

中文摘要   氣候變遷的影響下,全球暖化情況嚴峻,致使溫度急遽上升。本計畫為因應熱浪來襲並提供市民更多服務,以建立在地化熱危害指數及臺北市熱危害分級原則,並利用氣象預報模式和儀器監測,以精進臺北市熱危害預警措施。本計畫工作項目分為四大項:熱危害指數建立,熱浪預警應用示範,提供簡易式氣象觀測站之儀器原理、儀器操作及維護教育訓練,以及執行簡易式氣象觀測站之定期維護。目前已順利完成四大工作項目,簡述如下, (1)完成購買並於臺北市四個行政區架設4台觀測站,同時收集各國相關文獻並分析2002-2016年中央氣象局台北測站之綜合溫度熱指數(Web Bulb Globe Temperature, WBGT)分佈,提供臺北市高溫熱危害指數分級建議。再分析2017年6-10月本計畫架設於臺北市四處觀測站之WBGT分佈,精進臺北市高溫熱危害指數分級建議,並提出熱危害預警系統建議。(2)提供臺北市106年6月至10月每日WBGT觀測值以及預測值,可供臺北市環保局即時傳輸及呈現於臺北市高溫熱危害指數網站。並比較四處簡易式氣象觀測站與附近傳統氣象站氣象觀測值,以了解民眾實際熱危害指數暴露與傳統氣象站氣象觀測值之差異。且比較WBGT觀測值與兩種模式預報值差異,並提供精進預測值相關方法,使用時間序列模型(ARIMA),以過去1-2月觀測到的WBGT預測未來24小時WBGT 。(3)提供簡易式氣象觀測站之儀器原理、操作及維護教育訓練,已於11月8日完成教育訓練。(4)簡易式氣象觀測站每月均定期維護,並且每日亦確認後端資料庫順利接收資料。   總結而言,此試辦計畫成功地示範如何應用WBGT觀測及統計預測之方法來建置台北市之熱預警系統。以下是對熱預警之幾點建議及重要發現,(1) 四站中每日最大值WBGT 在36.8~37.4以上的天數約有38~50天,而四站每日最大平均值在WBGT 36.8~37.4以上的天數為1天。建議可效法香港兩個階段發布預警,並將市府站作為發布預警之依據,WBGT 36.8或37.4以上時發佈危險提示,四站WBGT平均值超過36.8或37.4以上則發佈危險警告。(2)今年臺灣夏天天氣,在WBGT高值時,大部分屬於乾熱的天氣,呈現高溫、低濕及高太陽輻射之特徵。(3)我們亦發現每日早上9-11時之WBGT統計上均顯著高於12-14時,與平常認知較熱時候發生於中午過後時段不同;這也顯示採納WBGT做為熱指標的優點,因為WBGT確實能考量會影響人體熱壓力的四種氣溫因子(溫度、濕度、風速、及太陽輻射)。因此,能提醒民眾避開高暑熱之時段。若僅以溫度做指標,將無法提醒民眾熱壓力真正大的時段。 (4)五處觀測站均較中央氣象局臺北測站高2~6%,表示傳統氣象站在草坪上百葉箱內測得之氣象觀測值轉換之WBGT,會稍微低估民眾實際WBGT熱危害指數暴露值。 (5) 本計畫架設於臺北市之四個觀測站加上中研院站共五站,五處觀測站WBGT觀測值在今年6至10月之最大值為36.5-41.3,最小值為15.3-16.8,平均值介於28.5-29.2之間,而標準差在3.60-4.38之間,其可看出在台北市不同地區間之WBGT存在不小差異。目前四個站點已可涵蓋台北市東、南、中、西等處,但仍缺北區一點。觀測結果顯示WBGT超過36.8以上主要分佈於信義及南港地區。南港地區之WBGT明顯較高之確實原因有待進一步探討。 (6) 可應用校園觀測站氣象資料,來加強呈現臺北市WBGT之空間分佈。(7)可應用WBGT觀測值建立時間序列模型(ARIMA)來預測未來24小時內WBGT值。ARIMA預測結果與觀測比較,最佳情境之R2為0.69~0.72,與模式預報加人工調整之最佳結果 (R2為0.78~0.79)相去不遠。以平均偏差MBE來說,ARIMA稍微高估(MBE為0.15~0.29),而兩種模式預報均為低估(MBE為-1.34~-2.18)。再者,ARIMA的平均絕對偏差MAGE為1.14~1.28,均優於兩種模式預報 (MAGE為1.79~2.54)。結果顯示以ARIMA統計方法可用以預測24小時內WBGT值,值得進一步應用於臺北市熱預警預測。
中文關鍵字 高溫熱危害、WBGT、熱危害指數分級、熱危害預警、ARIMA、WBGT預報


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 1972 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/23 專案結束日期 2017/11/30 專案主持人 龍世俊
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 賴映岑 執行單位 中央研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 臺北市政府環境保護局計畫期末報告F.pdf 20MB

Pilot Study in Establishing Heat-Stress Index Monitoring and Forecasting Systems in Taipei City

英文摘要   Under the trend of climate change, it is essential to establish a heat warning system to protect public health in Taipei City. This pilot project aims to establish a monitoring system for Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT, a heat stress indicator), to evaluate suitable WBGT classification for a heat warning system, and to assess forecast models in order to lay a solid scientific foundation for a heat warning system in Taipei City. There are four major tasks, including establishing a heat-stress monitoring system; conducting a pilot demonstration for heat warming system; providing a training course on the principles, operation and maintenance of the instruments; and carrying out regular maintenance of the monitoring system and WBGT database. All tasks have been completed successfully on schedule; they are briefly described below. (1) Four movable meteorological stations, for monitoring and calculating WBGT in a real-time fashion, were purchased and set up in four administrative districts of Taipei City to establish a heat-stress monitoring system. Inter-comparison was conducted to evaluate the performance of these instruments. In addition, WBGT estimations based on observations at Taipei station of Taiwan Central Weather Bureau of 2002- 2016 were analyzed to provide suitable WBGT classification. Real-time WBGT values were obtained from the established heat-stress monitoring system in Taipei City from June to October, 2017. (2) These observations could be presented in website in a real-time basis. Moreover, Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) was used to assess the trend of WBGT and forecast WBGT based on observations from the previous months. The prediction-observation differences of ARIMA were compared with those based on two numerical models. (3) A training course on the principles, operation and maintenance of the instruments was held on November 8, 2017. (4) Regular maintenance of the monitoring system every month and WBGT database checking every day were carried out from June to October in 2017.   In summary, this pilot project successfully demonstrated to use WBGT monitoring and ARIMA for forecasting to establish a heat warning system in Taipei City. Several suggestions and key points are listed below. (1) The number of days with daily maximum WBGT in four stations exceeding 36.8 to 37.4 were around 38 to 50 days, and the number of days with daily average WBGT exceeding 36.8 to 37.4 were only one day. We proposed that threshold of WBGT in the heat warming system was either 36.8 or 37.4. Two-stage warning system operated in Hong Kong could be adopted for Taipei City. (2) The weather conditions of high WBGT days in June to October 2017 were analyzed; it was usually associated with high temperature, high solar radiation, and low humidity. (3) We also found that the daily WBGT values from 9 to 11 am were statistically significantly higher than those from noon to 2pm, which was different from the typical understanding. In other words, using WBGT as a heat stress indicator, considering four meteorological factors (temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation) affecting heat stress experienced by human beings, could warm people to stay away from the actual high heat-stress locations and time-periods. If only temperature was used as an indicator, the heat-warning system may not provide accurate information to keep people away from the actual danger. (4) The observations of WBGT from five meteorological stations in Taipei city were 2-6% higher than those obtained at the Taipei station of Taiwan Central Weather Bureau about. It showed that WBGT estimated based on observations from traditional meteorological stations in lawns would underestimate 2-6% of the actual heat stress of the general public. (5) The maximum WBGT at five observation stations in Taipei City were 36.5-41.3, while the minimum were around 15.3-16.8; the average WBGT values were 28.5-29.2 with the standard deviation of 3.60-4.38. Thus, it showed that WBGT in Taipei City had high spatial variability. At present, four stations already covered the east, south, central and west part of Taipei City but north. It was found that WBGT exceeding 36.8 were mostly occurred in Xinyi and Nangang districts and WBGT values at Nangang were obviously the highest for most days, which needs to be further explored. (6) In the future, the meteorological data from the campus observatory in the Taipei elementary schools could be used to enhance the spatial coverage of WBGT observations. (7) Using ARIMA to forecast WBGT for the next 24 hours with the observations in the past 1-2 months had R2 (0.69~0.72, the best scenario) close to the best performance of numerical model forecast plus manual adjustment (0.78~0.79). For Mean Biased Error (MBE), ARIMA overestimated WBGT (0.15~0.29) while numerical models underestimated WBGT (-1.34~-2.18). For Mean Absolute Gross Error, the result of ARIMA (1.14~1.28) was slightly better than those from numerical models (1.79~2.54). Therefore, in the future, ARIMA could be applied in WBGT prediction in the heat warning system of Taipei City.
英文關鍵字 heat, WBGT、Heat-Stress Index、Heat Warming System、ARIMA、WBGT Forecast