

中文摘要 本年度已依合約規定完成整體進度100%以上,執行成效如表1所示。完成柴油車動力計檢測2,329輛次、路邊攔檢數300輛次、目視判煙數3,004輛次及車牌辨識數18,039輛次,針對未完成年度檢驗車輛寄發到檢通知,共寄發通知1,339輛次、非法油品管制隨機取樣篩選1,003件,其中送驗硫含量分析為30件,分析結果1件不合格及停車怠速熄火稽查311件,宣導地點以「火車站」為最多,宣導對象以「機車」佔最多比例為47.6%;且每月定期更新「停車怠速熄火」宣導網站。 依環保署柴油車不定期檢驗資訊管理系統分析,9月份各縣市環保局柴油車納管率結果,本市柴油車納管率為61.98%,暫排名第4名,比105年同期提升1.53%。 在管制已劃定空氣品質淨區部分,要求行駛於本市劃定5處空氣品質淨區之客(貨)運業者應主動到檢並取得自主管理分級標章,並透過不定期派員進行路邊攔檢、車牌辨識及目視稽查作業,針對有明顯排放黑煙或未符合管制之車輛進行管制並通知到檢;本年度針對空氣品質淨區稽查,共稽查15,504輛次,截至10月底共計回檢數為11,285輛,回檢率由第一季48.2%,逐漸提升至第三季72.8%。 同時在推動自主管理方案,本年度除於106年3月8日完成辦理「推動柴油車自主管理暨空氣品質淨區宣導說明會」外,因應柴油車自主管理分級標章取消A6標章及加嚴管制新竹科學園區,於106年5月17日完成辦理「推動科學園區劃設空氣品質淨區說明會」,邀請竹竹苗三縣市會進出新竹科學園區業者共同出席。 另因應本年度環保署以推動一、二期老舊柴油車汰舊及三期加裝濾煙器為主,故在推動保養廠認證部分,以提升既有保養廠檢測品質為主,將持續輔導B級保養廠提升為A級認證保養廠,且針對經通過認證保養廠之長源汽車及裕益汽車維修品質作為主要管制重點。 在柴油車檢測站品保品管作業,除設有專用品保車,每個月進行品保測試乙次,符合測試範圍外,儀器設備均完成年度送校,結果均符合允收標準。 今年在汰舊及加裝濾煙器補助宣導,統計至10月底,一、二期大客貨車完成汰舊數為85輛,三期大客貨車加裝濾煙器,因環保署106年10月26始公布通過認證廠商名單,故尚未有車輛加裝;在企業採用四、五期柴油大貨車部分,已完成簽署12家,共計406輛。
中文關鍵字 柴油車排煙檢測站檢驗維護


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 6998 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/12 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 高瑞宏
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 呂理斌 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年新竹市柴動期末報告初稿.pdf 6MB 106年度新竹市柴油車排煙檢測站檢驗維護暨停車怠速熄火宣導管制計畫期末報告

106 Hsinchu City, Diesel car inspection station inspection and maintenance

英文摘要 This year has completed the overall progress of more than 100% under the contract, the implementation of results shown in Table 1. Completed 2,329 vehicle power meter detections, 300 roadside arrests, 3,004 sight-seeing smokes and 18,039 vehicle license plate identifications, and sent a circular on the inspection of unmanifested annual vehicle dispatches 1,339 vehicles were randomly selected and screened for 1,003 illegal oil products, of which 30 were analyzed for sulfur content, 311 were unqualified for analysis results and 311 for parking idling extinction. The locations of the propaganda sites were "railway stations" The "locomotive" accounted for the highest percentage of pilots to 47.6%; and the monthly "Stop-idling。 According to the analysis of irregular inspection information management system of diesel vehicles by EPD, the NACB rate of diesel vehicles in cities and counties reached 61.98% in September, ranking the 4th among them, an increase of 1.53 over the same period of last year %. In the control of the designated air quality net area, the passengers (cargo) traders who are required to travel in the five air quality net areas delineated in this Municipality shall take the initiative to inspect and obtain the self-management classification mark and send them by irregular arrangement Roadside inspection, license plate identification and visual inspection work, for obvious smoke emission or non-compliance control of vehicles and notify to seized; this year for the air quality inspection of the net area, a total of 15,504 vehicles were inspected, as of the end of October total back The number of inspections was 11,285 vehicles. The check-in rate rose from 48.2% in the first quarter to 72.8% in the third. At the same time, in promoting self-management programs, this year, except for the completion of the "Promoting the Self-management of Diesel Cars and the Declaration of Air Quality Net Areas" on March 8, 106, the A6 mark and the mark were canceled due to the self-management of diesel vehicles Strict management of Hsinchu Science Park, on May 17, 106 completed "to promote the science park planning of air quality net area description", inviting Bamboo and Bamboo Miao three counties will enter and leave the Hsinchu Science Park industry to attend. In addition, in response to the EPD's efforts to promote the phase-out of old diesel vehicles and the installation of filter sifters in the third and third installments in the current year, EPD will promote the certification of the maintenance plant to enhance the testing quality of the existing maintenance plant and will continue to provide guidance B-class care plant upgraded to A-class certification and maintenance plant, and for the certified maintenance plant by the Changyuan Motor and Yu-Yi car repair quality as the main regulatory focus. In the diesel vehicle inspection station product quality control operations, in addition to a dedicated car, monthly quality assurance test B, in line with the test range, the instrument and equipment are completed the annual school, the results are in line with the acceptance criteria. This year, we are advocating the elimination of obsolescence and the installation of filter box subsidies. Statistics show that as of the end of October, the number of obsolete and obsolete wagons for the first and second phases of passenger and freight wagons has been 85 and that for the third-phase wagons has been increased by 106 As of the announcement of the list of certified manufacturers passed on October 26, no vehicles have yet been retrofitted. In the part of large-scale diesel trucks with four or five diesel vehicles, 12 vehicles have been signed, totally 406 vehicles.
英文關鍵字 Diesel car inspection station inspection and maintenance