

中文摘要 依行政院環境保護署多年之各項空污管制也使空氣中污染物濃度逐漸減低,提升空氣品質。然而嘉義市因地域與地理特性,機車一直以來皆是民眾主要仰賴之交通運具,故在環保署推行之加嚴排放標準、使用乾淨燃料及淘汰老舊車輛與推廣提污染運具之策略下,計畫透過稽查與宣導等手段,並教育用車人正確的操作觀念,減少機動車輛之廢氣排放,有效地達到改善空氣品質目標。同時積極推廣節能減碳相關環保政策。 首先完成定檢名信片通知寄發132,525件,約可使到檢率由50%提升至60%。亦即促使13,000輛機車到檢。另在稽查方面計完成未定檢巡查7,422輛,攔檢機車2,304輛,未定檢車公函催檢通知17,845件,其中已定檢8,226輛,及車牌辨識通知11,919輛,且到檢9,722輛,稽查共計促使24,394輛到檢,約提升18%到檢率。進一步分析,目前到檢比例約80%,亦即稽查展開後約增加26,000輛到檢,因此稽查一輛到檢車輛約可創造1.1輛之到檢,顯示稽查策略正確。 檢驗站管理上依檢驗站分級進行定期查核,並完成一次之實車秘密查核,經統計4季40站共計查獲27項缺失,平均每季每站約有0.17項,相較於過去約2-3項已大幅進步。另於1月12日接受財團法人全國認證基金會年度監督評鑑,計有1項B類不符合事項(NCR)及1項C類NCR,並於2月13日完成函覆並通過年度監督評鑑,認證有效期限至108年4月22日。各站之儀器經工研院檢校,另針對民眾之滿意度調查,由民眾幫服務的機車排氣檢驗站整體表現打分數,與去年比較評定為5分者較去年增加33%。經多項內部與外部之管理,嘉義市機車排氣檢測站的品質是值得信賴。 為使定檢效益更上層樓,經過去分析可知本市定檢不合格車輛中約有15%車輛是由非定檢站維修改善後定檢合格,故近年推行檢驗站與非檢驗站結盟,目前已有182家非檢驗站加入,已佔全市非檢驗站機車行之80%,較去年成長12家。並且配合檢驗站填寫保檢合一紀錄單共計3,192輛次,較去年成長359%之多,可見非檢驗站經結盟帶動下,逐漸能接受檢驗站之輔導及配合其相關措施,但以結盟家數與路欄已定檢車回歸之平均不合格率分析得到加盟數越多不合格率越高,尤其二行程相關性更強,應係結盟推動時間尚短,檢驗站對於非檢驗站之掌控有限,初步建議維持於5-7家為較佳,並以不超出10家為原則。 另今年配合行政院環境保護署淘汰二行程機車之重大政策,嘉義市除提高補助額外,本計畫辦理「青空綠地,環境永續」-減污成果體驗大型宣導活動外,尚依序於各月分推出市民報、垃圾車宣導布旗、小蜜蜂宣導、記者會、加油站關東旗及電視廣播等。統計二行程機車已淘汰15,983輛,已達環保署所訂目標之151.8%。其中各月之淘汰數與宣導措施比較,顯示市民報配合垃圾車宣導、加油站關東旗及電視廣播宣導最有效益,使其當月淘汰數相較較高,皆突破1,200輛次,可能因其涵蓋面遍及全市。另未定檢稽查亦促使約39%車輛報廢,共計6,495輛,共佔淘汰車輛之40.6%,其所附加效益相當顯著。 經調查知道今年加碼補助二行程機車汰舊訊息有96%(較去年增加20%),顯示推動宣導各項措施(如:市民報、宣導布旗、關東旗、宣導單張等)讓民眾能更容易取得相關資訊,已發揮部分成效。建議未來以定期逾期未檢進行現場排氣檢測,逾超過排放標準則立即裁罰,以加速淘汰為目的。
中文關鍵字 嘉義市、移動污染源、低污染車輛


專案計畫編號 1060108 經費年度 106 計畫經費 9650 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/14 專案結束日期 2017/12/15 專案主持人 許智雄
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蔡坤憲 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年度「嘉義市移動污染源管制及低污染車輛推廣計畫暨委託辦理加碼淘汰二行程機車補助計畫-期末報告書定稿.pdf 194MB

2017 Chiayi City Mobile Pollution Source Control, Promotion of Low-Pollution Vehicles and Extra Subsidies for Replacement of Two-Stroke Motorcycles

英文摘要 Air pollution control implemented by Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred to as The Administration) for many years has made the concentration of pollutants in the air gradually decline and improved air quality. However, due to the regional and geographical characteristics of Chiayi City, motorcycles have always been transportation that people chiefly rely on. Therefore, the city has followed strategies enforced by The Administration including implementing stricter emission standards, using clean fuels, replacing old motorcycles with new ones and promoting pollution-free transportation, planned to take inspection and propagandizing measures to teach motorcyclists correct operation concepts to reduce the exhaust emissions of motor vehicles to effectively achieve the objective of improving air quality. Meanwhile, The city has actively promoted environmental protection policies related to energy saving and carbon reduction. First, 132,525 postcards notifying motorcycle owners of regular inspection were mailed, which could increase the inspection rate to 60% from 50%. In other words, 13,000 motorcycles would be urged to receive the inspection. Additionally, 7,422 motorcycles were found without the regular inspection, and 2,304 motorcycles were pulled over for roadside inspection. 17,845 notices were issued to alert motorcycle owners for the inspection, and 8,226 of which already received the regular inspection. 11,919 motorcycle owners were notified with license plate recognition, making 9,722 motorcycles receive the inspection. A total of 24,394 motorcycles received the inspection, increasing the inspection rate by 18%. The project further analyzed that the current inspection proportion was approximately 80%, meaning that approximately 26,000 more motorcycles received the inspection upon the launch of the check. Therefore, every motorcycle being checked for the regular inspection could prompt approximately 1.1 motorcycles to receive the regular inspection, which showed that the checking strategy was correct. With respect to the management of inspection stations, these stations were classified to receive regular auditing and complete one secret auditing for real motorcycles. 27 deficiencies were found in 40 stations in the statistics of four quarters, with 0.17 deficiencies for each station in each quarter on average. The situation has greatly been improved compared to the past with 2 to 3 deficiencies. Moreover, the stations received annual supervision and evaluation from Taiwan Accreditation Foundation on January 12th, and there was one non-conformance report (NCR) in category B and category C respectively. The reply was completed and mailed, and the reports passed annual supervision and evaluation on February 13th. The accreditation is valid through April 22, 2019. The instruments of these stations passed the check provided by Industrial Technology Research Institute. Additionally, a satisfaction survey regarding the entire performance of motorcycle emission inspection stations showed that 33% more stations scored five points compared with last year. Upon numerous internal and external management measures, the quality of motorcycle emission inspection stations in Chiayi City is reliable. To improve the benefits of the regular inspection, past analysis showed that approximately 15% unqualified motorcycles of the city became qualified after being repaired and improved by non inspection stations. Therefore, alliance between inspection stations and non inspection stations has been promoted in recent years. 182 non inspection stations, accounting for 80% of which in the city, have joined the alliance, and the number is 12 stations more compared with last year. Additionally, these non inspection stations filled out the insurance and inspection form with inspection stations for 3,192 motorcycles, with an 359% increase compared with last year. This showed that non inspection stations have gradually accepted the guidance of inspection stations and complied with related measures. However, the number of allied inspection stations and the average unqualified rate of return of motorcycles having received roadside inspection were analyzed and showed that the greater the number of allied inspection stations was, the higher the unqualified rate became. The correlation was stronger especially for two-stroke motorcycles. This is probably because the alliance has not been promoted long, and inspection stations have had limited control over non inspection stations. Therefore, the project suggests that the number of allied inspection stations be limited 5 to 7 stations and not exceed 10 stations. To respond accordingly to the major policy of The Administration of replacing two-stroke motorcycles, Chiayi City increased the amount of subsidies. Additionally, the project organized “Blue Sky and Green Land for Sustainable Environment,” a large-scale event to propagandize pollution reduction results, and successively promoted citizens’ newspapers, banners on garbage trucks, advertising motorcycles, press conferences, vertical flags at gas stations and television broadcasting in each month. 15,983 two-stroke motorcycles have been replaced, which achieved 151.8% of the objective set by The Administration. Compared the number of replaced motorcycles with propagandizing measures, it showed that citizens’ newspapers brought the most benefits with banners on garbage trucks, vertical flags at gas stations and television broadcasting as they led to the comparatively higher number of replaced motorcycles in those months, with the number exceeding 1,200. This is probably because the propagandizing covered the entire city. Moreover, the check for motorcycles not receiving the regular inspection prompted 39% motorcycles to be declared unusable, totaling 6,495. The number accounted for 40.6% of replaced motorcycles, which brought quite significant additional benefits. 96% (increased by 20% compared with last year) of people surveyed indicated that they knew the information regarding extra subsidies for the replacement of two-stroke motorcycles this year. It showed that propagandizing measures (such as citizens’ newspapers, propagandizing banners, vertical flags and flyers) made it easier for people to obtain related information and that partial effects have been achieved. The project suggests that motorcycles receive overdue emission inspection on-site, and that motorcycle owners be punished immediately for exceeding emission standards to accelerate the replacement of motorcycles.
英文關鍵字 Chiayi City , Mobile Pollution Source , Low Pollution Vehicle