

中文摘要 「綠運好習慣回饋一直賺」專案主要係針對行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱「環保署」)空保處空污防制與宣導計畫,「搭乘公共運輸即可累積紅利點數+填答空污防制問卷享贈點回饋」之誘因,營造「搭越多,答越多,賺越多」之行銷氛圍,提升全民共同參與意願;並透過點鑽整合行銷公司擁有之UUPON 360萬會員平台進行全方位推廣。本專案執行內容包括: 1. 舉辦一場記者會,記者會訴求主題將透過電視、網路、平面媒體披露,向民眾宣導正確空污防制活動,並鼓勵全民搭乘綠色交通運輸工具,共同響應落實環保政策。 2. 在推廣空污宣導計畫上,點鑽公司與環保署空保處共同規畫建立空污防制題庫100題,透過UUPON 360萬會員之APP、網站平台,每日上架5題有關環保署正確觀念知識題目,答對即可獲得點數,以鼓勵民眾主動上網查詢,尋找正確答案。另外同步上架3支環保宣導影片,完成影片瀏覽,並答對影片裡的問題即可獲贈點數。綜上經由透過雙重活動,建立民眾正確空污防制新觀念。 3. 舉辦悠遊卡搭綠運具,享集點活動,讓民眾享受更有趣更有誘因的乘車體驗,鼓勵民眾搭乘越踴躍,獲得點數越多,以享受點數換取物超所值商品的好康回饋。
中文關鍵字 綠運好習慣回饋一直賺、環保小學堂、綠色運輸空氣好千萬點數大放送


專案計畫編號 EPA-107A228 經費年度 107 計畫經費 3726 千元
專案開始日期 2018/07/19 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 張旭明
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 王偉政 執行單位 鑽整合行銷股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-107A2281071225_期末報告-定稿本-3月印製_環保署.pdf 8MB

Rewarding Green Travel Campaign

英文摘要 Rewarding Green Travel Campaign” has been part of air pollution prevention and control action project of EPA DEPT. OF AIR QUALITY. Accompanied with advertisements, along with “Green Transportation Reward Programs” and “Environmental Survey with Reward Program”, the Campaign has made possible to create “taking more public transportation and making more environmental survey equaling earning more reward points” market atmosphere, and thereby increases civilians’ willingness to participate. How have we achieved such atmosphere? 1. One press conferences, through TV, internet, and print media exposure, were able to deliver correct air pollution prevention knowledge, and increase civilians to participate green activities, such as taking green transportation and responding to EPA DEPT. OF AIR QUALITY’s environmental policy. 2. A list of 100air pollution prevention and control question bank has been built, and 5 questions were randomly selected for each survey per day. Encouraged to use variety of methods to find the correct answers, civilians have been rewarded by answering all questions correctly. The surveys have been promoted through UUPON APP and website to reach out to UUPON’s 3.6 million members. In addition, 3 environmental promotion clips were also launched online for civilians to review and get rewarded. The above two activities have been able to generate new correct air pollution prevention concept. 3. Pairing UUPON rewards with Easy Card has been proved to improve public transportation experience. By taking more public transportation has been made possible for civilians to earn more rewards and to use the rewards to shop.
英文關鍵字 Rewarding Green Travel Campaign, Environmental Knowledge for Environmental Protection Classroom, Green Transportation - Keeping the Air Clean with Millions of Reward Points