

中文摘要 一、持續更新餐飲業資料庫之建檔資料包括餐廳經營型態、營業時數、天數、活動強度分析、座位數分析、氣罩形式、前處理設施、末處理設施、廢氣排放口位置、周圍環境位置、污染物減量效益分析及未列舉相關必要項目等,相關資料以資料庫型式建檔普查資料。 二、計畫執行期間已進行餐飲業個別輔導協談並追蹤改善共計194件次,亦依餐飲業者之不同規模及不同污染特性,提供108家業者適當污染防制設備建議改善,並持續進行追蹤改善情形,本年度輔導餐飲業減量對象類型,以中式餐飲類為最高68%,其次為燒烤業的9%、西式的9%;由上述輔導餐飲類型分布中,可推估出本縣居民居住品質與健康問題受餐飲業者影響類型,以中式餐飲、燒烤類、油炸攤販油煙異味感受度最大,陳情比例也最大,而這三種烹飪方式也是最容易產生油煙及異味污染。。 三、執行初期即著手編製” 餐飲油煙防制輔導手冊”及印製手冊於餐飲輔導時提供業者參考,目前已提供污染防制設備資訊給52家業者參考,藉以協助業者配合進行油煙防制提昇作業,避免業者因成本考量設置效果不彰之防制設備。 四、餐飲油煙減量宣導說明會在年度合約工作量雖僅為1場次,但為配合環保署年度考評要求及協助環保局爭取最佳成績,執行期間分別於”5/4辦理餐飲業(燒烤)油煙污染防制研討會”、”7/29配合湖西鄉童玩節進行餐飲油煙減量宣導活動”、”8/15辦理餐飲業油煙減量宣導說明會”共計3場次,其中5/4之會議特別邀請工研院張寶額博士向與會業者進行油煙防制技術改善及提出防制設備以租代購之方案,藉由與燒烤業者面對面討論燒烤油煙改善方向,直接向業者提出高效率之油煙異味防制設備方案,而非如同以往顧慮業者經營成本而建議之低效率油煙異味防制措施,並向業者表明環保局之稽察裁罰的決心。 五、年度內針對本縣8家大型露天燒烤業及2家畜牧業者執行異臭味污染物採樣分析,受檢核業者除位於農業用地之5家業者均符合標準外,其餘”鳳姐自助炭烤”、”戀戀澎湖自助炭烤”、”船尾自助燒烤”、”澎島之星”、”南海碼頭自助碳烤店”等5家位於住宅區之露天燒烤業者,依檢測結果判定均未能符合法令標準,均已依空污法進行裁處作業,期能藉由勤察裁罰之實際作為督促業者儘速完成異味改善措施。。 六、針對12家露天燒烤業者進行列管及於其營業期間(3月~10月),每月進行異味防制措施操作情形巡檢及輔導作業,有效減少露天燒烤業對鄰近之影響及民眾陳情件數。 七、執行期間針對列管之好發地點,每月至少進行30處次巡查作業,累計共巡查308處次,列管之好發點位共計有39處,持續更新及新增點位來嚇止露天燃燒情事發生,露天燃燒陳情案件則共接獲23件,本年度露天燃燒之民眾陳情案件及發現露天燃燒行為之件數較往年增加,主要燃燒物質為農業廢棄物,研判原因為行為人貪圖一時之便及心存僥悻之心態,而就地燃燒處理,再加上多年來持續的宣導,民眾環保意識提升、對環保通報系統熟悉,致使本年度露天燃燒情事較往年增加,而本年度亦將相關地點列入好發點巡查名單加強巡查作業,藉以有效降低露天燃燒行為發生,透過好發點加強巡查、現場告示牌插立、行為人立即警告輔導等動作,相關地點未再發現露天燃燒情事,建議新年度計畫可再針對附近居民進行宣導作業,並把相關地點列為加強巡查之地點。 八、向社區民眾宣導禁止露天燃燒並張貼宣導看板於社區公佈欄加強宣導,已完成36處社區宣導及建立宣導看板。湖西鄉童玩節之餐飲油煙減量暨勿露天燃燒宣導活動 九、針對44間廟宇宣導紙錢減量使用,透過宣導單張文宣及現場說明宣導,並於現場張貼海報宣導看板。 十、本年度馬公市海靈殿亦已完成濕式洗滌塔,另持續與馬公市天后宮及馬公市城隍廟進行溝通輔導作業,目前既設燃燒減量成效良好之環保金爐廟宇合計共有8處。 十一、持續追蹤列管已改善裸露地共有29處,未發現植栽生長不佳情形。 十二、本年度新增列管2處裸露地,分別為”西嶼鄉大池國小正對面裸露地”及”馬公市西衛景雅民宿旁裸露地”,合計年度新增列管裸露地面積3,921 m2,為其中列管之”馬公市西衛景雅民宿旁裸露地”(編號:MK-G-050),透過現場巡查及地籍資料查詢,獲得土地所有權人資料為”理想建設有限公司”,並掌握該筆土地整地後閒置等待時機再進行開發,已建議未開發期間先讓裸露地自然長草,避免裸露地揚塵影響鄰近空氣品質及造成附近居民困擾,詳細列管情形與輔導情形如表6.2-1所示,新增列管之裸露地植生面積已達3,729 m2,裸露地改善率達95%;另依據環保署TEDS9.0面源推估手冊得知,一般裸露地TSP排放系數為0.354公噸/公頃/年,PM10排放系數為0.177公噸/公頃/年,PM2.5排放系數為0.077公噸/公頃/年,經輔導植生改善後之防塵效率約80%,共可削減0.0264公噸TSP污染物,0.0132公噸PM10污染物及0.0057公噸PM2.5污染物。 十三、鎖定易造成污泥拖出之砂石場附近路段,累計執行40趟次及120件次之逸散污染物易發源巡查及清掃作業。 十四、為提供民眾之環保資訊,年度執行期間共提供20則媒體宣導新聞供環保局發佈。
中文關鍵字 澎湖縣、餐飲業、紙錢減量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 2989 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/10 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 邱冠彰
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王美素 執行單位 上境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年度澎湖縣逸散污染源稽查管制暨低碳島抑制逸散揚塵專案計畫-期末報告定稿.pdf 6MB 期末報告定稿

2017 Penghu escape the pollutants and the carbon pollution control inspection suppress fugitive dust development program

英文摘要 1. Catering industry inspection and control operation of the implementation of the results of the catering industry for individual counseling a total of 194 times the first fume control equipment inspection and counseling work, and completed 108 times the catering industry to improve the prevention and reduction of soot. On May 4 , July 29 , August 15 for the "catering industry fume pollution improvement publicity", through the activities of the venue, the restaurant industry will also be the latest installation of fume control equipment technology and understand the use of equipment and maintenance of important Sex, to improve and really achieve the effect of catering industry fumes. Outside the 12 open-air barbecue industry, a total of 7 counseling facilities set the water spray system, the future will continue to counseling to strengthen its fume odor equipment efficiency. In addition, the sampling and analysis of different odor contaminants were carried out for the major open-air barbecue industry, restaurant industry or other odor-polluting sites in the county. A total of 10 samples were sampled, of which 5 were more than the statutory odor emission standard , And are all the county residential area of the open-air barbecue industry, are currently reported to punish. 2. To promote the implementation of the outcome of paper money source reduction operations, has been completed counseling temples paper money 44 times reduction and advocacy work, and on-site posted a total of 44 posters propaganda billboards. Another of the plan has been counseling the survey 49 times temples reduction unit as paper money. This year, we will conduct two of the "Environmental Temple Demonstration and Popularization Exhibition" to promote the importance and alternative ways of reducing the amount of paper money to the public. And the implementation of the way, and then enhance the temple environmental protection measures and pollution reduction concept, as to promote the direction and basis of environmental protection counseling. And this year counseling 1 temples each set up a new “Environmental folk paper money burner”. 3. The implementation of the operation of the open air combustion control operations, during the implementation of the program, for the occurrence of open burning areas and places a total of 308 inspections; the other to complete the 36 open fire in the village of publicity and Kanban. 4.Improve investigation operations exposed during program execution, a total of two tube does not improve bare land, the total area of a total of 3,921 m2, to improve an area of 3,729 m2, improve the rate of 95%; another 29 for the calendar year have been exposed calandria to keep track of the maintenance situation, not found or destroyed by poor efficiency of prevention and control situation, the future will continue to track the tube. 5. Sludge field for easy to get out of the muddy road near the section, Perform 40 times and 120 inspections and cleaning operations. 6.During the six environmental advocacy work, to enhance and promote the concept of people EPD annual key policy on environmental protection, project execution, has provided 20 news media outreach, a deeper impression of the people, so that people can work together to respond to the EPA's various environmental policies.
英文關鍵字 Penghu, restaurant, temple