

中文摘要 為整合政府與民間資源,鼓勵採購綠色產品及其他環保行動,引領民眾力行綠色生活,擴大綠色消費市場,帶動綠色經濟循環,)環保署自民國(下同)104年12月起正式推動環保集點制度,迄今已累積初步成果,截至107年12月28日為止共有:260,241名會員加入環保集點制度,並有若干知名通路加入特約機構行列。而自推動各項工作以來,可知影響本制度推動成效之關鍵因素,除了相關部會及各行業別之參與及跨域整合外,由於參與會員、特約機構與相關交易數量皆大幅增加,尤有必要配合檢視及調整監督查核機制之內容,並持續落實相關環節監督查核工作之執行,方能降低結清算作業或法規層面之風險及疑義,並強化各利害關係人(例如消費者)之保障與信賴,爰有本計畫之提出。   本計畫本年度之目標有三,其情形分述如下: (一) 檢討修正相關作業程序並辦理環保集點制度稽核監督作業。 (二) 配合環保集點制度擴大推動政策,持續檢視相關法規及契約之適法性。 (三) 針對環保集點制度之政策落實狀況進行檢討,並針對中長期制度推動方向研提相關精進建議。 一、稽核監督管理 有關稽核監督管理,本計畫依據「環保集點制度稽核監督管理作業程序」,確實掌握規劃與實際執行之符合程度及落差情形,提供環保署稽核和抽查結果並提出建議改善項目及改善時間,以臻制度推動之完善。 (一)金流稽核 就金流稽核部分,本計畫本年度就特約機構及惜食餐廳之交易資料完成每月覆核,並分別抽查特約機機構之25%原始憑證。截至目前為止,依據抽查結果發現特約機構之請款與「環保集點制度稽核監督管理作業程序」之規定大致相符。 (二)資訊稽核 就在資訊稽核管理部分,本計畫每月均進行資訊稽核,各次稽核中均就環保集點平臺與「電子發票整合服務平臺」、「綠色生活資訊網」和「碳足跡資訊網」等3個平臺介接情形進行審視,並據以提出各季稽核結果與建議報告。 二、法制規範之檢視 有關法制作業維繫,本計畫共計完成環保點制度補助作業要點之修正草案、行政院環境保護署環境保護產品驗證機構管理要點修正草案、行政院環境保護署環境保護產品管理作業規範修正草案,同時提供環保集點平臺App之隱私權政策文字修正、綁卡規則、環保集點平臺電子優惠券漏未標記兌換點數等法制維繫意見提供。 三、政策規劃構想及落實 本計畫主要辦理「政府機關參與環保集點制度之方案」、「環保集點平臺結合其他紅利點數或進行點數交換」、「惜食餐廳推動」、以及「環保集點平臺委外營運」等工作。
中文關鍵字 環保集點、綠色經濟、綠色產品


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-FB05-03-D009 經費年度 107 計畫經費 3547 千元
專案開始日期 2018/04/03 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 朱瑞陽
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 王瑞鋐 執行單位 國巨律師事務所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106-107年度環保集點制度監督查核第2年(2年計畫)專案工作計畫期末報告(全).pdf 26MB 期末報告(本文+附件)

Supervision and Inspection of Green Point Collection Program Project of Year 2017-2018(2nd year)

英文摘要 For the purposes of resource integration between public sector and private sector, encourgemnt of purchase of green products and other environmental protection activties, leading the public to live a sustainable lifestyle, expansion of the green consumer market, and promotion of circular economy, Green Point Collection Program was officially launched by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in December 2015. So far preliminary achievements have been obtained. As of December 2018, 260,241 members registered with Green Point Collection Program and a number of well-known merchants joined such Program as designated insitutions. After the launch of Green Point Collection Program, major factors in the effectiveness of the Program have been noted. In addition to the participation and cross-sector collaboration between public sector and private sector, in view of the significant increase of members registered with the Program, designated institutions and relevant transactions, it was necessary to review and adjust the supervision and inspection mechanism of Green Point Collection Program and ensure the continuous implementation of such superviosn and inspection so as to reduce the risk and issue related to the financial settlement operation or regulations and to enhance the protection and trust of all stakeholders, such as consumers. Given the above, the Project for Supervision and Inspection of Green Point Collection Program (Project) was proposed. The annual targets of this Project are as follows: 1.To audit and supervise the Green Point Collection Program, review and revise the relevant operation procedures, and assist the EPA in the management of Green Point Collection Program Platform. 2.To ensure the completeness of regulation framework, relevant contracts, and forms of operation for Green Point Collection Program, and to assist the EPA in reviewing the relevant description and official documents. 3.To develop cross-industry, cross-sector, and cross-agency cooperation plan for Green Point Collection Program, to establish the system related to outsourcing, and to provide the advice about the possible direction of Green Point Collection Program. 1.Audit and Supervision Regarding the audit and supervison, according to the "Operation Procedures For Management of Supervision and Audit of Green Point Collection Program", under the Project, the degree of the matching and the situation of the deviation between the plann and execution have been noted, and the result of audit and sample check and proposed inprovement items and time have been provided to the EPA to ensure the perfectness of the Program. (1)Cash Flow Audit Regarding audit of cash flow, under the Project, the review of the deal data of designated institutions and Cherish-Food Restaurants on a monthly basis for this year has been conducted, and the smaple check of 25% of original evidence of designated institutions has separately conducted. The result shows that the payment made to designated insitutions general complies with the "Operation Procedures For Management of Supervision and Audit of Green Point Collection Program". (2)Information Audit Regarding audit of information, under the Project, an information audit was conducted on a monthly basis, which audit includes the review of information security of the Green Point Collection Program Platform, operation procedures for system data, and interface between data sources, and the report of the audit result and suggestion was provided on a monthly basis. 2.Implementation of Legislaiton Under the Project, the opinions regarding implementation of legislation have been provided, includind the amendment to the "Directions for Subsidies of Green Point Collection Program", the amendment to the "Guidelines for Managmant of Verification Insitution for Environmental Protection Product (EPA, Executive Yuan)", the amendment to the "Guidelines for Managmant of Environmental Protection Product (EPA, Executive Yuan)", the revision to App of Green Point Collection Program Platform, the rule of card-linked offer, and the “Unmarked Exchange Points of E-Coupon through Green Point Collection Program Platform". 3.Conception and Implementation for Policy Planning The Project mainly focused on the plan for government agencies' participation in Green Point Collection Program, the combitnaiton of Green Point and other reward points or the relevant point exchange, promotion of Cherish-Food Restaurants, and outsourcing of operation of Green Point Collection Program Platform.
英文關鍵字 Green Point, Green Economy, Green Product