

中文摘要 本計畫係根據歷年清淨家園全民運動顧厝邊部落格綠色生活網(EcoLife)建置計畫,將其成果持續維護及提升綠網既有功能,增進綠網操作的友善度並使資料應用能更加符合管理需求;藉由推廣登革熱、海岸淨灘及環境衛生等面向,辦理相關宣導及說明活動,逐步落實清淨家園樂活化的環境新主張。 本計畫於活動端之執行成果:辦理環境孳生源清除說明會,共培訓308人次,以鄉鎮市區公所與村里、清潔隊及環保局最多共佔72%;辦理登革熱現場村里社區實務指導及登革熱複式動員查核,共宣導598人次,強化村里孳生源清除能力;辦理綠網及環境衛生議題教育訓練,共輔導273人次;本計畫亦配合海岸淨灘業務推廣,辦理淨灘查核及活動,另經營全國揪團認養淨灘粉絲團,共計發布193篇文章,貼文總觸及人數累計351,646人次,粉絲團按讚人數已達10,398人。 本計畫於系統端之執行成果:著重在提升登革熱防治作業與環境衛生執行成果的專區管理。本年度在登革熱業務方面,完成加強孳生源清除的村里警示、孳生源清除成果的管控及病媒蚊調查的建檔;環境管理方面,完成髒亂熱區地圖、清理結案和建檔場所維護成果的查詢與統計專區;其他業務方面,則配合業務單位需求進行調修,綜合以上功能的維護及開發作業,以提升系統友善度、業務管理成效,並掌握環境衛生現況。
中文關鍵字 登革熱、海岸淨灘、環境衛生


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-J101-02-A107 經費年度 107 計畫經費 6390 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/26 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 郭仲凱
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 郭權展 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


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期末報告 EPA107J10102A107.pdf 32MB 期末報告定稿

The 2018 Project of Keeping the Environment Clean and Green and the Upgrading and Enhancement of the EcoLife Website

英文摘要 To further and enhance the EcoLife Website Effectiveness Enhancement Project implemented in previous years, this project aims to maintain and upgrade the existing functions of the EcoLife website. These include meeting the management demand by improving the website’s user-friendliness and data application. In addition, promotional and educational events were held to raise people’s awareness of Dengue fever, coastal cleanup, and environmental hygiene. It is hoped that the new environmental viewpoint which is a cleaner and greener homeland could be established step by step through these events. The activity achievements of this project are listed in the following. Firstly, training seminars on eliminating mosquito breeding sources were held with a total of 308 people participated in the training. In which, 72% of the participants were of the township (city) offices, the cleaning squad of villages and communities, and the Environmental Protection Bureaus. Secondly, on-site instruction sessions on Dengue prevention and multiple mobilizing inspections were held. The aim of the sessions and inspections was to provide practical training for people in villages and neighborhoods and to enhance their ability to eliminate the breeding sources. A total of 598 people participated in the sessions. Thirdly, educational training regarding how to use the EcoLife website and environmental hygiene were held with a total of 273 people’s participation. Lastly, this project promoted coastal cleanup business by holding coastal cleanup inspections and events. Additionally, the Facebook fan page, “We love Taiwan coastal clean-up”, has a total of 193 articles posted on the fan page reaching 351,646 people, and the fan page has reached a total of 10,398 likes. The aims regarding the system of this project are enhancing the managing function of the website on the prevention of Dengue fever and the results of maintaining environment hygiene. Regarding Dengue fever prevention, emphases were placed on the issuing of warnings to villages and townships required to eliminate breeding sources, the control and monitoring of the results of breading source elimination, and the data filing on vector mosquitoes. On the aspect of environmental management, the system established a hotspot map showing messy and dirty areas. In addition, a search engine and a statistics function are provided regarding closing a cleaning project and filing the results data on maintaining the cleanliness of a designated place. Other adjustments were provided based on each cooperating sectors’ demands. The establishment and maintaining of the above-mentioned functions have successfully improved the system’s user-friendliness and the effectiveness of business management. These functions have also helped users to seize the control and the monitoring of the current environment hygiene status.
英文關鍵字 Dengue Fever, Coastal Cleanup, Environmental Hygiene