

中文摘要 柴油引擎因引擎輸出馬力大,油耗相對於汽油引擎來的少,被廣泛地運用在乘客或貨物的運送、軍事或者工程機械等用途上;但柴油車輛所排放的黑煙污染物經研究顯示出,對人體健康會產生巨大的危害。因此,在車輛污染管制上,除新車審驗標準漸趨加嚴外,亦針對使用中車輛加強管制工作,並宣導按時保養檢驗,藉以提升空氣品質。 為有效管制嘉義市柴油車空氣污染,固定的柴油車路邊攔檢稽查及目視稽查,以及其他的自主管理、公務車管制、淨區管制等相關管制措施,都是希望透過相關稽查管制,找出高污染車輛促進改善來達到污染減量。今年度也購置了車辨系統,可加強納管出入嘉義市特定地點或市區車輛。同時也宣導鼓勵轄區客貨運業者、公務車輛及校車定期維護保養及到站檢測取得自主管理標章。透過這些稽查及宣導措施結合,針對柴油車輛加強管制,藉以督促車主加強車輛日常維修保養,進而降低車輛廢氣污染排放,提高環境空氣品質,以達清淨環境之目的。此外,針對轄區內易怠速地點執行停車熄火宣導與稽查作業;另外也配合環保局執行原地噪音檢測工作,此外亦配合警察、監理及環保局執行夜間稽查等工作,降低機動車輛噪音產生,還給市民一個安靜的空間。 計畫自107年3月2日至107年12月15日止,到站檢測之柴油車共有2,658輛次,其中計有103輛次最終檢測不合格,最終不合格率為3.9%;路邊攔檢工作則完成301輛次檢測,不透光率不合格數有151輛次,不透光不合格率為50.2%;柴油車目視判煙篩選通知1,002輛次;油品抽驗則已完成51件檢驗,無不合格油品;停車熄火稽巡查共1,004輛次;此外受理民眾檢舉案件32件,其中需檢測柴油車輛24輛,截至12/15止,已完成檢測20件,並回覆檢舉人。 嘉義市政府104年成立嘉義市空氣污染防制委員會以來,致力於降低空氣污染對市民的健康危害,而移動源污染中柴油車所排放的廢氣也最為民眾詬病。本計畫透過各種稽查及宣導手段,迫使出入轄區內柴油車能夠接受檢測合格並進一步取得自主管理標章,希望確保進出嘉義市柴油車排煙狀況皆能符合排煙標準,以降低轄區內污染來源。目前排煙站檢測之柴油車合格率為96.1%,其中取得自主管理標章為31.5%,距離全數取得自主管理標章目標仍需持續努力。今年度主要稽查對象為一、二、三期老舊高污染車輛,同時結合環保署老舊一、二期大型柴油車汰舊補助及三期車加裝濾煙器補助政策,雙管齊下來降低污染。今年到目前為止,在計畫執行下依據污染物減量計算方式估計,已削減PM10 24.75公噸/年,PM2.5 21.98公噸/年。
中文關鍵字 柴油車、空氣污染、自主管理


專案計畫編號 1070219 經費年度 107 計畫經費 6330 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/02 專案結束日期 2018/12/15 專案主持人 劉柏宏
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 潘秋凡 執行單位 春迪企業


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年嘉義市柴油車空氣污染管制及機動車輛停車怠速熄火稽查計畫(期末定稿-上傳).pdf 11MB 期末報告
英文摘要 As having high output horse power, diesel engines have lower oil consumption than gasoline engines; thus, diesel engines are comprehensively applied to the transportation of passengers and goods military purposes or engineering machines; however, the pollutants of the black smoke discharged from diesel vehicles will significantly danger the health of human bodies according to the relevant researches; accordingly, regarding the vehicle pollution control, not only the new vehicle examination standards are becoming stricter, but also the control operations for vehicles in use should enhanced; besides, it is necessary to promote the regular maintenance and inspection in order to better the air quality. For the purpose of effectively control the air pollution of diesel vehicles in Chiayi City, all of the routine spot check, visual inspection, other self-managements, official vehicle management & control, clear zone management & control, and other relevant management & control measures are implemented to find out vehicles resulting in high pollution to promote improvement via relevant inspections and controls in order to reduce pollution. We also purchased the vehicle license plate recognition system this year, which can better the management of the vehicles accessing specific locations or the urban area of Chiayi City. Meanwhile, we also promote and encourage the passenger carriers, freight forwarders, official vehicles, and school buses in the administrative area to regularly maintain the vehicles and accept inspection in station so as to obtain the self-management mark. By means of combining these inspections with the promotion measures, we can focus on the management & control for diesel vehicles, and supervise and urge vehicle owners to enhance the daily repair & maintenance in order to reduce the discharge gas pollution discharge, better the environmental air quality, and then finally achieve the target of cleaning the environment. In addition, we perform the stop & turn-off promotion, and inspection operation; in addition, we cooperate with Environmental Protection Bureau to execute the noise inspection & measurement operation; further, we cooperate with the police, Vehicle Supervision Office and Environmental Protection Bureau to perform the night inspection and other operations in order to reduce the noise generated from vehicles to return a quiet space to the citizens. The project is from March 2, 2018 to December 15, 2018; 2,658 vehicles in total have been inspected in station, where 103 vehicles fail to pass the final inspection, and the final disqualification rate is 3.9%; regarding the spot check, 301 vehicles in total have been inspected by spot check; 151 vehicles in total are disqualified by the opacity inspection, and the opacity disqualification rate is 50.2%; 1,002 diesel vehicles in total are notified by the visual smoke determination selection; the sampling inspections for 51 oil products are finished; 1,004 vehicles in total are inspected by the stop & turn-off inspection; moreover, 32 cases reported by the citizens are accepted, where 24 diesel vehicles need to be inspected; until 12/15, the inspections of 20 cases have been finished, and reported to the reporters. After founding Chiayi City Air Pollution Prevention Committee in 2015, Chiayi City Government has been devoted to reduce the damage resulting from air pollution to the health of the citizens; particularly, the discharge gas from diesel vehicles is the most series problem considered by the citizens. The project uses various inspection and promotion means to force the diesel vehicles accessing the administrative area to accept the inspections and be qualified from the inspections in order to further obtain the self-management mark; we hope we can make sure that the gas discharge of all diesel vehicles accessing Chiayi City conform to the smoke discharge standards so as to reduce the pollution sources in the administrative area. Currently, the qualification rate of the diesel vehicles inspected by the gas discharge inspection station is 96.1%, where 31.5% of the vehicles obtain the self-management mark; it still needs more effort to achieve the target that all vehicles obtain the self-management mark. In the year, the major inspection targets are old Stage-1, Stage-2 and Stage-3 vehicles with high pollution; meanwhile, the project also combines with the subsidies for replacing old and large Stage-1 and Stage-2 diesel vehicles and the assistant policy of installing smoke filter on Stage-3 vehicles provided by Environmental Protection Bureau so as to effectively reduce the pollution. Until now in this year, it is estimated that PM10 24.75 ton/year and PM2.5 21.98 ton/year are reduced because of the implementation of the project according to the pollutant reduction calculation method.
英文關鍵字 Diesel vehicles, Air pollution, Autonomous management