

中文摘要 一、跨區空污防制經驗交流 PM10減量行動專案:沙鹿站受台中港區外燃煤堆置操作影響,將堆置場集中於港區且強化管制後改善;南投站、朴子站、新營站、屏東站受河川疏濬影響,環保署辦理河川疏浚SOP評鑑,經水利署納入作業要點,得以有效管理;頭份站、安南站受重大工程影響,透過落實逸散管辦及營建工地法規進一步減量;朴子站受裸露地及旱田施作影響,透過農機加裝襯裙降低逸散:崙背站及麥寮站受濁水溪揚塵影響等為近期持續改善項目。 甲苯減量行動專案:受體模式分析甲苯來源顯示,以移動源及有機溶劑使用為主。本年度結合地方環保局辦理研商會,依據縣市別污染源特性,分別報告膠帶業、印刷業、PU合成皮、自行車零組件、汽機車零組件表面塗裝製程特性及減量技術,提供環保署另案研擬之塗裝相關製程排放標準之參考。 二、石化業精進管制 本年度以石化業排放VOCs之空品影響案例分析及管制歷程進行統整。包括1.發現光化站乙丙烯造成臭氧濃度增加而強化燃燒塔管制、2.潮寮事件後以FTIR監測石化熱區並建立污染地圖、以及3.固定源HAPs草案預告後於工業區追查HAPs排放來源,提出改善對策並據以研擬VOCs標準草案。 三、固定源PM2.5減量管制 大型火力發電管制方面:協助盤點自現階段至114年逐年各發電機組發電量與各項空氣污染物排放量。未來將以同樣方式盤點民營電廠。此外,也推動中油及中鋼公司等國營事業優先減量, 小型鍋爐管制方面:經調查大園汽電擬增設循環式流化床,以循環利用之資源為燃料,提供工業區熱源以替代鏈排爐,有益於循環經濟,值得推廣。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、排放標準、六輕離島工業區


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FA12-03-A150 經費年度 106 計畫經費 13150 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/07 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 郭子豪
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 戴忠良 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-106-FA12-03-A150期末報告.pdf 14MB 期末報告

The Implementaion Plan to Improve Air Quality in the air basin

英文摘要 I.Sharing of air pollution control strategies PM10 Reduction Action Plan: A number of measures were taken to reduce PM10, including management of coal storage in Taichung Port, control of river dredging in Nantou and Pingtung, management of major construction sites in Miaoli and Tainan, improving operating agricultural machien in Chiayi, monitoring of river bed fugitive emission, management of exposed and dry fields in Yunlin. Toluene Reduction Action Plans: Toluene plays an important role in the formation of ozone and aerosol. The concentration of toluene in Taiwan is much higher than other developed countries. Receptor models indicated that the emission of toluene is mainly from mobile sources and the use of solvents. This year a conference was held to demonstrate process characteristics and reduction technologies of tape industry, printing industry, PU synthetic leather, bicycle components, and automotive components surface treatment industry. II.Control of petrochemical industry emissions This year the control of petrochemical industry emissions focuses on 1. Further control of flare towers after the discovery of ozone increase due to the emission of ethylene and propylene; 2. The compilation of pollution map with FTIR monitoring in petrochemical industrial zones after the Chaoliu Incidence; 3. Tracing and reduction of HAPs emission after the promulgation of stationary HAPs standards and make suggestions to the adjustment of VOCs Standards accordingly. III.Control of Stationary PM2.5 emission This year the measures to control PM2.5 emission includes 1. Control of major firepower plants; 2. Control of small boilers; and 3. Tracing of compliances after the promulgation of Power Generation Facilities Emission Standards in 2014.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality, Emission Standard, The No.6 Naphtha Cracker off-shore Island Industrial Zone