今年加入環保署推行之四大環境主軸「循環經濟」、「清淨空氣」、「無塑海洋」及「關懷大地」等議題為競賽命題方向,以及「環境教育終身學習網」的指定影片內容與環境議題,如:氣候變遷、資源回收、低碳永續家園至廢棄物管理,競賽內容包羅萬象,更與日常生活息息相關。透過寓教於樂的方式,讓全國的參賽選手因為環境知識競賽而快速觸及這些環保的知能,進而養成對環境的責任與承諾,並付諸行動,讓環境保護的理念延續到社會的每一個角落。 各直轄市、縣(市)的各組(國小組、國中組、高中職組、社會組)前5名者代表參加全國決賽,競賽分成淘汰賽及驟死賽二階段,淘汰賽採畫卡方式答題,各組取分數前50%名額進入驟死賽,驟死賽採舉牌方式答題,若未能分出前5名名次時,以「PK賽」決定之,4組共計選出20名得奬者。本計畫負責邀請專家學者協助競賽題目之命題及審查,並規劃全國決賽活動當天主會場、4個競賽會場、用餐區等事宜,與會人員近千人,期許各直轄市、縣(市)參賽選手及參與人員擔任環境種子的任務,推廣環境知識到全臺各個角落,也呼籲民眾將知識化為行動的力量,並擴散到身邊的每一個人,共創更美好的永續家園。
中文關鍵字 環境知識、環境知識競賽、環境教育


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-EA14-03-A170 經費年度 106 計畫經費 6460 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/15 專案結束日期 2017/12/20 專案主持人 黄琪倚
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 張育禎 執行單位 社團法人 台灣環保生活協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-106-EA14-03-A170.pdf 20MB

The project of Environmental Knowledge Competition in 2017

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan implements the Environmental Education Law in order to promote the environmental education in public with the project of environmental knowledge challenge competition. The purpose of this project is to increase participants and citizens’ awareness and knowledge about environmental protection. The environmental knowledge challenge competition is the real practice of people for the purpose of learning the knowledge and practice of environmental knowledge. Taiwan EPA focuses on four strategic goals: circular economy, air quality, plastic-free ocean, and protecting the land. The competition propositions of this year added the four strategic goals and environmental education from Environmental Education Lifelong Learning Network. Contestants acquire a deep understanding of environmental knowledge because of the competition. Environment protection is achieved by being aware, being responsible, action planning and execution. Environmental protection is foremost on everyone’s mind. There are four groups: elementary, junior high school, senior high school and social groups which were from the preliminary round of the 22 counties (cities), to the national final competition. The competition of this year was distributed into two stages: knockout stage and sudden death. In the knockout stage, every group accepted the participants in top 50% of scores by the paper test to sudden death. During sudden death, the participants played off by Toss-Up questions, if the score is tied at the end of the game, the tie is broken by the player-killing to rank Top 5 for each group and the four groups will be 20 winners. The project planned and arranged 22 counties or cities’ final round participants and attendants’ accommodation, transportation, dinning, resting area, competition area, judges, broadcast, host, awards and etc. Approximately a thousand of people attended the competition. Those people who are participants and attendants of the counties (cities) take responsibility for environmental protection. They promote the concept of environmental knowledge and environmental education all over the country. Environmental Protection is not only a slogan but the action. Individuals should do the best to protect the environment in daily life. The environment which we live together is getting better and better.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education, Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Knowledge Competition