

中文摘要 由於近年海廢垃圾淨灘議題熱潮,為瞭解全國海岸垃圾現存量,增加海廢垃圾調查相關研究方法及基線資料累計,逐步落實資訊平台整合之目標。 本計畫已完成海岸廢棄物調查方式(垃圾類型、寶特瓶調查及海廢垃圾重量推估原則)之訂定,並請臨海19縣市環保局於每季進行1次調查,本計畫亦針對臨海19縣市進行海廢調查輔導共輔導約200人次,輔導對象以環保局及清潔隊業務人員為主。 本計畫以深度類神經網路寶特瓶辨識為研究主題,本年度已投入訓練資料約60,000張影像,初步辨識率約20-60%之間,辨識率依據監測地點海岸類型有所浮動,其中以沙地而言礫石及小型碎石易造成誤判,導致辨識率降低。若能持續增加訓練資料提升辨識率,預期可節省大量人力與時間。 為配合環保署於107年公布之「臺灣海洋廢棄物治理行動方案」中,「指認重點加強海岸」方案,參考國內外包含韓國、日本、歐洲等文獻,並召開專家諮詢會議,納入環保團體與專家學者意見。初步完成「可清理海岸分級方式篩選表」,以6大指標進行評分,依據分數高低評定海岸優先清理之順序。 於系統端著重於優化操作環境及提升民眾使用程度,主要開發一般民眾淨灘申請與審核功能、新版首頁(分眾導覽)、地理資訊系統圖層套疊功能、統計資訊報表產出功能及海岸淨灘成果公佈,綜合以上功能的維護及開發作業,提升系統友善度、業務管理成效,並掌握海岸業務現況。
中文關鍵字 海岸淨灘、環境教育、海岸廢棄物


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-J101-02-A164 經費年度 107 計畫經費 4140 千元
專案開始日期 2018/05/04 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 郭仲凱
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 郭權展 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


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期末報告 EPA107J10102A164.pdf 20MB 期末報告定稿

The 2018 Project of the Environmental Education on Maintaining the Cleanliness of Coastal Area and the Optimization of the Coastal Cleanup System

英文摘要 The rising awareness of coastal wastes in recent years has stimulated the aim to understand the current total number of marine debris in Taiwan. Thus, more research methods on investigating coastal wastes were introduced, and the baseline data has been accumulated to achieve the goal of integrating the information platform gradually. This Project has established the survey method on coastal wastes, including the types of wastes, plastic bottles survey, and the principle of estimating the weight of coastal wastes. In addition, this Project has requested the assistance of 19 coastal cities & counties’ Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) to conduct a survey every season. To ensure the smooth implementation of the coastal waste survey, this Project has provided training and guidance to 200 people, who were mostly the staff of local EPBs and cleaning squadrons in the 19 counties and cities. The research topic of this Project is using the Deep Neural Network (DNN) to identify plastic bottles. This year, 60,000 photos have been added to the training data. The primary identification rate is 20-60% which fluctuates based on the coastal area where the monitoring took place. Sandy lands lead to higher misreading due to the gravels and small crushed stones which further results in a lower identification rate. If more training data could be added to improve the identification rate, it is estimated that the amount of manpower and time could be saved. Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) promulgated the Action Plan of Marine Debris Governance in Taiwan in 2018. Within, the plan of “Identifying Priority Coasts” has taken literature from South Korea, Japan, and European Countries into consideration. Additionally, specialists consultation meetings were hosted to take environmental organizations, experts, and scholars opinions into account. The first version of the identification chart for “Identify beaches to be cleaned” is completed. Six measures are used for the assessment, and coastal cleanup priority is given to those with higher points. Regarding the system, emphases were placed on optimizing the system’s functions and boosting the usage frequency by the general public. Firstly, the general public can now apply through the system to host a coastal cleanup event, and the application review function is also established. Secondly, a new homepage is now provided for various users. Thirdly, the map overlaying function in the Geographic Information System (GIS) has also been provided. Lastly, the functions to produce statistics reports and to announce the results of coastal cleanup have been established. The above-mentioned functions, including maintaining the existing functions and establishing new ones, have successfully increased the user-friendliness of the system, the management effectiveness and monitoring the current coastal businesses.
英文關鍵字 Coastal Cleanup, Environmental Education, Coastal Waste