

中文摘要 本計畫係根據歷年清淨家園全民運動顧厝邊部落格綠色生活(EcoLife)網建置計畫之成果持續維護及提升綠網既有功能,增進綠網操作的友善度,同時強化營造永續優質環境衛生計畫的管考系統,提升行政作業的效率;並藉由推廣及宣導,逐步落實清淨家園樂活化之「扎根環境教育,愛家園顧台灣」的環境新主張。 本年度計畫執行成果對於環境衛生業務端,著重於海岸認養系統的建置,已與地方環保局共同建置542.8公里長的海岸圖資供全民認養使用,並有490個團體完成認養,海岸認養率已達74%,已執行了731場淨灘活動,動員28,927人次,共計清理2,398公噸垃圾;另外,為提升公廁管理成效及配合公廁特優場所認證制度的推動,完成公廁建檔管理功能強化及完善公廁特優認證場所認證審核功能,目前綠網已彙整全國55,248間公廁,其中優等級以上公廁已達95%以上,並有來自臺中市、臺南市、高雄市包括交通場站、百貨、飯店、娛樂、量販、公部門、宗教等不同團體的31個公廁管理單位,取得公廁特優場所認證,足見環保機關及公廁管理維護單位多年來積極努力之成果;其他業務則配合業務單位需求,提升系統友善度及業務管理成效。 本年度計畫執行成果對於業務推廣端,共辦理7場綠網操作種子教師培訓課程,共輔導365人次;辦理環境衛生相關推廣活動,如海岸認養說明會、大家相揪來拚掃『海好』有你淨幸福記者會、全國揪團認養淨灘活動及嘉寶沙灘淨灘等6場次宣導說明會,並完成6場次淨灘推廣工作實地查核,以瞭解地方環保單位及民間辦理淨灘活動的現況,本計畫亦配合海岸認養業務的推廣,建置全國揪團認養淨灘粉絲團,共計發布216篇文章,貼文總觸及人數累計192,961人次,瀏覽總數達1,797,174次,粉絲團人數已達7,123人。 另本年度計畫執行成果對於綠網地圖服務端,已針對綠網原有使用的google map服務功能進行檢視及調修,已全數轉為內政部的TGOS圖臺服務,使用者可正常使用地圖及定位功能,大幅提升便利性及作業效率。
中文關鍵字 清淨家園、複式動員、淨灘


專案計畫編號 EPA-01-J106-02-A113 經費年度 106 計畫經費 4310 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/26 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 尤世雄
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 張維中 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


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期末報告 EPA01J10602A113.pdf 17MB 期末報告定稿

EcoLife Website Effectiveness Enhancement Project

英文摘要 After launching the EcoLife Website, the yearly plans in previous years all aimed to maintain and to better the functioning of the website. This year, the project continues to aim for maintaining and enhancing the existing functions on the website. These include improving the website’s user-friendliness, improving the assessment and management system for creating sustainable and high-quality environmental sanitation in order to enhance the efficiency of administrative operation. Moreover, the project hopes to gradually implement the new environmental viewpoint which is “Rooting the environmental education and loving our home in Taiwan” through various promotions. Regarding the environmental sanitation business, the outcomes of executing the plan this year include establishing the coastal adopting system, bettering public toilet management, and promoting the public toilet ranking system. The main focus of the environmental sanitation business is the establishment of the coastal adopting system. With joint efforts with local Environmental Protection Bureaus, an online mapping system is established to offer 542.8 kilometers of coastal areas to the public for adoption. 490 organizations have completed the adoption procedures with the adoption rate reaching 74%. 731 coastal cleanup events have been held with 28,927 people’s participation and 2,398 metric tons of marine debris being collected. In addition, in order to improve public toilet management and to promote the public toilet ranking system, the enhancement of filing public toilet information has been accomplished. Moreover, the ranking system for public toilet has been improved. Ecolife has documented a total of 55,248 public toilets within the country, including more than 95% of public toilets are certified as Good public toilets. 31 different units that manage public toilet from Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung are certified as Excellent. These units include public transportation stations, department stores, hotels, entertainment venues, retail stores, public sectors, and religious groups. These results show the efforts and devotion of both public and private sectors that manage public toilet throughout these years. Requested by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), other business conducted this year includes improving the system’s user-friendliness and the performance of business management. As to business promotion, 7 training courses, 6 promoting events, and 6 surveys of field reconnaissance were conducted. Seven training courses were held to assist 365 teachers to use the Ecolife Website. Regarding the promotion of environmental sanitation, 6 promoting events were held, which include promotional and practical events on coastal cleanup events, and also seminars, events, and a press conference on coastal adoption. In addition, 6 surveys of field reconnaissance were conducted to better recognize the current progress of coastal cleanup events executed by local environmental protection bureaus and private sectors. In correspondence to the promotion of coastal adopting business, a Facebook fan page, “We love Taiwan coastal clean-up”, is created. The total number of articles posted on the fan page is 216 and 192,961 people have viewed these articles. The fan page’s total number of views has reached 1,797,174 and currently has 7,123 followers. Regarding the server for the map service on the Ecolife website, the Taiwan Geospatial One Stop map (TGOS map) provided by the Ministry of the Interior is now used. After inspecting and repairing Google map, which was initially used on the website, TGOS Map has now replaced Google map as the map server on Ecolife. Users can successfully use the map and GPS service, which greatly increased user’s convenience and the efficiency of operating the system.
英文關鍵字 Clean Neighborhood、Multiple Mobilization、Coastal Clean-up