

中文摘要 計畫為接軌國際趨勢及國內政策方針,針對特定事業之關鍵性水質項目 (包含戴奧辛、總汞和藥物類等) 進行調查分析及綜合評估,營造優質水環境。依據列管對象水質數據,歸納製程特性及總汞污染來源,進一步估算國內廢污水總汞排放總量,研提污染削減措施建議;此外,持續調查廢水具戴奧辛污染潛勢對象水質,綜整國內外研究成果,累積廢污水戴奧辛指紋圖譜,作為法規研修及污染來源判定參據;另考量近年來社會大眾持續關切環境水體微量新興污染物之排放,針對醫院醫事機構廢污水進行藥物和個人保健用品水質調查,掌握排放風險,並參考國外藥物管理機制,研擬管理管制建議策略。此外,計畫協助辦理放流水標準特定項目稽查水質分析,以掌握法規符合情形,確保事業放流水排放風險。
中文關鍵字 總汞、戴奧辛、個人照護醫藥用品


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-GS02-02-A222 經費年度 107 計畫經費 3950 千元
專案開始日期 2018/06/20 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 朱敬平
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 盧佩君 執行單位 財團法人中興工程顧問社


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-107-GS02-02-A222期末正式報告.pdf 14MB 期末正式報告

Water quality improvement plan for Effluent Standard regulation

英文摘要 This project analyzed and investigated the critical items (including dioxin, mercury and pharmaceutical) in wastewater discharged from specific industries to create a good quality water environment based on current global trends and domestic policy. We concluded manufacturing characteristic and mercury pollution source based on data from enterprises. Moreover, this project estimated the total mercury emissions in wastewater and drafted suggestions for pollution elimination measures. Moreover, we analyzed the wastewater discharged from industries with dioxin concern and reviewed dioxin fingerprints in foreign and domestic researches. The results can be used to renew the regulation and investigate the pollution source. Further, we have analyzed pharmaceuticals personal care products for hospital due to public concern for recent discharge of trace emerging pollutants. This project has drafted suggestions for control strategy. We have analyzed the regulated items in the Effluent Standards to evaluate the compliance of industries to assure the potential of effluent.
英文關鍵字 Mercury、Dioxin、Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products