

中文摘要 為持續精進(細)懸浮微粒監測技術,強化監測儀器量測數據品質與維持計量追溯要求,本計畫進行兩項工作:(1)設計與運作空氣品質監測站網常規比對平臺;(2)強化空氣品質監測站網標準校驗系統。冀此成果可輔助後續空氣品質監測網建置儀器性能常規比對運作機制。 在常規比對平臺運作方面,已完成不同廠牌PM2.5自動監測儀器與手動參考方法的八站季比對,並綜合前案成果彙整PM2.5自動監測儀器等似性結果報告,規劃儀器採購驗收方案,主要建議為儀器實測驗收拾進行至少十次的有效測試,測試平均比值須在(1.0 ± 0.1)範圍內,比值的標準差須在0.1以內,而有效樣品數中,濃度比值超過(1.0 ± 0.1)的次數不得大於3次。 新採購PM10自動監測儀器的實測驗收,以一機一卡的方式建立每一部驗收儀器的實測驗收履歷卡,作為後續系統維運之參考;新、舊儀器數據銜接測試發現在高屏空品區的數據差異較大,利用手動採樣方法進行部分測站的採樣測試後,可確認多數為舊儀器的量測結果偏高,而高屏地區多數的舊儀器廠牌與新儀器廠牌不同,顯示不同廠牌與儀器方法間存在基本的系統性誤差。此外,進行(已分布於各測站)所有儀器的零點測試,並定義零點測試結果的兩倍標準差為偵測極限,結果顯示:24小時平均值的偵測極限為2 μg/m3,1小時平均值的偵測極限為5 μg/m3(採無條件進位至整數)。 建構儀器常規比對運作模式方面,以示範測試結果評估常規平行比對(collocation comparison)之允收標準。由結果發現30天的比對數據尚不足以累積足夠數據確認儀器量測結果的一致性,容易出現線性迴歸結果不佳,但實際平均濃度差異在4至5 μg/m3以內的現象,因此建議後續執行常規比對查核時,以平均濃度差異為查核基準。在協助維護品保室校驗系統部分,利用SRP系統建立四部臭氧分析傳遞標準件的性能查核管制圖,並且建立SRP校驗系統的標準操作文件與系統不確定度評估報告;流量校驗系統部分則是完成實驗室監督評鑑相關工作,確保空品監測網所使用相關流量計之計量追溯性。綜合上述工作內容說明,本計畫執行主要為粒狀物監測建立等似性測試之運作機制與進行平臺的維運,並同時協助維持相關校驗標準系統,確保監測數據品質之計量追溯性以提升監測結果達到數據品質目標。
中文關鍵字 校正、驗證、參考方法、等似性比對、性能評估、品質保證


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FA11-02-A198 經費年度 106 計畫經費 14060 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/04 專案結束日期 2018/12/03 專案主持人 林采吟
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 徐宏博 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 監測儀器常規比對及校驗管理計畫 計畫編號:EPA-106-FA11-02-A198 行政院環境保護署委託研究 期末報告.pdf 77MB 期末報告

Research Program for Calibration and Performance Collation Verification of Ambient Air Monitors.

英文摘要 The main goal of this project is to develop a plan for the collocation comparison of continuously sampling PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitors in order to validate their performance. A database of PM10 and PM2.5 monitors is also planned in support of this objective. Another task is to enhance the performance quality of the flow and ozone calibration system maintained by the EPA quality assurance laboratory of air quality network. The current reference method for measuring mass concentration of particulate matter in ambient air relies on a 24-hour collection period followed by gravimetric analysis. Continuous automated monitors provide concentration distribution data at an increased time resolution to allow for pollution tracing in monitoring networks. As these machines rely on continuous readings, it is necessary to demonstrate that these automated instruments can produce results, such as 24-hour average value, that are comparable with the reference method. This is mainly done by executing collocated comparisons between reference and automated monitors. Three comparison platforms are distributed with one in each of the following; Taipei City, Tainan City, and Kaohsiung City. Each platform can contain a maximum number of eighteen automatic monitors. Currently, three manual samplers operated according to the reference method can be deployed for equivalent comparison. These comparison platforms allow for the stability and precision of automatic monitors to be tested and ensure that the automatic monitor’s results are equivalent to that of the reference method. After ensuring that these conditions are met, the automatic monitors can be distributed to different air quality monitoring stations and can be used to evaluate air quality. In 2018, three platforms are applied to test the performance of newly purchased PM10 monitors. After, qualified monitors are deployed to various monitoring stations to replace aged monitors and the data from both the new and old monitors are compared. After this comparison, a significant difference was found in stations located in southern Taiwan. However, zero point tests of new monitors to evaluate the detection limit (DL) showed that the DL for 24-hr is 2 μg/m3 and DL for one-hr is 5 μg/m3, which is consistent to what has been reported in Europe. PM2.5 monitors deployed in Kaohsiung and Taipei comparison platforms are recognized as transfer reference instruments (TRI) after demonstrating a performance equivalence to the manual reference method. One or two TRIs then can be removed from these platforms and installed in a monitoring station to ensure that staion monitor’s readings are consistent with those of the TRIs. If there is a significant variation in the readings between the TRI and station monitors there may be a need to contact the vendor for insight into the issue. However, preliminary results have shown that the linear regression correlation (including slope and intercept) of TRI versus manual reference method changes by seasons. This variation is especially significant on intercept value and indicates that TRI performance may change even under continuous operation in a single location. To meet the additional objectives of this project, we also help the quality assurance laboratory to improve the performance and maintenance of two standard calibration systems: a flow meter and ozone analyzer. The plan to achieve this is as follows: (1) design a monthly check list and records for the flow and ozone system, (2) design and setup control charts of the system, (3) help the laboratory maintain TAF accreditation of flow calibration capabilities, (4) design and perform remote control calibration techniques.
英文關鍵字 Calibration, Certification, Reference Method, Equivalent Comparison, Performance Evaluation, Quality Assurance