

中文摘要 本計畫依據環保署公告之「柴油汽車黑煙排放不透光率檢測方法及程序」針對柴油車進行排氣煙度試驗,統計期程自107年3月1日至107年12月31日止動力計檢測2,790輛次,馬力比不足退驗率2.0%,本市通知到檢,占了整體來源之5.7%,而代驗外縣市及自動到檢分別占了3.5%及88.8%。 扣除馬力比不足退驗,有2,735輛次執行檢測,僅驗無負載的有220輛次,執行全負載檢驗的有2,515輛次,共260輛次不合格。 統計自107年3月1日至107年12月31日止,路邊攔檢2,612輛次,依不透光率檢測程序測試,不透光率不合格753輛,其中577輛次選擇污染度檢測程序之車輛,共165輛次不合格,最終判定不合格341輛次,不合格率為13.1%。
中文關鍵字 粒狀污染物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 10430 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/01 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 林忠宏
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 吳秀瑛 執行單位 茂迪環境有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107桃園排煙期末定稿.pdf 19MB

Taoyuan City Diesel vehicle inspection Program for 2018

英文摘要 For the purpose of this project, emission smoke test was performed on diesel vehicles based on the “method and procedure for the emission smoke test on diesel-fueled vehicles.” During the period from March 1 to December 31 2018, 2,790 vehicles were tested on dynamometer and 2.0% of the tested vehicles were rejected for insufficient specific power. 5.7% of the tested vehicles reported in for testing on the notification of the city Hall. 3.5% and 88.8% of the tested vehicles came from other counties/cities and were brought to inspection stations by the owners, respectively. With those of insufficient specific power rejected from testing, 2,735 vehicles were tested, including 220 tested at no load and 2,515 tested at full load. 260 vehicles failed the test. A total of 2,62 vehicles were pulled over for the opacity test from March 1 to December 31 2018. 753 failed the opacity test and the owners of 577 of them chose the pollution test and 165 failed the test. The final ruling was that 341 vehicle failed all tests for a failure rate of 13.1%.
英文關鍵字 Particulate pollutants