

中文摘要 今年專案執行為履行合約規定及滿足相關環保單位需求,依計畫目標分成五大工作項目進行,以期能完成各級環保單位所交付的任務。在「飲用水水源水質保護區地理資訊系統」功能擴充維護、圖資資料更新及故障排除部分,完成跨系統單一簽入、飲用水統計地圖、公開資料空間展示平台、行動裝置空間查詢及自訂圖層繪製等功能的擴充。在「飲用水管理資訊系統」功能提升擴充及正常運作、資料更新及故障排除部分,完成飲用水水質管制項目毒理資料查詢、主動訊息通知及106年績效考評等擴充功能,並增加EEMS介接作業與多項查詢功能。在「飲用水管理全球資訊網」功能提升擴充及正常運作、資料更新及故障排除部分,完成響應式網頁改版及更新網頁資料。在辦理環保署公告之飲用水水源水質保護區範圍調查與圖資精度提升部分,完成直轄市、縣(市)政府公告之26處保護區進行範圍調查、影響分析並製作1/5000圖說247張。在辦理系統操作相關說明會及資訊安全維護管理作業部分,於11月7日舉辦全國飲用水管理業務檢討及資訊操作說明會,完成飲用水水源水質保護區範圍變更政策評估說明書(草案)修正作業並依據環保署規範執行相關資安、備份及效能測試作業。綜觀今年度計畫執行內容,已持續配合環保單位實際需求強化各項系統功能,提升業務執行效率。
中文關鍵字 飲用水水源水質保護區、地理資訊系統、統計地圖、飲用水管理資訊系統、水質檢驗


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-J102-02-A112 經費年度 106 計畫經費 4300 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/06 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 周羚翔
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 黃明輝 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 2017WSFR.pdf 25MB

The Integrated Management, Establishment and Upgrade Project of Drinking Water Management System and Drinking Water Source Protection Area Geography Information System

英文摘要 This year’s project was implemented in order to meet contractual requirements and satisfy the needs of relevant environmental protection agencies. Five main work items were implemented in accordance with project objectives, so as to complete the tasks that we had been entrusted with by the environmental protection agencies at various levels of government. As regards “Drinking Water Source Water Quality Protection Zone Geographical Information System” function extension and maintenance, GIS data updating and fault repair, we successfully expanded the range of functions provided, with the addition of a unified, cross-system sign-in function, drinking water statistical map function, a spatial display platform for data in the public domain, a mobile device inquiry and map layer creation function, etc. With regard to “Drinking Water Management Information System” function extension, maintenance of normal operation, data updating and fault repair, we successfully expanded the range of functions provided, with the addition of a drinking water quality management item toxicology data inquiry function, a proactive message notification function, and performance appraisal results for FY2017, etc.; we also added an Environmental Enforcement Management System (EEMS) linkage function and related search functions. Regarding “Drinking Water Management Global Information Network” function extension, maintenance of normal operation, data updating and fault repair, we completed the establishment of responsive web pages and also implemented data updating. With respect to area surveys of drinking water quality protection zones designated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and enhancement of GIS data precision, we completed surveys of the area of 26 protection zones that have been formally announced by municipal, county or city governments, as well as implementing impact analysis and drawing up a total of 247 1/5000 scale maps. As regards system operation related presentations and information security maintenance management operations, a “Nationwide Drinking Water Management Operations Review Meeting and Data Utilization Presentation” was held on November 7, 2017, and we also completed the revisions of the draft version of the “Explanation of the Evaluation of Government Policy in Regard to Changes in the Area Covered by Drinking Water Quality Protection Zones” and implemented related information security, backup and performance testing operations in line with EPA regulations. To summarize the implementation of this year’s project, the functionality of the relevant systems has been strengthened in accordance with the actual needs of environmental protection agencies, thereby leading to an improvement in operational efficiency.
英文關鍵字 Drinking Water Source Protection Area, Geographic Information System, Statistical Map, Drinking Water Management Information System, The examination of drinking water