

中文摘要 北區環境教育區域中心以103~105年度之工作成果為基礎,於今(106)年度持續推動北區的環境教育發展,以深耕推動環境教育主題方案(韌性城市、綠色經濟、海洋臺灣、水資源保育、綠色大學)為重點工作項目,著重於各組織單位之間的資源統合及參與人員學習量能的提升,以建立北區環境教育資源盤整與運用推廣模式。 基於「環境教育增能計畫(EE Capacity)」的運作架構,北區環境教育區域中心於今(106)年1月至11月中已完成的工作項目包括:中心工作會議、區域中心網站建置、與46個單位建立夥伴合作、北區環境教育區域中心夥伴交流與共識建構會議、2017國際溼地日-「走讀淡水河濕地:樹梅坑溪與紅樹林」、韌性城市夥伴團體交流工作坊、海科館潮境工作站及東北角活動、422潮境海洋保護區淨灘活動、探尋臺北水故鄉-河川水源保育工作坊、場域x韌性檢核工作坊、社區勘查夥伴交流工作坊、馬祖離島環境教域執行會議以及企業四方交流會議、永續環境教育國際研討會、區域中心評量評估、106年馬祖環境教育推動增能會議、環境教育專書編撰印製、舉辦年度成果發表會,並定期刊出中心電子報,經營網站平臺;持續推動各個學習社群之增能活動,強化企業夥伴關係,引進國際專業新知與交流。本中心今年度持續以提升區域之環境教育量能而運轉,致力於建立一個多元化、具包容性、尊重且公平的環境教育資源共享平臺,以邁向全民環境素養提升的願景。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、增能學習、夥伴關係


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-EA03-03-A028 經費年度 106 計畫經費 673 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/05 專案結束日期 2017/12/15 專案主持人 張國恩
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 紀禹圻 執行單位 國立臺灣師範大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106正式報告.pdf 25MB

The work plan of establishing Northern Taiwan Environmental Education Regional Center

英文摘要 Based on the works from 2014 to 2016, Northern Taiwan Environmental Education Regional Center (NEERC) continuously promotes the development of environmental education. Northern Environmental Education Regional Center is aimed to be a collaborative leader in the region and strengthen environmental education throughout Northern Taiwan. The five components of EE Capacity of with the support of technology, research and evaluation, the capacity building and partnerships dissemination are continuously developed. Five environmental themes were promoted this year, including Green City, Green Economy, Ocean, Water Conservation and Green University. Through integrating resources and enhancing the learning capacity of partners, the model of EE resource inventory and management in Northern Taiwan would be built. This report introduces the finished works from January to June 106, including NEERC working meeting, building the website of NEERC and cooperating with 46 partners. Further, several workshops were held with different environmental themes, such as 2017 International Wetlands Day, beach cleansing, river conservation and island environmental education. The follow-up works are listed at the end of the report, for instance, holding the environmental education professional certification workshop and international conference, delivering newsletter every month and enhancing the function of the website. Combining continuity and innovation, the goal of building a resource sharing platform of environmental education with diversity and equity for Northern Taiwan would be achieved.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education, Capacity Building, artnership