

中文摘要 本計畫旨在減少臺南市境內餐飲業營業過程中,烹飪與廢棄物處置不當所造成的環境影響。本計畫執行方式包含巡查、輔導及宣導三方並行,巡查作業針對轄內大型、屢遭陳情以及高污染餐飲業者優先執行,巡查範疇涵蓋基本資料調查、空氣污染情形、水污染情形以及廢棄物處置狀況等,並以PM2.5感測器輔助巡查。本計畫至11月28日止計已巡查餐飲業者400家次,並於過程中進行相關政策宣導與說明。 輔導部分包含污染情事嚴重者委請專家學者輔導改善以及推動商圈為低油煙示範區。輔導改善作業主要針對屢遭陳情業者、大型業者、已裝設備仍遭陳情業者以及大型業者,並於改善前、後進行追蹤。計畫至12月31日止共計完成25家次專家學者現場輔導作業以及50家次改善前、後追蹤。另配合本市低碳自治條例修正案納管餐飲業,推動建置「低油煙商圈」作為示範區,本計畫調查境內三處商圈、夜市,並選定中正淺草商圈為示範點,陸續輔導商圈內10家業者增設或更新油煙防制系統,營造低油煙作業環境,自10月2日起至11月14日止已全數完成改善工程,推估一年可減少1,280.3公斤PM2.5排放量。另配合示範區建置與後續法規宣導,辦理1場次環保低油煙示範商圈記者會,為低油煙優良店家掛牌,並發布新聞稿1則。 相關宣導與協商作業方面,本計畫共辦理完成2場次餐飲業油煙污染防制宣導說明會及2場次跨科室餐飲業聯合稽(巡)查協商會,建置各科室合作流程與研討低碳自治條例管制方向;另製作完成1,000件宣導品及1,480本餐飲業污染防制宣導手冊,配合巡查與宣導活動使用。
中文關鍵字 系統化餐飲油煙整治計畫


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-L001-30-614 經費年度 107 計畫經費 3950 千元
專案開始日期 2018/08/14 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 王應堂
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭建良 執行單位 堃捷工程股份有限公司


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期末報告 全文.pdf 25MB

Pollution from cooking has aroused people’s concern recently. On May 16, 2018,

英文摘要 Pollution from cooking has aroused people’s concern recently. On May 16, 2018, E.P.A. annouced a regulation for restaurants air pollution control units (draft Regulation).Before the draft Regulation conducting, the promotion of local legislation is processing, air pollution control towards restaurants is about to bring into “Tainan City Self-Government Ordinance for a Low-Carbon City”. This project is aimed to mitigate the environmental damage from restaurants smoke in Tainan. With particulate matter testing, project team conducted outside inspections for 400 restaurants, high priority to large-scale ones and nuisance petition cases, contributed suggestions for different types of restaurants. Furthermore, for the seriously improper or petitioned 25 restaurants, on-site counseled with experts to improve the situation. By December 31, at least 2 times follow up inspections for each. Meanwhile, after several business districts and night markets were surveyed and evaluated, project team cooperated with restaurant owners at Guohua -Zhengxing district, establishing an “Environmentally friendly low-smoke demonstration business district”. Moreover, from August 14, 2 interdepartmental councils and training classes were held to establish cooperation process as well as consult the following control object. In order to educate and inhance understanding of cooking pollution control, 2 propaganda have been held to public.
英文關鍵字 Pollution from cooking has aroused people’s concern recently