

中文摘要 臺北市轄內室內空氣品質管理法列管公共場所共324 處,數量為全國之冠, 占全國總數五分之一以上,列管場所類型亦為最多。本計畫針對公告列管、重點 宣導場所及室內空氣品質管理法規範之相關類型場所,辦理宣導、講習、檢測作 業,另聘請專家診斷並輔導室內空氣品質不良場所,研提室內空品管理精進及改 善建議,並宣導推廣室內空氣品質自主管理標章認證,提升尚未列管場所自主管 理能力。107 年度持續宣導公共場所室內空品管理,執行「巡查檢測」、「輔導 改善」、「教育訓練」、「宣導交流」等四大工作,藉由可攜式儀器之量測、標 準方法檢測、現場專家輔導及法規宣導說明會辦理等,擴大推動之效果。 220 處場所CO2 巡查檢驗結果顯示,局部空間有通風換氣不足之虞之場所類 型有7 類,分別為運動健身場所、幼兒園、托嬰中心、產後護理機構、親子館、 辦公室及市場等,其中以幼兒園、產後護理機構等2 類場所局部區域的通風換氣 狀況,普遍較其他類型差;以整體通風換氣狀況來看,產後護理機構較為不佳。 今年度共完成60 處場所檢測(含11 處PM2.5 檢測),共計3 處列管、4 處非列管場 所室內空氣品質超標,超標項目均為CO2,經專家輔導後,3 處列管場所已在期 限內完成改善。篩選5 處TVOC/甲醛巡檢值異常之場所,進行甲醛、TVOC 標準 檢測,並同時以TVOC、甲醛直讀儀進行平行比對,發現直讀儀易受環境特性干 擾,直讀數值偏高,易誤導判定,並應留意儀器校正穩定問題,建議使用時應經 常與標準方法比對驗證,適時調校,掌握直讀儀表現特性、可靠性。 專家輔導20 家7 類型場所,多數為巡檢CO2 濃度偏高、檢測超標(CO2、細 菌),通風管理不良問題。包括幼兒園(3)、托嬰中心(1)、產後護理機構(1)、運動 健身場所(10)、圖書館(3)、政府機關(1)、會議廳室(1)。8 家經輔導後承諾進一步 改善或已完成改善。各場所通風不良原因:空調僅有冷氣,門窗密閉,未搭配 其他外氣引入或排氣設施;位於地下層之運動健身場所,無自然通風條件,空 調僅有冷氣,未增設進排氣設施;部分場所有增設進排氣設施(如全熱交換器、 預冷空調箱、外氣或排氣風機),但未精算所需最少外氣量,風機選用風量規格或 數量不足,影響通風效果;進排氣設施施工安裝不確實,如進排氣口併列短流 無效換排、進氣風管延伸不足分布不均、風管材質不當/路徑過長/摺疊彎曲風損 過大等,都降低進排設施之換排氣效率。運動健身場所活動強度大、呼吸代謝強, 通風換排氣相對重要,尤其地下樓層之中小型健身房,器材密布、空間侷促,加 以冷氣溫度偏低,相對濕度過高(> 70%),通風不良,將增加細菌污染風險。 管理診斷指標評估含巡查檢驗(52 家)、專家輔導(16 家),計68 家、9 類型場 所,家數最多為托嬰中心(30),其他依次為運動健身場所(16)、月子中心(10)、幼 兒園(5)、圖書館(3),僅一家者為親子館、政府機關、會議廳(室)、辦公室等4 類。 以3 大範疇(管理組織、通風設施、潛在細菌量)、12 項指標,透過場所基 本資料收集,評估場所室內空品維護管理程度,歸納優劣指標,作為推動室內空 品管理策略建議。整體指標60 分以上場所:空調系統至少多有強制進氣或排氣 功能,並能正常設定與操作運轉,CO2 通常可控制在1,000 ppm 以下,維持良好 通風環境;細菌量重點指標為殺菌設施、清潔頻率、人員活動強度等3 項。整體 指標50 分以下場所:通風換排氣管理不佳,需改善空調硬體設施,或積極監測 即時採自然通風等有效管理措施;細菌量重點指標為通風等級、殺菌設施、清潔 頻率、人員密集度、人員活動強度等5 項。藉管理診斷指標可評估場所整體室內 空氣品質維護、自主管理水準,透過指標強弱雷達圖,瞭解各管理範疇表現,針 對弱勢指標進行改善。 在教育訓練方面,針對重點宣導對象幼兒園、親子館、托嬰中心、產後護理 機構,及未列管之運動健身場所,共辦理3 場次室內空氣品質法規說明及計畫書 撰寫實務訓練講習說明會,今年度課程特新增說明設置自動監測設施之優點及相 關執行案例,會後並以問卷調查與會各單位配合設置之意願,再協請設施供應商, 洽接需要場所提供技術諮詢服務,並持續追蹤後續設置進度。另配合社會局及教 育局,於親子館、公私立托嬰中心、公私立幼兒園定期會議辦理4 場次宣導。 最後,今年度共有189 處場所取得自主管理認證標章,其中新核發88 處, 展延換證101 處。以類型來看,前三大依序為托嬰中心(25 處)、產後護理機構(25 處)及幼兒園(24 處),共占發證總數39%,且皆屬敏感族群場所,顯示本計畫歷年 累積的推廣成效,已協助敏感族群場所提升室內空氣品質維護與管理能力。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 3915 千元
專案開始日期 2018/05/05 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 蘇富榮
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 周宇威 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107 IAQ正式報告.pdf 31MB

2018 Indoor Air Quality Management Project

英文摘要 The Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) promulgated the Indoor Air Quality Management Act (IAQMA) in 2011, making Taiwan the second nation around the world after Korea to implement statutory regulations for indoor air quality (IAQ). To facilitate the implementation of the IAQMA, the EPA announced public and private premises that shall comply with the Act batch by batch. At present, the number of the first and second batches of announced premises in Taipei is 90 and 234, respectively. The amount of announced premises in Taipei is the highest in Taiwan as well as the most categories. To assist the announced and unannounced premises in Taipei to be more informed about IAQ management, this project has conducted matters related to inspection and examination, guidance, training, and promotion of regulation and IAQ voluntary management certificate. 220 premises were inspected for carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and formaldehyde (HCHO) by using portable devices. The sports and fitness centers, kindergarten, infant day care center, postpartum nursing center, parent-child center, office, and market were found to be the categories that the ventilation rates for local space may not meet the minimum requirements. Among them, the postpartum nursing center was one category that the ventilation rates for the whole space were estimated at relatively low levels. In addition, 60 premises were examined by standard reference methods. The levels of CO2 were found to exceed the legal threshold for 7 premises in which 3 announced premises have made improvements within a limited time period after guidenace. Furthermore, parallel sampling with the inspection instrument and reference method for total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) and HCHO was performed in 5 premises where inspection results shows somewhat unusual affected by environmental interference. 20 premises received the on-site guidance to identify the symptoms and causes of poor IAQ, including pollutant source, air conditioning and ventilation system, maintenance and management. After guidance, constructive, economical, and problem solving approaches were suggested by the experts to correct poor IAQ problems. It is concluded that the ventilation and exhaust rates are critical for the sports and fitness centers, especially for underground small and medium-sized relevant premises. Besides, improvement of an index addressing both the ventilation conditions and risk of bacterial contamination for the diagnosis of IAQ management has been made. By using the radar chart of index, the performance of IAQ scope management was evaluated. The weak index can be therefore found for taking measures intended to provide IAQ that is acceptable. Finally, 3 workshops were held to train dedicated personnel for IAQ maintenance and management. The advantages of installing automatic equipment for continuous monitoring of IAQ were also promoted in the workshops. This year, 189 premised received the IAQ voluntary management certificates. Certificate breakdown shows that infant day care center, postpartum nursing center, and kindergarten, which are also sensitive groups, are the first three categories.
英文關鍵字 indoor air quality