

中文摘要 執行摘要 本計畫執行期間為自106年 10月1日至107年11月30日止,依工作 內容及目標可分為「排放量掌握與改善輔導」、「推動夜市、商圈、風景 區餐飲業油煙防制」、「餐飲業空氣污染防制教育推動」及「推動本市餐飲業空氣污染防制策略」等四大工作主軸,以下茲就本計畫現階段(106年10月1日至107年10月31日)執行成果摘要分述說明: 一、排放量掌握與改善輔導 完成 1,105 家餐飲業調查(含新設餐飲業 1,005 家、屢遭陳情 100 )及集氣效能查驗 555家。其中新設及屢遭陳情餐飲業者管末空污防制設備設置率分別為80%及90%,主要以EP 為主。 二、推動夜市、商圈、風景區餐飲業油煙防制 完成樹林興仁夜市、汐止夜市、新莊廟街夜市、林口三日夜市、深坑商 圈、星光市集、金山老街、三峽老街、興南夜市、十分特定風景區/十分老街、樂華夜市、蘆洲夜市等處油煙防制現場查核輔導作業。其中樹林興仁市新增3家攤販尚未裝設靜電防制設備;另汐止夜市原一攤販因增加油炸鍋未安裝靜電機;故樹林興仁夜市及汐止夜市因新增攤位及設備致設置率降至94-95%,已與管委會合作要求裝設防制設備,並持續追蹤裝設狀況。經與管委會分工合作,各攤均完成防制設備設置,防制設備設置率達100%。本次首度針對深坑老街進行調查及輔導,油煙防制設備設置率為55%,經輔導後,複查油煙防制設備設置率為100%。 三、餐飲業空氣污染防制教育推動 (一)完成 20 場次餐飲業公/工會及企業協談,16 個餐飲相關公/工會均配合發放新北市餐飲業污染防制手冊,亦配合透過網站之方式協助宣導餐飲 業相關法規規範及規定,目前新北市餐飲業職業工會及新北市廚具商業同業公會已將電子檔置放於網站供會員下載參閱。 (二)定期進行餐飲業污染防制網頁維護更新,完成新增響應式功能及符合無障礙網頁開發規範 2.0,俾利民眾於各種電子載具閱讀。 (三)完成餐飲業空氣污染防制宣導摺頁編印及提報3,500 份,規劃擬提供1環保局稽查科同仁與稽查輔導餐飲業者使用、2召開污染防制宣導會時發送出席業者、3現場查核輔導餐飲業者時供業者參考。 (四)於106年11月15、30日及107年8月13日完成辦理餐飲業空氣污染防制宣導會議三場次,共計100人參加。 (五)於106年11月17日、11月22日、12月5日完成辦理稽查人員餐飲業 「稽查實務教育訓練四場次,共計127人參加。 四、推動本市餐飲業空氣污染防制策略 (一)建置新設餐飲業環保審核機制 1.協助環保局追蹤經濟發展局於106年3月承諾於新設餐飲業申請商業登記時,核發公文上註記空污防制法規,該措施於106年11月開始實行。 2.助於 107年3月12日辦理「新北市住宅區餐飲業燒烤店管理會議」, 會中邀集經發局、工務局、消防局、衛生局及城鄉局與會參加,共同研商管理規範。 3. 協助環保局於107年6月19日公告「新北市政府辦理住宅區餐飲業燒烤店空氣污染防制管理作業要點」。 4. 完成新設餐飲業環保判斷審查表,配合環保局建置新設餐飲業源頭管 理及環保審核機制。 (二) 規劃餐飲業空污教育推動方案 1.彙整本市餐旅相關學校及職訓課程,規劃餐飲業空污教育推動方案。 2. 已協助環保局著手進行餐飲相關之大專院校及高中職意願問卷調查,且發文至勞工局及職訓中心要求於職業(前)訓練納入餐飲環保課程編列。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 8780 千元
專案開始日期 2017/10/01 專案結束日期 2018/11/30 專案主持人
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 詹蕥如 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 新北市餐飲業調查及輔導管制計畫(106年-107年)期末報告定稿.pdf 46MB
英文摘要 Abstract The project has been executed from October 1*', 2017 to November 30, 2018 and divided into 4 major tasks which are: “Emission Control and Provide Consulting Services”, “Promotion the Commercial Cooking Emission Control for the Night Markets, Business Districts and Scenic Area”, “Air Pollution Control Education for Commercial Cooking” and ” Promotion the Management Strategies of Commercial Cooking”. The results of this project are summarized as follows: 1. Emission Control and Provide Consulting Services The project provided consulting services to 1,105 commercial cooking (included 1,005 new opened and 100 consecutive grievances) and 555 gas collection efficiency inspections. Among them, the setting rate of air pollution control equipment for new opened and consecutive grievances is 80% and 90% respectively, and air pollution prevention equipment mainly based on EP. 2. Promotion the Commercial Cooking Emission Control for the Night Markets, Shopping Districts and Scenic Area We provided air pollution improving consulting to 13 commercial cooking concentration areas which included 8 night markets, 4 shopping districts and 1 scenic area. Among them, we cooperated with Xingren Night Market and Xizhi Night Market Management Committee to help the vendors to improve air pollution and set the rate of APCD up to 100%. For the first time, the investigation and counseling for the Shenkeng Old Street was conducted. The setting rate of the fume control equipment was 55%. After the counseling, the setting rate of the fume control equipmentwas 100%. 3. Air Pollution Control Education for Commercial Cooking (1) Completion of 20 catering industry/trade unions and business associations, and 16 catering-related association/union traders have cooperated with the issuance of the New Taipei City Catering Industry Pollution Prevention and Control Manual, and also cooperated with the website to help promote the relevant regulations and regulations of the catering industry. (2) Regularly carry out maintenance and update of the catering industry pollution prevention website, add responsive functions and conform to the Accessible Web Development Specification 2.0. (3) Completed 3,500 copies of the air pollution prevention and control brochures and manuals for the catering industry. (4) Completed 3 meetings of the air pollution prevention and control conference for the catering industry and 4 sessions of the auditor's catering industry inspection practice education. 4. Promotion the Management Strategies of Commercial Cooking (1)Establish a new environmental protection review mechanism for the catering industry. A. The air pollution control regulations are marked on the business registration document, which was implemented in November 2017. B. On March 12, 2017, the "New Taipei City Residential Area Catering Barbecue Management Conference" was held. During the meeting, the Economic Development Bureau, the Works Bureau, the Fire Bureau, the Health Bureau and the Urban and Rural Bureau were invited to participate in the joint research and management. C. Assisted EPD on June 19, 2007 to announce the " The Management Guidelines for the New Taipei City Government to Handle Air Pollution Control and Management Operations in the Catering Barriers in Residential Areas." D. Complete the newly established catering industry environmental judgment review form, and establish a new catering industry source management and environmental protection review mechanism. (2) Planning the air pollution education promotion program for the catering industry. A. We organized the catering-related schools and vocational training courses in New Taipei city, and plan the promotion plan for air pollution control education in the catering industry. B. To assist EPD in conducting a questionnaire survey on the catering-related colleges, universities and high schools, and to ask the Labour Department and the Vocational Training Centre to include occupational (pre-) training in the catering environmental protection curriculum.