

中文摘要 本計畫工作內容涵蓋三大面向,分別為政策面、推廣面及執行面,政策面係以修訂「機關綠色採購推動方案」及「推動民間企業及團體實施綠色採購計畫」為主要重點,本年度已擬定「綠色採購推動方案」(草案),規劃,擴大機關綠色採購範疇至勞務及工程採購,促使採購金額提升,並於107年5月28日呈報行政院,另擬定「108年度推動民間企業及團體實施綠色採購計畫」,將輔導應申報企業社會責任報告書之業者進行綠色採購,及主動輔導業者申請環保標章納為推動重點,透過推動機關及民間綠色採購,提升我國綠色產品商機,進一步強化我國綠色消費可行性;工具面則以推廣我國綠色消費為主,本年度已參與「2018台北國際旅展」、辦理「107年度大專院校營隊補助活動」及綠色消費推廣績優單位表揚典禮、委託警廣臺南臺及飛碟電台推廣綠色消費,並發放綠色採購問卷,透過各式管道將綠色消費推廣至各年齡層及行業別;執行面則以辦理30場次機關綠色採購教育訓練、辦理106年度機關綠色採購評核作業及現場訪查、辦理機關及民間綠色採購執行會議,並監督環境保護產品驗證作業為主要工作項目,提升機關及民間單位綠色採購熟悉度,並強化我國綠色產品品質。以上三大面向,係透過提升我國綠色產品商機及範疇,擴大民眾綠色產品認知度,並進一步於日常生活中採購綠色產品,完整我國綠色消費鏈。
中文關鍵字 綠色消費、綠色採購、環保標章


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-FB05-03-A091 經費年度 107 計畫經費 7125 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/06 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 蔡宏達
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 鄭惠文 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-107-FB05-03-A091.pdf 89MB

2018-2019 Green Procurement and Consumption Promotion Project (2018)

英文摘要 The project divided into three parts, policy, promotion and conference respectively. In policy, “Green Procurement Promotion Program” and “Private enterprise Green Procurement Promotion Program” are main focus. “Green Procurement Promotion Program” (draft). In order to elevate government green procurement amount, Government Green Procurement item will contain procurement for services and work, which had reported to the Executive Yuan in May 28, 2018. However, in order to elevate product of green mark quantity, “Private enterprise Green Procurement Promotion Program” contain counseling for green mark and counseling for enterprises that should file a Corporate Social Responsibility report. The project tones up the feasibility of green consumption by government and private enterprise green procurement. In promotion, the main focus is promotional activity. So as to promote green consumption to all ages and industry, we joined the exhibition of 2018 Taipei International Travel Fair, conducted funding for institute green consumption camp program, celebrated the organization of positive promote green consumption, advertised green consumption by radio, and used a questionnaire to the acceptability green consumption. In conference, familiar to government and private enterprise green procurement and strengthen the product of green mark are the main focus. We conducted government green procurement performance evaluation, on-site visit, implementation meeting, and checked up on Certification Agency. To sum up, promote business opportunities for the green product, elevate the acceptability of green product in the market, and actual purchase green product are the key to green consumption.
英文關鍵字 Green Consumption、Green Procurement、Green Mark