

中文摘要 嘉義市政府環境保護局為持續推廣資源回收工作,定期執行責任業者、販賣業者、限用對象、回收處理業及個體業者之輔導、稽查、查核、宣導及形象改造等專案計畫。 本計畫截至107年12月7日止。執行成果包括完成責任業者登記、回收標誌標示稽查工作,共計179家販賣業者及366件商品主動稽查,查獲52件違規責任物,累積完成率為100%;而在販賣業者逆向回收輔導查核作業,已完成轄內列管業743家稽查;另在回收處理業者部分,每月定期執行1次現場輔導查核作業,共查核360家次,查核不合格次數31件次,查核缺失多以環境整潔及回收貯區未標示為大宗,經輔導後皆已完成改善。社區、機關、學校之資源回收分類執行情形,完成674家次現場稽查工作,期間已破袋總包數461包,其中64包屬不合格,397包合格,開立勸導單共計有64張。而資收大軍目前已聘請55位,並輔導30位個體業者列入追蹤輔導改善,個體業者關懷活動目前也已媒合10家企業,總捐助金額達120,134元。廢機動車輛張貼或拖吊已完成381台。 而為鼓勵民眾落實資源回收政策,本計畫除定期辦理「農藥廢容器及廢玻璃容器巡迴回收」目前已回收廢農藥空瓶回收共計2,680.5公斤及廢玻璃容器回收共計7,937.1公斤。辦理「學校廢電池回收競賽」已回收乾電池865.25公斤及發票回收10,369張。廢資訊物品兌換活動兌換1,170台、清潔隊教育訓練4場、法規說明會3場、「嘉樂福夜市減塑商圈推廣」等活動、宣導教育活動177人次參加,加強資源回收之觀念宣導。 目前整體資源回收率為48.44%,較去年回收率48%略為成長,但107年度每人每日垃圾清運量1.24公斤,較去年0.45公斤成長2.75倍,最主因是公務報表修正扣除量,過去可扣除的項目不再扣除,因此垃圾清運量從106年度43,874公噸至107年度增加至55,951公噸,已嚴重影響回收率成長,因此自107年度起將以回收達成量為目標,為提升整體回收量,本年度特別推動各所學校加強辦理資源回收輔導工作,如破袋稽查、垃圾分類協商會議等;以及推動嘉樂福觀光夜市、彌陀夜市資源回收分類輔導;社區回收量主動回報;個體業者變賣憑證取得;回收商定期回報回收量;餐飲業者破袋稽查;文化夜市深夜破袋稽查,以及各項工作業務之加強推動,年度回收總量已達61,412公噸,完成年度預設目標之60,132公噸。
中文關鍵字 資源回收、垃圾分類、責任業者、販賣業者、個體業者


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 6800 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/17 專案結束日期 2018/12/07 專案主持人 林健文
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 許瓊旭 執行單位 志欣環保工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年度嘉義市資源回收工作計畫期末告報定稿.pdf 47MB

2018 Chiayi City Recycling Work Plan

英文摘要 The project execution period commenced between the day of singing to December 7 for 11 months as of December 7, 2018. Implementing the counseling for responsible suppliers with the registration, reporting, payment, and recycling sign process. A total of 179 vendors and 366 products were automatically audited with 52 cases of violating items seized. A total of 32 cases requested by EPA via letter and transfer request by other counties/cities have been processed with completion of reply process. A total of 743 vendors under the control have completed. To conduct the environmental hygiene for the recycling companies under administration control and recycling treatment industries and the site counseling audit process under the operation management regulations, at least once /one session per month of audit process should be conducted for the environmental hygiene of recycling companies under control. A total of 360 units were audited with 31 cases of non-conforming audit having been improved within the deadline. Further improvement has been completed later. For the execution of recycling and classification in communities, agencies and schools, A total of 674 units have completed the audit work at site. As of now, 98 sites have been audited with a total number of 461 broken bags and 64 of them fail to conform to the requirement, 397 bags passed, and a total of 64 warnings have been issued. Currently 30 units have received the counseling. Currently 10 enterprises have been matched with a total amount of donation reaching NTD120,134. To process the compilation related work for the towing effect posted for waste locomotives according to the EPA audit plan, The annual target is set to at least 350 vehicles and as of now, 381 vehicles have completed. A total of 2,680.5kg of empty waste pesticide bottles and 7,937.1kg of waste glass containers have been recycled. Strength waste dry water recycling and promoting the elementary schools with waste dry battery recycling and correct cycling concept promotion in the city. A total of 865.25 kg and 10,369 uniform invoices have been recycled in the first semester. Currently the Jialefu Night Market is promoting plastic reduction commercial circle and setup for classification facilities while the Mituo Night Market is planning the setup of classification facilities, scheduled for processing by mid- November. To process the on-the-job training for recycling work of cleaning team (waste class and recycling class). The project proposal has been submitted on April 2, 2018 and approved by the EPA. Has conducted 4 education trainings. To process the recycling propaganda (promotion) Conducted educational activities in July. 16 articles of press promotion have been released. Process at least 3 sessions (including) of decree and policy promotion seminars.
英文關鍵字 Recycling, Garbage classification, responsible supplier, vendors, recycling individual companies