

中文摘要 本計畫工作目標為針對彰化及雲林地區(一)執行空氣、水、土壤等環境介質及食用農漁業產品之重金屬調查,以及指定地點之異味污染物調查分析作業;(二)建立各項環境介質重金屬資料,分析可能影響居民的重金屬來源;(三)依據環境調查結果,推估不同環境介質重金屬對地區居民健康風險之影響差異。依據上述目標,工作重點在於執行環境重金屬與異味污染事件調查,包含:空氣、水、土壤等環境介質及食用農漁業產品重金屬,以建立計畫區各項環境介質重金屬資料及分析可能影響來源。執行成果,摘述說明如下: 為提昇調查結果認可度,計畫執行之初分別於環保署及彰化縣大城鄉舉行專家、民眾諮詢會議,凝聚各界對本計畫工作重點的建議與共識;隨後對大城鄉民眾舉行採樣教育訓練,邀請民眾協助採樣工作,也利用溝通管道讓當地民眾瞭解工作內容。本計畫亦參與政治大學公行系舉行的公民監測討論會,闡述計畫定位及和六輕管制作業的分工;針對異味調查部分更透過計畫整合,邀集工研院FTIR團隊協助進行監測,以釐清當地臭味可能來源及物種。 重金屬空氣品質自動連續監測及手動採樣監測分別完成東北季風和西南季風二季調查;分析結果顯示,各監測站於兩季節主要金屬元素組成相似,主要重金屬成份與塵土類成份一致;至於有害類重金屬部分,依據重金屬鎳(Ni)及釩(V)濃度趨勢分析發現,東北季風期顯著較西南季風期高,推論可能來源為重油鍋爐或近期許多學者研究發現之海洋船舶排放影響。 煙道重金屬檢測結果顯示,各排放源排放粒狀物及重金屬濃度均符合現行行業別排放管制標準,且多數重金屬濃度小於儀器偵測極限。車用油品重金屬調查結果發現,樣品濃度符合我國油品中重金屬鉛(Pb)含量(13 mg/L)之規範,與歐盟油品重金屬含量相近。 分析大城鄉台西村10戶家庭之室內落塵重金屬成份,以重金屬鐵(Fe)、鋁(Al)及鎂(Mg)等地殼元素類濃度較高;並於其中3戶進行室內落塵量採樣工作,落塵量與彰化縣環保局調查結果相近,依結果推估台西村村民可能攝入落塵量約0.02克/年。 民眾關心的異味問題,由當地民眾協助以不銹鋼桶在聞到異味時進行採樣,本計畫亦於濁水溪南北側採樣,總計12個樣品中,檢測多數物質濃度均小於偵測極限,僅測出丙酮、二氯二氟甲烷(Freon 12)、氯甲烷、氟三氯甲烷(Freon 11)、二氯甲烷、正己烷、苯及1,2-二氯乙烷等8種有機物。本次檢測項目中有22項物質屬於「固定污染源有害空氣污染物排放標準」草案管制污染物,其中有18項物質均小於偵測極限,包含了民眾常關注討論之甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯、苯乙烯、氯乙烯、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯、二氯乙烷、四氯乙烷等,有檢測出之氯甲烷、二氯甲烷、苯及1,2-二氯乙烷等物質,濃度皆遠低於排放標準草案的小時限值。除不銹鋼桶採樣外,本計畫亦於濁水溪南北側進行硫化物監測,環保署另邀請工研院FTIR團隊特別規劃在台西村下海墘社區,架設OP-FTIR測線,進行長時間的量測,目前結果看出居民在意的異味問題可能非為畜牧業排放,且尚未看出有一致、顯著的工業排放源,後續工研院FTIR團隊將進一步進行異味來源的追溯工作。 飲用與生活用水調查結果顯示,各樣品之重金屬均以地殼元素錳(Mn)、鍶(Sr)濃度最高,其次為鐵(Fe)、鋅(Zn)、鋇(Ba)等。灌溉用水調查結果顯示,多數重金屬皆符合灌溉用水水質標準,惟鐵(Fe)、錳(Mn)及砷(As)於部分測點有超過水質標準,尤其砷(As)對人體健康屬有害之重金屬,建議應不合適繼續做為灌溉水使用,然本計畫各點位僅進行一次監測,尚需持續監測。海域水質調查結果顯示,各項重金屬濃度多符合我國海域水質標準,其中錳(Mn)、鐵(Fe)及鋁(Al)在靠近彰化沿岸地區濃度略高,推測可能受沿岸地質影響。 土壤樣品重金屬濃度皆低於國內管制標準;而各界所關注砷(As)部分,在表土與裏土濃度差異不大,甚至部分區域出現裏土濃度有高於表土之情況,應為地質特性所造成,建議也應持續監測調查。地下水樣品中重金屬濃度多符合地下水污染監測標準之第二類(除飲用水水源水質保護區內之地下水)標準,僅部分測點的重金屬鐵(Fe)、錳(Mn)濃度超過標準,灌溉用水調查結果一致。 農漁產品調查結果皆符合我國食品中衛生標準之最大容許量,農作物部分,以重金屬鎂(Mg)濃度最高,其次為鐵(Fe)、鋁(Al)、錳(Mn)、鋅(Zn)、鍶(Sr)等,因農作物種類及作期長短的不同,重金屬濃度有所差異,如米相較於其他農作物對鉻(Cr)之吸收能力較強;魚貝類部分,因物種攝食方式的不同,體內主要重金屬組成比例明顯不同,魚類皆以重金屬鎂(Mg)所占的比例較高,貝類以鎂(Mg)、鐵(Fe)及鋁(Al)的比例較高,其中蚵之重金屬有較高比例的銅(Cu)及鋅(Zn),另魚貝類中有害類重金屬以砷(As)濃度較高,建議後續進一步分析無機砷及有機砷含量。 本計畫以實際調查檢驗資料配合國家攝食資料庫的攝食量數據,估算當地居民由不同途徑之重金屬暴露量,砷(As)、汞(Hg)暴露主要來自魚類,鎘(Cd)、鉻(Cr)、鎳(Ni)主要來自五殼根莖類,各重金屬來自呼吸及飲水的比例低。惟本計畫各項介質調查樣品數少,並不具代表性,需待後續累積數據後方較能代表實際情形。將對人體有害之重金屬含量與國內外其他地區進行比較,鎘(Cd)與汞(Hg)於環境介質中無特別偏高之情況,砷(As)的土壤及水有略高情形,可能原因為地質因素;鎳(Ni)之土壤、灌溉水、海水、米、貝類有略高情形,鉻(Cr)亦有灌溉水及貝類濃度略高情形;鉛(Pb)在魚貝類中濃度略高,需進一步調查水及底泥。 建議後續持續對本區環境介質重金屬濃度進行調查,並加強含鎳(Ni)、鉻(Cr)廢水排放源的追查及管制。對民眾而言,雖各項調查結果尚無濃度極高者,但仍應避免使用地下水及目視已不乾淨之灌溉水源,如發現灌溉水源有污染情形,應立即通報環保局以利進行後續追查。
中文關鍵字 環境調查、重金屬、彰化


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-FA12-03-A009 經費年度 107 計畫經費 12164.000 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/26 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 陳怡伶
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝議輝 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-107-FA12-03-A009.pdf 13MB 彰化及雲林地區環境重金屬調查計畫 期末報告

Investigation of Evironmental Heavy Metal in Changhua and Yunlin

英文摘要 This project focuses on investigation of heavy metals in the environment in Changhua and Yunlin; the purposes of this project are as follows: 1)Conducting investigation of heavy metals in the environmental media such as air, water and soil, fishery and agriculture products, as well as investigation and analysis of odor sources in selected location. 2) Building a database of heavy metals in the environmental media, and analyzing possible sources of heavy metals that may impact the residents. 3) Assessing how different heavy metals in the environmental media affect the residents’ health, respectively. To achieve the goal of the project, the key work is to conduct investigation of environmental heavy metal concentrations and odor pollution sources, including air, flue, tap water, groundwater, seawater, soil, agriculture and fishery products, and a database of different environmental heavy metals in Changhua and Yunlin area can be built to analyze possible sources of heavy metals that may affect the residents. The results are summarized as follows: (1) Before the investigation, consultative council was hold, with scholars and residents from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Dacheng Township in Changhua, in order to organize the recommendations and consensus in this project. The local residents were invited to attend the sampling training, as well as to join the sampling work. Also, the purpose of the environmental heavy metals investigation in Dacheng Township was introduced and briefed to the residents through different communicating medium. (2) For odor survey, different investigation method were integrated. FTIR team from ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) were invited to assist in the monitoring which can help to clarify the possible sources and species of the odor. (3) Air quality monitoring methods of heavy metals includes automatic continuous and manual sampling during the northeast monsoon seasons and southwest monsoon season. Results of air quality survey shows that the major metal elements in the northeast monsoon season and the southwest monsoon season are similar. The major sources of dusty heavy metals are dust and riverbed dust, and harmful heavy metals are from various sources. In addition, the trend of concentration change of nickel (Ni) and vanadium (V) were similar. Pollution emissions may be derived from the heavy oil boilers or near-ocean vessels. (4) There had been 10 flue detections done, and no considerable emission of carcinogenic heavy metals was tested. The concentration of particulate matter and heavy metals were much lower than the emission control standards. (5) Composition of heavy metals in automotive fuels varies greatly among different suppliers. The samples’ concentrations were in line with the national regulation that lead (Pb) in the oil was less than 13 mg/L, and was similar to the oil in the EU. (6) The indoor dust compositions of 10 households in Taixi Village of Dacheng Township were high in iron (Fe), aluminum (Al) and magnesium (Mg). Indoor dust were collected and sampled in 3 households in Taixi Village of Dacheng Township. The survey results are similar to the investigation made by the Changhua County Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB). According to the results, it is estimated that the resident in Taixi Village of Dacheng Township may take in up to 0.02 grams of dust per year. (7) Canister sampling was initiated when the residents smell the odor. The results shows that the concentrations of most substances were below detection limits. Among the 14 samples, only acetone, dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12), methyl chloride, trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11), dichloromethane, n-hexane, benzene and 1,2-dichloroethane were detected. In addition to canister sampling, sulfide monitoring was also operated in the north and south sides of the Zhuoshui River. The FTIR team from ITRI was invited to assist the monitoring, in order to clarify the potential sources and elements. The results did not show a significant source of industrial emissions. FTIR team will be in charge of tracing the source of odor. (8) Concentration of magnesium and strontium are the highest in tap water, and it is found that the water filter can reduce the concentration of heavy metals. Most of the heavy metals in irrigation water meets the irrigation water quality standards, except for iron, manganese and arsenic, which at some location, exceeded water quality standards. Arsenic (As) is a heavy metal that is harmful to human health, it’s recommended that it should not be used as irrigation water. However, each sample of the plan is only monitored once, the continuous monitoring is still needed. (9) The concentration of heavy metals in seawater meets the water quality standards of the sea area. Manganese (Mn), iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) are slightly higher in the vicinity of the Changhua coastal area, it may be affected by coastal geology. (10) As for soil, concentration of Arsenic in surface soil and subsoil shows nearly no difference. It may be caused by the local geographic attributes that the arsenic in the soil is naturally in higher concentration. However, the number of samples are too few to represent the whole, and further monitoring are suggested to be continued. Most of the concentration of heavy metals in groundwater meets groundwater pollution monitoring standards, except for iron and manganese. (11) Fishery and agriculture products were in line with the maximum allowable amount of hygiene standards in food. The highest concentration is magnesium (Mg) and as followed by iron (Fe), aluminum (Al), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and antimony (Sr) in the crops. Because of the different species of crops and the different growth periods, heavy metal accumulation was inconsistent in crops. For example, rice has stronger absorption capacity for chromium (Cr) than other crops. As the different feeding methods, it makes the major heavy metals proportion in fish and shellfish significantly different. Fishery are in a higher proportion of magnesium (Mg). Shellfish are in a higher proportion of magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al). In addition, harmful heavy metals in fish and shellfish have higher concentrations of arsenic (As). Further analysis of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. (12) The residents’ heavy metal exposure from different sources was estimated. Arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) exposure are mainly from fish. Cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), and nickel (Ni) mainly derived from the crustaceous roots. Each heavy metal comes from a low proportion of breathing and drinking water. However, the number of samples for each medium surveyed was too less. The results are not representative. It can be able to more representative of the actual situation by continuous accumulation of survey data. (13) The content of different heavy metals, which can be harmful to human bodies, was compared with which in different regions. Cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) shows average concentrations in environmental media. Arsenic (As) is slightly higher condition in soil and water; it is possibly caused by geological factors. Nickel (Ni) is slightly higher condition in soil, irrigation water, seawater, rice, and shellfish. Concentrations of chromium (Cr) are also slightly higher in rice and shellfish. Lead (Pb) is slightly higher in fish and shellfish. It is necessary to investigate the concentration of heavy metals in continuous for environmental media in this area. The trace and control of nickel (Ni) and chromium (Cr) from the wastewater source should be strengthened. For the residents, the results of the concentration in each survey are not extremely high. However, groundwater and unclean irrigation water sources should still be avoided. If the irrigation water source is found contaminated, it is suggested to contact the EPA immediately for the following investigation.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Investigation, Heavy Metal, Changhua