

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自107年8月14日起至109年2月13日止,共18個月。透過監督查核工作,督促中石化公司確依核定整治計畫執行,俾如期如質達整治目標;進行污染整治相關工作之監督驗證,包括整治施工期間之採樣監督驗證及整治後之驗證查核,以驗證整治成效;藉由定期環境監測作業,掌握環境品質避免造成居民生活環境之二次污染。 【審查污染整治相關計畫】部分,本計畫已協助環保局審查中石化公司所提送之污染整治相關文件,合計共103份,包括污染整治計畫相關細部計畫27份、污染整治計畫執行進度報告8份、污染整治計畫月報45份、環境品質監測報告12份、實廠處理及驗證計畫11份。 【執行監督查核工作並設置駐場人員】部分,本計畫已出席或協助召開之相關會議共71場次,包含3場次整治執行進度居民說明會、8場次現場查核會議、4場次推動小組審查會、3場次專案小組會議、7場次驗證查核會議及46場次其他會議。每季核算中石化安順場址整治工程進度,目前落後工項共4項,包括熱處理污染土落後13.6%、海水池B區污染移除落後4.3%、海水池A區底泥整治落後1.8%及五氯酚區污染移除落後1.8%。駐場人員執行24小時整治場址監督查核工作,藉工地聯繫及缺失改善追蹤之雙重機制強化管理,共發出工地聯繫紀錄95件,整治施工品質缺失16件,缺失類別包括作業品質缺失13件(81%)、污染防治缺失2件(13%)及安全衛生缺失1件(6%),均要求中石化公司於期限內改善完成。 【污染整治場址及周界管制區管理工作】部分,駐場人員每日(含例假日)至少進行2次不定時巡邏並填寫巡邏紀錄表,管制區管理工作發生缺失(異常)項目包括環境巡檢16件及魚塭巡邏8件,總計24件。針對管制區圍籬或防塵網破損均要求中石化公司於期限內修繕完畢,而周界停養魚塭仍偶有疑遭違規捕釣情形,因此要求中石化公司定期執行魚塭池底漁具預防性查檢,並完成增設場址西側鄰鹿耳門溪之圍籬及告示牌,以強化防護效果。 【污染整治監督驗證】部分,熱處理於107年4月啟動每小時3~6噸處理量能,本計畫執行期間每月執行1組尾氣檢測,累計執行17組,歷次檢測結果除107年12月4日戴奧辛濃度0.533 ng-TEQ/Nm3超過整治計畫排放標準外,其餘皆符合規範;熱處理土之效能驗證作業共完成23,475.78公噸,採樣數量共22組,驗證結果均符合土壤污染管制標準。濕處理每季執行1組尾氣檢測,累計執行6組,歷次檢測結果均符合排放標準;濕處理土之效能驗證作業共完成55,930.77公噸,採樣數量共55組,驗證結果均符合土壤污染管制標準。針對單一植被區西北側污染移除,本計畫於108年3月4日完成複驗採樣,針對開挖區1公頃共採樣16組,驗證結果汞及戴奧辛均符合土壤污染管制標準。 【整治期間之周界環境品質監測】部分,放流水每月執行1次,累計執行16次,其中計7次水質未符合整治計畫標準,超標原因主要為處理單元功能不彰、人員操作疏失等,均限期中石化公司改善,並依試運轉結果重新核定運轉量能為3,600CMD。地下水每半年(豐、枯水期)執行4組,累計執行12組,監測結果均符合地下水管制標準。周界空氣品質每季執行5組,累計執行30組,監測結果PM2.5於冬季易有偏高情形,與大氣環境背景有一致趨勢。 【民眾陳情或緊急應變事件處理】部分,107年12月4日熱處理實廠尾氣戴奧辛測值0.533 ng-TEQ/Nm3超出排放標準,107年12月24日啟動緊急應變再執行一次尾氣戴奧辛採樣作業,檢測結果戴奧辛測值0.043 ng-TEQ/Nm3符合標準。0823熱帶低壓水災造成場區內嚴重積水並查有外排滲漏情形,本計畫啟動緊急應變於北汕尾二路側溝及二號水門採集水樣,107年8月26日及27日外排水樣之戴奧辛濃度分別為27.6、14.4 pg I-TEQ/L,107年8月27日二號水門滲流水之戴奧辛濃度18.9 pg I-TEQ/L,均已超出整治計畫標準值5 pg I-TEQ/L,環保局業依土污法規定辦理。 【行政管理及人力支援】部分,完成派駐2名駐局人員及5名駐場人員,租用24組監視設備及1組無人飛行載具(UAV)協助場址監控管理,每月5日前提交上月工作月報,每月更新中石化專屬網頁內容,出席或協助召開之相關會議共71場,此外完成辦理2場次居民溝通說明會及1場次監督查核成果說明會。
中文關鍵字 戴奧辛


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 36000 千元
專案開始日期 2019/08/14 專案結束日期 2020/02/13 專案主持人 林威州
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林才順 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年中石化監督計畫-期末報告(公開版).pdf 23MB 107年度中石化(台鹼)安順廠整治場址監督管理及查核工作計畫期末報告

The 107 annual plan of supervision, management and checking work relating to China Petrochemical Development Co. An-Shun Remediation Site

英文摘要 This project was carried out from August 14, 2018 to February 13, 2020 for a total duration of 18 months. The major tasks completed in this project including the following: 1.Reviewing pollution remediation plan and other associated documents This project assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) to review a total of 103 project reports and construction plans submitted by China Petrochemical Development Corporation (CPDC). 2.On-site construction supervision and staffing On-site duty staffs were responsible for various project tasks, such as supervising construction quality, site health and safety, remediation progress and daily logging of all situations and deficiency related to the project. As of the end of February 13, 2020, there were 4 remediation projects behind schedule, which were “Thermal Treatment Plant Operation”, “Area B of Seawater Storage Pool Contaminant Removal”, “Area A of Seawater Storage Pool Contaminant Removal” and “Pentachlorophenol-plant area Excavation”, respectively. During the project, on-site duty staffs had issued a total of 16 violation tickets regarding construction quality and site health and safety. In addition, issued a total of 95 site contact lists and daily reminder. All tickets required CPDC to make proper correction within the given time. 3.Site and perimeter control zone management On-site duty staffs had conducted perimeter control zone inspection daily (including weekend) and prepared daily reports. A total of 24 deficiencies, including 16 environmental inspections and 8 fish farms inspections, were noted. 4.Verification sampling during remediation period One flue gas sample from thermal treatment plant was collected monthly. The analysis results showed that the dioxin concentration on December 4, 2018, was detected above the emission standard, thus, CPDC had been asked to review and make necessary improvements. As for the performance verification of thermal treatment for contaminated soil, a total of 22 samples were collected to verify the treatment performance. The results were all lower than the soil pollution control standards and 23,475.78 tons in volume of treated soil had been verified. Additionally, one off gas sample from wet treatment was collected quarterly. The analyzed results from a total of 6 samples were all below emission standard. As for the performance verification of wet treatment for contaminated soil, a total of 55 samples were collected to verify the treatment performance. The results were all lower than the soil pollution control standards and 55,930.77 tons in volume of treated soil had been verified. This project had completed remediation verification for the regions of the northwest side of the single vegetation area. Post-remediation verification sampling tasks had been completed for a total area of 1 hectares, and the whole area had analysis results detected below soil pollution control standards. 5.Environmental quality monitoring during remediation period This project collected one effluent sample each month, for a total of 16 samples. 7 out of the 16 effluent samples results exceeded effluent standards stated in the remediation plan. In addition, 4 groundwater samples were collected every half year, the results for a total of 12 samples were all lower than the groundwater pollution control standards. Finally, 5 ambient air samples were collected Quarterly. Fine suspended particles (PM2.5) exhibited higher concentration during winter periods but still in close correlation with surrounding ambient air concentration. 6.Emergency response measures and claim petition reactions One flue gas sample from thermal treatment plant which was collected on December 4, 2018, showed that the dioxin concentration was detected above the emission standard. After necessary improvements had been taken by CPDC , the flue gas sample collected on December 24, 2018, showed the analyzed results below emission standard. Three effluent samples were collected during 0823 tropical depression flood, and all of the analysis results were higher than effluent standards stated in the remediation plan. 7.Administrative and other supporting activities This project had assisted EPB updating and maintaining the CPDC An-shun plant website monthly for providing the latest information for the local residents. In addition, attending or calling meetings and/or conferences 71 times.
英文關鍵字 Dioxin