

中文摘要 本計畫針對高解析度場址調查(High Resolution Site Characterization, HRSC)及分子生物技術(Molecular Biology Tools, MBTs)應用於環境污染整治等兩大議題,分別彙整國內外相關技術文獻與實場案例,亦參與1場次國際研討會以瞭解國際動態,並組成生物整治工作小組協助辦理場址諮詢輔導作業、生物整治技術發展藍圖專家諮詢會議及生物整治與分子生物技術座談會等工作。 高解析度場址調查工具箱內容針對高解析度場址調查之發展與概念、國內外HRSC技術文獻、提出HRSC工具選用流程與原則,及HRSC調查技術或工具進行彙整,輔以案例說明。另外亦針對國內外重質非水相液體的調查與評估技術,評估應用於國內場址之可行性及技術優化建議方向。 為推動土壤及地下水污染整治分子生物技術應用,計畫期間彙整環境分子生物技術及含氯生物整治,並調查國內49處含氯污染場址生物整治及MBTs應用現況,提出技術提升建議並研擬指引,指引內容針對常見分子生物工具及次世代定序技術進行研析與彙整,並另外以問卷形式調查土水從業人員對分子生物技術之使用,作為我國分子生物技術人才庫之基礎。 諮詢輔導作業是以生物整治中含氯污染場址作為目標,並邀請生物整治工作小組至場址進行訪談及討論;另外亦藉由場址現況評析與專家諮詢會議,及技術試辦作業則選出4處含氯污染場址進行高解析度場址調查技術試辦(包含多重式井測、多深度微水試驗、時序式地電阻、跨孔式地電阻與兩種現地即時分析設備)及微生物採樣分析(包含脫氯菌、總菌及4個功能性基因定量分析、次世代定序),以含氯生物整治為標的提出相關指標,並由技術試辦結果針對各試驗場址提出後續執行建議。
中文關鍵字 高解析度場址調查、含氯化合物生物整治、分子生物工具


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-GA13-03-A199 經費年度 107 計畫經費 27900 千元
專案開始日期 2018/07/25 專案結束日期 2020/01/24 專案主持人 王炳南
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 吳雅婷 執行單位 業興環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA-107-GA13-03-A199 期末報告(公開版).pdf 35MB 期末報告公開版

High Resolution Site Characterization and Bioremediation - In Situ Applicability Pilot Project

英文摘要 The primary goal of this project is to improve bioremediation efficacy in Taiwan through promoting high resolustion site characterization (HRSC) framework and proper use of molecular biology tools (MBTs) in the field of environmental remediation. To tackle these issues, the project team conducted intensive literature research and attended an international symposium to understand the current technical and policy progress as the preparatory work for developing domestic HRSC toolbox and MBTs guideline. With specific focus on chlorinated solvent contamination, this project selected 4 contaminated sites for further site visitation and the other 4 sites for HRSC/MBTs field investigations. During the project period, a bioremediation working group was formed and involved in discussions regarding Taiwan bioremediation roadmap and a workshop hosted by the project team. The contents of HRSC toolbox include technical documents review, the concept and evolution of site investigation and chacterization, the logic and workflow for choosing proper tools, and the introduction, limitation, and data interpretation of 22 tools available for HRSC in Taiwan. Three case studies are also included to give a comprehensive view on how HRSC is implemented. On the other hand, the project evaluated 4 relatively new dense nonaqueous liquid (DNAPL) investigation or assessment tools in Taiwan, including soil gas flux chamber, tree coring for environmental forensics, crosshole electrical resistivity tomography, and double packer injection, for their feasibility and potential optimization for domestic application. To demonstrate the benefits of MBTs during contamination investigation and remediation, a brief introduction to the development of environmental molecular diagnostics and literatures review including 46 MBTs-related technical papers, 25 chlorinated solvent bioremediation technical documents and 7 case studies were summarized. Evaluation of 49 domestic chlorinated contaminated sites related to bioremediation were conducted to understand the current status of MBTs application in Taiwan. MBTs guideline, in which topics cover 7 common MBTs and next generation sequence (NGS) technology, present the principle, workflow, advantages and limitations, data imterpretation, general quality assurance and quality control considerations, and case studies of each tool. A survey was conducted targeting environmental remediation professionals and researcher to understand the current status of MBTs usage in Taiwan. The survey also served as the basis for local MBTs experts database. To assess the applicability of HRSC toolbox and MBTs giudline, 49 chlorinated solvent bioremediation sites were evaluated and divided in two categories: 4 sites for on-site visitation and 4 sites for field demonstration. The purpose of on-site visitation is to understand the progress and obstacles of local ongoing bioremediation projects. With the help of bioremediation working group, issues regarding bioremediation monitoring targets, alternative substrates, remedy optimization, or subsurface environment manipulation were discussed. On the other hand, supplementary investigation following HRSC framework and MBTs field test were conducted at 4 sites (2 dormant and 2 active). HRSC tools including Multi-Level Slug Test, multiplex well logging, time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography, cross-hole electrical resistivity tomography, and two on-site screening apparatus were used. Microbiological analysis focused on targeted microbes or functional genes quatification using qPCR and community analysis through next generation sequencing were conducted. Technical advices were provided for local environmental protection bureaus with the support of updated conceptual site model, 3 water quality indicators, and 8 microbial indicators.
英文關鍵字 High resolution site characterization, Chlorinated compounds bioremediation, Molecular biology tools