

中文摘要 本計畫希冀經由推動在地化特色環境教育,藉以提升市民環境倫理與責任,啟發環境素養與覺知,進而發展為城市永續發展的理念。本計畫執行成果如下: 一、宣傳推廣活動辦理 1. 於4月22日假臺中都會公園辦理配合地球日環境教育主場活動1場次,參與人數共計1,225人。 2. 於5月24日假寶之林廢棄家具再生中心辦理「環境教育增能工作坊暨經驗交流座談會」活動1場次,參與人數共計55人。 3. 於6月5日假臺中豐樂雕塑公園辦理配合世界環境日環境教育主場活動1場次,參與人數共計620人。 4. 設置行動專車1輛、購置環境教育桌遊9套;於5月11日辦理環境教育行動專車活動首場活動1場次,參與人數共計125人;後續辦理各場次活動,計有52場次,參與人數共計8,361人。 5. 依臺中市行政區域分為山線、海線、市屯區三區,辦理4場次環境教育活動設計研習會,參與人數共計417人。 6. 於9月8日假逢甲大學人言大樓地下一樓啟垣廳辦理環境知識競賽臺中市初賽,參賽人數為334人。 7. 於107年8月1日與8月15日假國立自然科學博物館辦理2場次環境教育終身學習護照宣導活動,共417人註冊。 8. 於107年4月24日提送「環境教育終身學習護照」獎勵計畫1式至環保局核備,經核定後於107年6月26日公布實施;於10月8日假臺中市政府環境保護局綜合計畫科會議室辦理終身學習獎勵抽獎活動,抽取60名正取與60名備取名單。截至11月15日止,臺中市政府所屬員工開通環境教育終身學習護照有效人數達44,954人,開通比率為80.54%。 9. 於4月27日辦理完成臺美生態學校夥伴計畫遴選審查會議,評選出12所學校獲得補助。霧峰國小與吉峰國小獲得銀牌認證;梧棲國小、中華國小、僑榮國小、東海國小、頭汴國小、惠文國小、神岡國小、霧峰國中、大明高中、嶺東高中獲得銅牌認證。 10. 於4月至9月間辦理28梯次「行遍臺中減碳 樂活 輕旅行環境教育活動」,活動地點因應當地環境教育特色,安排自然生態及人文環境之課程、導覽解說,帶領臺中市民,親身觀察體驗,引導市民對環境議題與文化保存有更為全面深刻的體驗與認識,28梯次參與人數共計720人。 11. 於9月15日假臺中市一中街水利大樓廣場辦理配合菸灰菸蒂不落地宣傳推廣主場大會師活動1場次,參與人數共計286人。 二、行政推動 1. 依臺中市行政區域分為山線、海線、市屯區三區,辦理4場次輔導查核說明會,參與人數共計417人。 2. 依據申報查核作業疑似之原則:「當年度所完成申報之環境教育舉辦次數少於三次者」、「單次環境教育內容其參與人員超過該單位總人數之百分之九十者」、「當年度所完成申報之環境教育實施方式均為『網路學習』者」、「單次環境教育舉辦時數大於等於24小時者」、「單次環境教育舉辦時間為12月且參與人員超過該單位總人數百分之五十者」、「當年度單位內辦理不同主題之環境教育,其內容相似」、「單位內申報內容過於簡略、敷衍」等7項,臺中市各單位106年成果申報符合2項以上異常條件者共351處單位,以電腦亂數選定輔導查核70處次之單位,於7月3日至8月9日完成辦理70處實地輔導查核。
中文關鍵字 臺中市政府環境保護局、環境教育專案計畫


專案計畫編號 N1168 經費年度 107 計畫經費 5433.835 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/15 專案結束日期 2018/11/15 專案主持人 段沛晶
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 魏念盈 執行單位 鼎澤科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 03-第三章 工作執行方法與成果.pdf 28MB 成果報告執行內容

In 2018,Taichung City Government implemented the environmental education project.

英文摘要 The project hopes to enhance public environmental ethics and responsibilities, and to popularize the concept of sustainable urban development by promoting the environmental education with distinctive local characteristics. The results of the implementation are summarized below: First, promotion activities includes as follows: 1. On April 22, total of 1,225 participants attended the environmental education campaign in conjunction with the Earth Day in Taichung Metropolitan Park. 2. On May 24, a total of 55 participants attended the environmental education symposium to interflow experience in Taichung Baozhilin Furniture Recycling Center. 3. On June 5, a total of 620 participants attended the environmental education campaign in conjunction with the World Environment Day in Feng-Le Sculpture Park. 4. We set up an environmental education van and purchase 9 environmental education board games. On May 11, the first event for environmental education van has been held with a total of 125 participants. Follow-up for all activities, there were 52 appearances and a total of 8,361participants. 5. We held 4 batches of environmental education design workshops with a total number of 417 participants. 6. On September 8, the preliminary race of the Environmental Knowledge Competition for Taichung City has been held at Chi-Yuan Hall of Feng Chia University. A total of 334 participants attended. 7. We also held 2 sessions of Environmental Education Lifelong Learning Passport promotion activities in Natural Museum of Natural Science. A total of 417 passports were activated in these 2 sessions. 8. Environmental Education Lifelong Learning Passport promotion Program announced on June 26. On October 8th, the Taichung City Government Environmental Protection Bureau Comprehensive Planning Division meeting room for lifelong learning rewards and sweepstakes. Extract 60 positive and 60 ready lists. As of November 15, the number of valid employees of the Taichung City Government's employees who opened environmental education lifelong learning passports reached 42,648, with an opening ratio of 80.5%. 9. On April 27, we completed the selection review conference for US-Taiwan Eco-campus Partnership Program, and selected 12 schools on behalf of Taichung City. These contain Ling-Tung Senior High School and Da-Ming Senior High School. Junior High School included Wu-Feng. Elementary Schools included Tao-bien, Gi-Fon, Chung-Hua, Dong-Hai, Yu-xi, Hui-Wen, Shen-Gang, Chiau-Rung, Wu-Feng. Follow-up, we counseling 2 schools to obtain silver certification and 10schools obtain bronze certification. 10. From April to September, we conducted 28 echelons " Environmental Education Light Travel Activities in Taichung in carbon reduction way ". The venues were arranged according to the characteristics of environmental education, and arranged natural ecology and human environment courses and guided explanations. A total of 720 participants attended these 28 echelons. 11. On September 15, total of 286 participants attended the environmental education campaign in conjunction with the World Clean Day. The activities aims to teach people not to litter cigarettes. Second, administrative operations includes as follows: 1. We held 4 counseling briefing seminars with a total number of 417 participants. 2. In 2017, there has in line with the 2 principles of abnormal condition above a total of 351units in Taichung City. We randomly selected 70 units for field counseling on July 3 to August 9, 2018.
英文關鍵字 environmental education, Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City Government