

中文摘要 2017年賴清德院長於永續會第30次委員會議中表示希望透過2018年辦理公民論壇以完善草案內容;行政院環境保護署透過委託「我國永續發展目標公民參與專案工作計畫」工作計畫回應賴院長裁示,製作我國永續發展目標草案懶人包傳達草案內容,並辦理北、中、南、東4場次公民論壇匯集各界修正意見。 本計畫於107年4月28日、4月29日、5月5日以及5月6日,分別在臺北、宜蘭、臺中和臺南辦理共計4場次之永續發展目標2018公民論壇以匯集民意,邀請全台灣總計116位來自產業、學界、民間代表共同研析台灣永續發展目標修正建議和關鍵議題、排序目前台灣之核心目標。 論壇辦理前根據各分組提供之文字進行彙整並搭配相關圖文製成我國永續發展目標懶人包供與會者於會前可在論壇官網瀏覽、更進一步了解各核心目標內涵和重點指標內容,於會中討論方向和內容更為聚焦。
中文關鍵字 聯合國永續發展目標、臺灣永續發展目標、公民參與


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-E1U2-02-205 經費年度 107 計畫經費 1120 千元
專案開始日期 2018/04/10 專案結束日期 2018/07/31 專案主持人 陳弘正
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 林芃辰 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


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期末報告 期末報告.pdf 18MB

Project of Citizen Participation of Taiwan Sustainable Development Goals

英文摘要 In 2017, Premier of the Republic of China, William Lai Ching-te, said at the 30th committee meeting that he hoped to hold citizenship forums in 2018 to improve the contents of the draft of “Taiwan’s Sustainable Development Goals.” In response to Premier Lai’s instructions, the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan entrusted this agency to create the “Project for Citizens’ Forums on National Sustainable Development Goals.” We created a booklet, “Taiwan’s Sustainable Development Goals for Dummies,” and organized “Sustainable Development Goals Citizenship Forums” in Taiwan’s northern, eastern, central and southern regions to gather suggestions from various circles on potential amendments. The forums took place in Taipei, Ilan, Taichung, and Tainan on April 28, April 29, May 5, and May 6 respectively. A total of 116 representatives from industry, academia, and other non-government representatives from across Taiwan were invited to jointly discuss key issues of the draft of “Taiwan’s Sustainable Development Goals” and determine Taiwan’s current core objectives. Before the forums were held, the texts provided by related government organizations were combined with related graphics into a booklet: “Taiwan’s Sustainable Development Goals for Dummies.” In order to have the discussion more focused, we pasted the content on the forums’ websites so that forum participants could browse it online beforehand.
英文關鍵字 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Taiwan Sustainable Development Goals, Citizen Participation