

中文摘要 本計畫的目標係維護環境用藥業務網站,包含環境用藥管理資訊系統,環境用藥許可證及病媒防治業查詢系統、環境用藥安全使用宣導網及微生物製劑資料庫,持續配合電子化政策推動各項線上服務,並辦理訓練課程輔導系統使用者(業者、主管機關)操作,蒐集反饋意見據以改善提升系統友善度。 環境用藥管理資訊系統使用對象包含主管機關、環境用藥業者、病媒防治業,提供證件申請、審查及申報等功能,另提供對於一般民眾的宣導及查詢網站;本年度配合病媒防治業施作計畫書網站傳輸服務,依業界需求建置施作計畫書行動版功能;為環境用藥紀錄表電子化作業,環境用藥運作數量統計,依主管機關實務執行需求建置上、下游數量勾稽功能,協助地方執行人員簡化紙本核對之繁複程序,掌握環境用藥流向;本年度總計完成19項系統調整建置,包含系統申報功能建置、功能優化及建置符合3C產品的行動版網頁及響應式設計;在網站維運資料更新部分,截至12/19完成共計53則公告更新,環境用藥安全使用宣導網站完成61則新聞上架作業,兩岸交流平台完成46筆新訊上架。 環境用藥屬一般民生消費品,與民眾生活息息相關,惟環境用藥依其專法管制,在輸入及廣告均有規定,網路買賣發展,使民眾更容易從國外購買防蚊液、掛片等環境用藥商品,但是卻無從取得許可而遭退運甚至處以罰鍰;網路廣告販售亦涉及環境用藥廣告規定,時有民眾因不諳法規而受處分,故本年度採分群分眾的方式,分別對列管事業辦理訓練,對民眾採媒體宣導,對環境用藥業者及環保局承辦人員辦理7場次系統實機操作說明會,完成6場次業者查訪作業;並透過平面媒體、聲音廣播及影音錄製,推廣安全用環藥的知識,以避免環境用藥危害,保護環境,維護人體健康。
中文關鍵字 環境用藥、環境用藥管理資訊系統、環境用藥安全使用、環境用藥紀錄表、病媒防治業施作計畫書管理系統


專案計畫編號 TCSB-107-HC04-02-A010 經費年度 107 計畫經費 6175 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/25 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 薛安聿
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 洪靜宜 執行單位 育成環保有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 TCSB-107-HC04-02-A010.pdf 14MB 107年環境用藥管理資訊系統維護及應用計畫期末報告定稿本

2018 The Program of Environmental Agents Manage System Operation

英文摘要 This project primarily focuses on website maintenance on environmental agents (MDC) for involved industries. The purpose is to transition into an all online-based service system for all types of users. Areas of maintenance and upgrade include environmental agents and pest control industry license, environmental agents safety advocacy, and data base management for microbial preparations. As such, online computer training courses for users (i.e. industries, competent authorities, etc.) were hosted; opinions or suggestions were regularly taken into account from users to help improve the system. Again, users of the environmental agents information management system include: responsible competent authorities, industries, and pest control operators. System features such as online application, review, and declaration are available, which are also used as an advocacy tool/search for competent authorities. In addition, the electronic pest control operator application upload system feature is also focused, providing operators a user-friendly experience. Other e-transition projects also comprise of online statistics on environmental agents application volume, which is to be used to help track upstream and downstream supplier and buyer, under the competent authority’s request. This year, a total of 19 data system improvement projects were completed, including online declaration features and website usage/design improvements on consumer electronic products. In detail, 53 website maintenances were completed as of December 19. Other completions include 61 uploaded news/education on the environmental agents safety advocacy page and 46 news update on the cross-strait relations page. Though environment agents are commonly used consumer products, they are under jurisdiction of the Environmental Agents Control Act. However, current regulations on environmental agents import and advertisements, along with the rise of online purchasing, have made foreign products (i.e. mosquito spray, repellents, etc.) easy to introduce without having legal license or permit. This has caused many instances where items were returned by the border control and the responsible person being charged a large fine. To prevent a similar issue from happening, a “separate group, separate audience” method was adopted. The idea is to set up training for environmental agents industries while providing education and awareness to the general public. In total, 7 online computer training courses, along with 6 training facility inspections were completed this year. Printed media, broadcasting, and video were utilized to advocate the safe use of environmental agents.
英文關鍵字 Environmental agents, environmental agents information management system, safe use of environmental agents, environmental agents records, pest control operators application management system