

中文摘要 本計畫工作內容主要可分為「行政與作業支援」及「系統維運」兩大面向。於行政與作業支援方面,今年度提供了423通的電話客服服務外,也為使環保署、各縣市環保局、各鄉鎮市區清潔隊能夠暢通資訊往來,本計畫團隊逐一確認各機關單位之災防窗口人員聯絡資訊。並舉辦7場實機教育訓練,合計共291人參與。為使相關單位對於本系統各項通報作業及請求支援流程更加熟悉,於10月舉辦兩場次之颱風及地震模擬演練。在災害來臨時執行進駐作業,今年度進駐天數共計達4天,每班於署內進駐1人,並有專案工程師、系統工程師、程式工程師共3名工程師待命,即時解決使用者問題或即時進行系統修正,總共投入人力共約16人天。 在系統維運方面,陸續修正水質抽驗結果通報功能、車輛資料介接功能、行政區域劃分重複問題以及更新環保署和中央災害應變中心聯絡資訊,並處理硬碟空間不足問題,以避免於災害來臨時因寫入資料量過大而導致系統無法正常運作。本計畫在災害發生前、後共提供30則新聞及公告。最後,也配合環保署共5次之每月系統更新作業,及每月例行性安全檢核,將系統存在風險降至最低。
中文關鍵字 環境災害管理資訊系統、災害管理、天然災害


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-J101-02-A097 經費年度 107 計畫經費 1660 千元
專案開始日期 2018/05/25 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 高勝平
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 張維中 執行單位 景丰科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA-107-J101-02-A097.pdf 39MB 期末報告

2018 Environmental Emergency Management Information System Integration and Maintenance Project

英文摘要 The working contents of this project can be further divided into two major aspects, which were "administrative and operational support" and "system maintenance and functional development". In terms of "administrative and operational support", aside from opening a total of 423 counseling services through phone calls, in order to facilitate smooth information interchange and fluent report procedure among different members from The Environmental Protection Administration, County/City Environmental Protection Bureau, Country/Township Cleaning Team, the working team has also improved data accuracy, filtered wrongful information, and check the contact numbers for each department and unit. Under situation simulation approaches, a total of 7 days educational training programs were held at different districts throughout Taiwan, with total attendance number reaching up to 291 people. In order to familiarize relevant units with emergency response measures, two emergency drills for typhoon, flood, and earthquake were also provided. A disaster area stationing program that lasted for 2 times were also provided. Over 4 dedicated members including project host, project manager, system engineer, program engineer and assistant engineer were stationed in the disaster area each time to resolve user problems of system problems for Environmental Protection Administration and our company. To sum up, a total of 16 person-days were devoted to the program. In the aspect of system maintenance, we have successively modified the car data connection problem, updated the EPA contact information, and deal with the hard disk drive space issues. Our project released 30 newsletters and public announcements before and after the disaster. In compliance with EPA policy, we have also performed safety inspections each month and 5 system updates.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Disaster Management Information System, Disaster Management, Natural disaster