

中文摘要 本計畫旨在推廣及核發產品碳標籤與減碳標籤,以配合國家溫室氣體減量政策與目標。執行成果包括: 1.掌握碳足跡及環境足跡國際發展資訊:與韓國環境生產與技術院簽署技術合作同意書,並發展不含酒精的飲料通用產品類別規則。 2.輔導業者申請標籤:訂定2項民生相關且具推廣宣導意義之產品類別規則文件及輔導2項服務型產品碳足跡計算。 3.執行碳標籤審議工作:執行環保署推動產品碳足跡查核小組10場次、技術小組6場次、推動小組1場次,及審議會2場次。同時,亦完成20件市售碳標籤產品標籤標示情形查核,及5件產品碳足跡查核作業,落實後端管理機制。 4.完善標籤制度:協助更新ISO 14067標準,亦針對環境足跡研擬環境衝擊因子分析。此外,亦針對106年度之CFP-PCR檢討成果完成「鮮蛋」PCR之修訂。 5.提高碳標籤推廣效益:維護管理「台灣產品碳足跡資訊網」,友善化碳標籤申請系統,並持續推廣碳標籤粉絲專業以宣導相關活動;此外製作107年中文版與英文版摺頁,至於英文版網站供國外有興趣之人士參閱;同時也配合環保署相關推廣宣傳活動設攤3場次。
中文關鍵字 台灣產品碳足跡資訊網、碳標籤制度、產品類別規則


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-FB05-93-A094 經費年度 107 計畫經費 5802 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/16 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 申永順
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 施千玲 執行單位 社團法人台灣環境管理協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-107-FB05-03-A094 定稿.pdf 17MB 107-108年度產品碳標籤核發及推廣第1年(2年計畫)專案工作計畫(本文)

Project of the Authorization and Promotion on the Carbon Footprint Labeling Scheme (The Second year)

英文摘要 The purposes of this project are promoting and authorizing the Carbon Labeling and Carbon Reduction Labeling to achieve the goal of GHG emissions reduction. 1.Master the international development information of Carbon Footprint and Environmental Footprint. We signed a technical agreement on cooperation with KEITI and developed an generic PCR of non-alcoholic beverages、Skin & Hair Cleaning Products and Edible vegetable oil. 2.Being guidance counselors to help enterprises applying for Carbon Labeling. Taking livelihood and benefit of promotion into consideration, this project chose 2 staples to establish the PCRs and 2 service products to calculate the carbon footprint. 3.Completing the Carbon Labelling examination work. As part of efforts by the Environmental Protection Administration (or EPA) in pushing forward for product footprint labelling, 10 training sessions are convened for the carbon footprint review team, 6 sessions for the technical team, 1 group meeting for the promotion team, and two review meeting was organized. At the same time, we also completed the check on the labeling of 20 pieces of Carbon Labeling products on market and the inspection of 5 products. 4.Improving the Carbon Labelling system. To Revision the ISO 14067, and establish the environmental impact factor of Environmental Footprint in Taiwan. Revision of Eggs PCR for the results of CFP-PCR review. 5.Enhancing effectiveness of the Carbon Labelling project. Achievements include maintaining the Taiwan Product Carbon Footprint Website with the installation of a user-friendly operation system. We continue to promote the fans website to promote related activities; In addition, produce 107-year Chinese leaflets in Chinese and English, and place English version leaflets on the English version website for foreigners. Cooperate with EPA to promote 3 promotional activities
英文關鍵字 Taiwan Product Carbon Footprint Website, Carbon FootPrint, Product Category Rule