

中文摘要 為協助環保署提升環境影響評估審查效能及品質,本計畫建置之審查作業程序與制式審查表格,作為計畫執行方法與步驟。環評書件依開發行為環境影響評估作業準則、技術規範及審議規範,協助環保署核對檢視受理審查(至少50件次)環評書件內容符合情形,具體提列未符事項之初審意見,供環評審查參考。另外,亦協助審查之案件列表,並進行後續追蹤審查結果。執行期間完成之63件次審查專業支援環評案件,其中有36件次說明書、2件次報告書、21件次環境差異分析報告書及4件次現況差異分析報告,另已協助19件次追蹤案件,檢視前次審查意見之修正內容,供環評審查參考。另外,協助環評案件符合度分析,計畫執行期間以43件次經由審查專業支援團隊專家學者審查檢視環評書件為樣本,分析環境因子包括「地形、地質及土壤」、「水文及水質」、「氣象及空氣品質」、「健康風險評估」、「噪音及振動」、「廢棄物」、「能源及氣候變遷」、「生態」、「景觀及遊憩」、「文化」及「社會經濟」等類別,審查檢視是否符合開發行為環境影響評估作業準則、技術規範及審議規範所載內容,並分析開發行為環境影響評估作業準則及技術規範各要求細項之符合度,針對環評書件及其環境因子符合度分析,未達符合項目,亦應進一步檢視。
中文關鍵字 環境影響評估、環境影響評估作業準則、技術規範


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-E103-02-A073 經費年度 106 計畫經費 2180 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/04 專案結束日期 2017/11/30 專案主持人 林鎮洋
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 商維庭 執行單位 國立臺北科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-106-E103-02-A073.pdf 5MB 期末報告

A Project of the Technical Support on Environmental Impact Assessment

英文摘要 In order to improve the efficiency and quality of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) review, this project developed a standard operation procedure, and a checklist for examining the specific items of EIA reports. The main purpose of this project is to assist Taiwan Environmantal Protection Administration (EPA) in reviewing environmental impact assessment reports, which are required to agree with the relvant regulations including environmental impact assessment working standards, technical guidelines, and review regulations. The results of the review were provided for the EIA review committee. Three main tasks are conducted to provide technological support in examining the specific items of EIA which are required during the EIA report review meeting. The tasks include: (a) reviewing at least fifty EIA reports, (b) following up the environmental impact assessment cases, and (c) analyzeing satisfaction levels of EIA reports. During this study, sixty-three EIA reports are reviewed including thirty-six environmental impact statements (EIS) , two environmental impact assessment reports , twenty-one environmental impact survey reports, and four analyses of the differences between the current environmental conditions and the ones when the development activity was generated. Besides, there are nineteen EIA followed-up cases, and the comments on the EIA cases were provided during the review meeting. The forty-three EIA reports were examined for the satisfaction levels in terms of the requirements for the relevant regulations. Based on the relevant regulations, the EIA specific items of topography, geology, soil, water quality, air pollution, risk assessment of poisonous substances, noise, vibration, solid waste, energy, climate change, plant ecology, animal ecology, marine ecology, landscape, cultural assets, society, and economy are examimed to evaluate the satisfaction levels. The results of the evaluation indicated that several specific items are unable to meet the requirements. Those unsatified specific items shall be reviewed in the future. Finally, several suggestions for further investigation are provided.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Impact Assessment Working Standards, Technical guideline