

中文摘要 成果摘要 計畫名稱:107年度基隆市海洋及水環境污染防治計畫暨海洋環境教育宣導計畫 委辦單位:富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 計畫簽約期程:107年3月26日 至 107年12月15日 執行量化目標統計區間:107年3月26日 至 107年12月15日 本計畫自簽約以來,各項水環境稽巡查管制、宣導推廣與行政配合事項等工作進度皆依契約規定執行,且順利達成期末目標,茲摘錄各項工作內容及進度說明如下。 一、 列管事業稽查管制及採樣作業 (一) 列管事業 1. 清查轄內列管事業共計有77家,經扣除自來水廠、部分新設尚未運作、未設置污水處理設施等後,其餘至少完成1次稽查,達成率100%。 2. 事業例行性檢測項目包括:pH、水溫、SS及COD等。 3. 本計畫已完成稽查及查核作業140件次與採樣作業121件次,達成年度目標120件次,達成率為117及100%。 (二) 營建工地 1. 本工作以具有管制編號之營建工地及提具「營建工地逕流廢水污染削減計畫」之事業為優先稽巡查、採樣對象。 2. 營建工地例行性檢測項目包括:pH、水溫及SS,透過稽巡查以了解沉砂池功能是否正常。 3. 本計畫已完成稽查及採樣作業20件次,達成年度目標20件次,達成率100%。 (三) 暗管:清查大武崙工業區內廢(污)水排放暗管,完成3支公告及封管作業,達成年度目標3支,達成率100%。 二、 工業區水污染防治管理 (一) 大武崙工業區 1. 污水廠放流水每月完成1次稽查採樣,合計執行12次,其中包含6次夜間稽查;完成年度目標12次,達成率100%。 2. 地表逕流每季完成1次採樣,合計執行4次,達成年度目標4次,達成率100%。 (二) 六堵工業區:污水廠放流水每季完成1次稽查採樣,合計執行4次,達成年度目標4次,達成率100%。 三、 社區污水及公共污水下水道系統稽查管制及輔導作業 (一) 稽查作業 1. 清查轄內列管社區共計有42家(包含學校7家),經扣除未運作(如幸大建設與博元建設2家)及接管(如國揚大地社區等6家)等後,其餘至少完成1次稽查,達成率100%。 2. 社區檢測項目包括:pH、水溫、SS、BOD、COD及E-Coli。 3. 本計畫已完成稽查及查核作業52件次,達成年度目標50件次,達成率為104%。 (二) 污水下水道系統及建築物污水處理設備功能不彰之對象輔導改善 本工作團隊檢核去年檢測污水處理設施水質有異常的社區進行輔導,已輔導六福晶華及芳堤社區等完成改善,並符合放流水標準,已達成契約要求之2社區,達成率100%。 (三) 社區許可證逾期未展延對象予以輔導、諮詢並協助其取得許可證 本工作團隊今年已輔導轄內社區許可證逾期之6個社區,完成5個社區取得許可證展延及1個社區接入公共下水道,已達成契約要求之2社區目標數量,達成率250%。 (四) 查核公共污水下水道系統運作 1. 轄內公共污水下水道為和平島水資源回收中心1家。 2. 檢測項目包括:pH、水溫、SS、BOD、COD及E-Coli。 3. 公共污水下水道每2個月完成1次採樣,合計執行6次;達成年度目標6次,達成率100%。 (五) 辦理社區污水處理設備設施受託操作服務定型化契約宣導說明會及發送宣導品:已於6/29假基隆市文化中心2樓會議室召開,完成契約要求之1場次,並發送環保攜帶水杯200份,達成率100%。 四、 污染源建檔、調查及查核 (一) 已於完成轄內列管事業進行衛星定位、繪製污染源與各河段測站(含北港系河川)及排水位置關係圖。 (二) 本計畫各項稽查作業紀錄均有建立紙本與電子檔案,並進行品質管控。 五、 田寮河水質檢測 (一) 針對田寮河上游(財鼠橋)、中游(第一季為寶馬橋,自第二季起更為祥龍橋)及下游(金雞橋)3點進行水質檢測。 (二) 檢測項目包括:水溫、pH、DO、SS、BOD、COD、NH3¬-N、汞、砷、鉻、鎘、鉛、鋅、鎳、銅、總氮、總磷等17項。 (三) 田寮河每季完成1次採樣,合計執行12點次;達成年度目標12點次,達成率100%。 六、 持續推動許可制度 (一) 通知業者辦理定期申報作業 1. 成立專線與駐局人員負責受理事業單位水污染防治許可申請等工作。 2. 本工作團隊為力求轄內列管事業許可文件之有效管理,因此於每月工作月報皆會提報近三個月應展延名單,並以電話通知事業或社區提早辦理,以避免因逾期而遭處份之情事。 (二) 辦理水污染防治法規說明會 已於6/29及10/5假基隆市文化中心2樓會議室分別針對社區及事業個召開1場法規說明會,完成契約要求之2場次,達成率100%。 (三) 提供應辦理許可展延名單及環工技師複審 本工作團隊於每月月報提供應辦理許可展延名單與許可證有效期限屆滿尚未申請展延之名單,並以電話通知事業或社區即早辦理。 七、 水污染防治費管理 本工作團隊配合環保署提供106年度有疑義之水污費徵收事業進行現場查核作業外(12家),另增加暘基醫院1家,合計共執行13件次之現場查核工作,達成率為130%。 八、 維持水質水量自動監測與攝錄影監視設施系統穩定操作 本項工作由駐局人員每日檢視系統連線情形,如有異常立即障礙排除,以確保系統之穩定操作。 九、 水污染防治系統資料庫控管 針對「水污染源資料系統」、「海洋污染防治管理系統」、「環保署訓練所專責人員設置動態網頁」、「行政院環境保護署管制編號統一管理系統」等於完成該項工作後,一個月內進行該系統之建置與更新工作。 十、 廢污水處理設施評鑑 已於8/17、24及9/20於基隆市六堵工業區六堵污水處理廠、經濟部工業局大武崙兼瑞芳工業區服務中心污水處理廠、福基織造股份有限公司 、永盛開發實業股份有限公司及和平島水資源回收中心等五家進行廢污水處理設施評鑑。 十一、 水環境守望相助巡守隊經營運作 (一) 本年度整合各巡守隊意見後,已於11月充實巡守隊工具。 (二) 成立專線與駐局人員負責受理巡守隊通報與陳情工作,並協助案件處理及建檔管理。截至11/15已完成38次通報;達成年度目標35次,達成率109%。 (三) 本工作團隊於辦理第2次法規說明會時,針對參與活動的30名巡守隊員進行諮詢並輔導轉型志工,其中大武崙隊長黃政衛有意願參加志工培訓課程,因此已完成諮詢輔導工作,後續如轄內有環保志工培訓課程,會轉介其參與。 (四) 本工作團隊選擇富有文化、地景、人文歷史的暖暖巡守隊,並協助製作所屬的2面巡守隊故事看板在案,並已於11月將看板提供暖暖隊運用。 (五) 本工作團隊持續利用通訊或電話與西定河巡守隊關懷聯繫與陪巡。 (六) 已於6/25假暖暖里民活動中心及10/26假鶯歌區公所辦理兩場巡守隊教育訓練;並於第2場教育訓練時一併完成巡守隊環境教育設施觀摩。 十二、 河面垃圾清理(至少20公噸) 本工作團隊今年完成轄內河面垃圾清理10.79公噸,達成率53.9%。 十三、 水環境突發性污染支援及處理 本工作團隊已於6/28提報「河川水體死魚或水體變色事件緊急應變程序」,且於9/15協助完成「基隆市河川水體死魚事件緊急應變程序」在案。 十四、 飲用水水源水質保護區 (一) 淨水廠原水水質採樣,針對轄內安樂、新山、六堵及暖暖等四座淨水場進行原水水質採樣,合計執行4次;達成年度目標4次,達成率100%。 (二) 新山及西勢水庫兩處飲用水水源水質保護區及東勢坑、暖暖、基隆河及八堵、友蚋、瑪陵坑、草濫等七處取水口巡查,合計執行4次;達成年度目標4次,達成率100%。 (三) 會同自來水公司每季針對轄內新山及西勢等兩座水庫進行巡查工作,合計執行4次;達成年度目標4次,達成率100%。 十五、 飲用水安全管理 (一) 執行自來水供水系統水質採樣工作,每月採樣至少40件。 於自來水公司供水系統進行採樣工作,合計執行480件次;達成年度目標480件次,達成率為100%。 (二) 執行連續供水固定設備,每月稽查至少15處、其中水質採樣至少10處。 針對公私場所飲水機稽查180件及採樣149件;達成年度目標180件次及120件次,達成率為100%及124%。 (三) 自來水事業淨水場之清水出水端水質檢測,每季至少1次,合計執行4次;達成年度目標4次,達成率100%。 (四) 水井、山泉水及其他簡易自來水水質稽查採樣,計畫期程至少完成36件。合計執行40次,達成率111%。 (五) 夏令衛生飲用水抽驗:暑假針對學校洗手台(間接供水)及飲水機(直接供水)水質進行269點次採樣檢測,達成率100%。 (六) 淨水場淨水處理藥劑進行查核,每季至少1次,合計執行4次;達成年度目標4次,達成率100%。 (七) 包裝或盛裝之飲用水業者進行查核,每季至少1次,合計執行4次;達成年度目標4次,達成率100%。 (八) 災害後飲用水抽驗管制。今年度並無重大災害事件,因此未執行。 十六、 海洋污染演練及專業訓練 (一) 海洋污染緊急應變演練1場次 本工作於7/27及8/14共召開兩次協商會, 8/21及8/23召開兩場預演工作,並於8/24假外木山漁港動員12個單位,合計參演人數達80餘人,辦理海洋油污染事件緊急應變演練,並圓滿成功。 (二) 海洋污染緊急應變設備器材盤點及養護作業2次 於3/22及10/16配合北區聯防針對暖暖貨櫃屋進行海污設備器材保養工作,並針對北區所提出意見分別於6/25及10/18加強執行設備養護工作。 (三) 海洋污染緊急應變演練設備器材、耗材配件更換作業:已於11月完成。 (四) 海洋污染專業訓練1場次:已於8/10假基隆區漁會召開一場海洋污染專業訓練,以提升海洋污染緊急應變小組成員專業素養。 (五) 購置河川型攔油索:已於6/28完成。 十七、 辦理海洋污染稽查管制作業 (一) 執行船舶稽查管制作業(包括:商船50艘次及漁船31艘) ,達成率100及103%。 (二) 執行港口稽查管制作業至少150件次,達成率100%。 十八、 執行污染源稽查管制作業:針對轄區內列管台電(4/26)與中油(10/24)兩家各進行一次污染源稽查管制工作,查核結果皆符合法令規範。 十九、 更新海洋油污染設備地圖及環保署系統各項資訊,已完成「更新及繪製基隆市海洋油污染應變風險地圖」及「更新及繪製海洋污染緊急應變設備地圖」工作。 二十、 推動宣導營造綠色港口環境 (一) 本工作於辦理船舶稽查作業時,一併宣導船舶所產生之廢油污水應委託合格代處理業者回數清理,並就「事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統」申報資料予以查核。 (二) 本工作於6月28日假基隆區漁會會議室辦理一場海洋環境教育訓練。 二十一、 執行港區水質檢測:針對基隆港東岸港區海域及八斗子漁港港區2點之海域表層,每季完成1次採樣;達成年度目標8點次,達成率100%。 廿一、 海底(漂)垃圾清除暨海洋環境教育宣導 (一) 進行近岸海底(漂)垃圾調查及清除:本工作在9/7、9/8及9/21至9/23假外木濱海風景區行委託私人潛水隊執行近岸海底(漂)垃圾狀況調查作業,累計執行五場104人活動,所清理垃圾總重量為248.8公斤,其中又以塑膠類漁網佔最多達200公斤,佔89.4%。 (二) 辦理海洋環境教育宣導活動包括: 4/28春季淨灘、6/9世界海洋日淨灘、6/17泳活動淨灘、8/4環保志工群英會及9/15世界清潔日金秋淨灘等活動。 (三) 成果報已於11月函送紙本報告及相關電子檔案各10份。 (四) 環保艦隊除第1季因產發處未舉辦工作外,其餘3季均有依規定提報成果報告,且上傳至系統。 (五) 文宣品(1,000份)與兌換品(1,300份)已於11月送環保局備查在案。 廿二、 其他行政協助事項 (一) 辦理親水宣傳活動20場次,今年完成24場,合計參加學童人數超過500人以上。 (二) 製作親水活動宣導品350份,已分別於4月及6月各提送200份及150份完成。
中文關鍵字 基隆市海洋及水環境污染防治計畫暨海洋環境教育宣導計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 6999 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/26 專案結束日期 2018/12/15 專案主持人 李明吉
主辦單位 基隆市環境保護局 承辦人 江柏毅 執行單位 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年度期末計畫.pdf 0MB 107年度期末計畫

107 Keelung City Marine and Water Environmental Pollution Prevention Plan and Marine Environmental Education Promotion Plan

英文摘要 Summary of results Project Name: 107 Keelung City Marine and Water Environmental Pollution Prevention Plan and Marine Environmental Education Promotion Plan Organizer: Fulian Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. Schedule for signing the contract: March 26, 2007 to December 15, 107 Execution of quantitative target statistical interval: March 26, 2007 to December 15, 107 Since the signing of the project, the progress of various water environment inspections, inspections, promotion and administrative coordination matters have been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the contract, and the final goal has been successfully achieved. The contents of the work and the progress of the excerpts are as follows. I. Inspection and control of the management of the business and sampling operations (1) Liaison business 1. There are a total of 77 listed companies in the jurisdiction. After deducting the waterworks, some new facilities have not been operated, and no sewage treatment facilities have been set up, at least one inspection has been completed, and the achievement rate is 100%. 2. Business routine testing items include: pH, water temperature, SS and COD. 3. The project has completed 140 inspections and inspections and 121 inspections, and achieved an annual target of 120, with an achievement rate of 117 and 100%. (2) Construction site 1. This work is based on the construction site with the control number and the project of "construction site runoff wastewater pollution reduction plan". 2. Routine inspection projects at the construction site include: pH, water temperature and SS. Check the inspection to see if the function of the grit chamber is normal. 3. The project has completed 20 inspections and sampling operations, and achieved an annual target of 20, with a completion rate of 100%. (3) Concealed pipe: Inspect the waste pipe of waste (sewage) water in the Dawulun Industrial Zone, complete 3 announcements and sealing operations, and achieve 3 annual targets with a completion rate of 100%. (3) Concealed pipe: Inspect the waste pipe of waste (sewage) water in the Dawulun Industrial Zone, complete 3 announcements and sealing operations, and achieve 3 annual targets with a completion rate of 100%.   2. Management of water pollution prevention and control in industrial areas (1) Dawulun Industrial Zone 1. The sewage plant discharge water is completed once a month for inspection and sampling, and the total execution is 12 times, including 6 night inspections; the annual target is completed 12 times, and the achievement rate is 100%. 2. The surface runoff is completed once a season, and the total number of samples is 4 times. The annual target is reached 4 times, and the achievement rate is 100%. (II) Six industrial zones: The discharge water of the sewage plant will be completed and inspected once a quarter, and the total execution will be 4 times. The annual target will be reached 4 times, and the achievement rate will be 100%. 3. Inspection and control of community sewage and public sewerage systems and counseling operations (1) Auditing operations 1. Inspected the number of community-managed communities in the jurisdiction (including 7 schools), after deducting the non-operational (such as the construction of Yuda Construction and Boyuan Construction) and taking over (such as Guoyang Dadi Community, etc.) At least one inspection was completed, and the achievement rate was 100%. 2. Community testing programs include: pH, water temperature, SS, BOD, COD and E-Coli. 3. The project has completed 52 inspection and verification operations, achieving 50 annual targets with a completion rate of 104%. (2) Improvement of the function of the sewage sewer system and building sewage treatment equipment The team checked the community that detected abnormal water quality in the sewage treatment facilities last year, and has assisted the six Fujinghua and Fangdi communities to complete the improvement, and meet the discharge water standards. The community has reached the contractual requirements, and the achievement rate is 100%. (3) The community permit is not extended and will be counseled, consulted and assisted in obtaining the permit. This year, the work team has coached 6 communities whose community permits have been overdue, completed 5 community license extensions and 1 community access to public sewers. The number of community targets that have reached the contractual requirements is 25%, and the achievement rate is 250%. (4) Checking the operation of the public sewerage system 1. The public sewage sewer in the jurisdiction is one of the Peace Island Water Recycling Centers. 2. Test items include: pH, water temperature, SS, BOD, COD and E-Coli. 3. The public sewage sewers are sampled once every 2 months for a total of 6 times; the annual target is achieved 6 times, and the achievement rate is 100%. (5) Handling the briefing session and the propaganda guide for the formalization contract of the community sewage treatment equipment and facilities; it has been held in the conference room on the 2nd floor of the 6th/29th Keelung Cultural Center, completing one of the contract requirements and sending Environmental protection carrying 200 cups, the achievement rate is 100%. 4. Filing, investigation and checking of pollution sources (1) The satellite positioning has been completed in the escrow management business, and the pollution source and the river station (including the Beigang River) and the drainage position map have been drawn. (2) The papers and electronic files are established in all the auditing records of the plan, and quality control is carried out. V. Tianyi River Water Quality Testing (1) Water quality testing is carried out for the upper reaches of the Tianyu River (Qianziqiao), the middle reaches (the first season is the BMW Bridge, the Xianglong Bridge from the second season) and the downstream (Jinji Bridge). (2) The testing items include: water temperature, pH, DO, SS, BOD, COD, NH3¬-N, mercury, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, lead, zinc, nickel, copper, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and so on. (3) Tianyu River completed one sampling per season, totaling 12 points; achieving an annual target of 12 points, achieving a rate of 100%. 6. Continue to promote the licensing system (1) Notifying the operator to apply for regular reporting 1. Establish special lines and resident personnel to be responsible for accepting applications for water pollution prevention and control licenses of public institutions. 2. In order to effectively manage the license documents of the management business within the jurisdiction, the work team will report the extension list for the past three months in the monthly work monthly report, and notify the cause or community by phone to avoid the cause. The circumstances of being overdue. (2) Handling the water pollution prevention and control regulations In the conference room on the 2nd floor of the Cultural Center of Keelung City on 6/29 and 10/5, a statute briefing session was held for the community and business, and 2 sessions of the contract were completed, and the achievement rate was 100%. (3) Providing a list of permit extensions and review of the ring technician The work team provides a list of the list of license extensions and the list of license expiration dates that have not yet been applied for extension in the monthly monthly report, and notify the cause or community by telephone as soon as possible. VII. Water pollution control fee management The work team cooperated with the EPD to provide 106 suspected water pollution fee collection services for on-site inspections (12), and another one of the Suiji hospitals. A total of 13 on-site inspections were carried out, and the achievement rate was 130. %. 8. Maintaining stable operation of water quality and quantity automatic monitoring and video surveillance facilities This work is carried out by the resident staff to check the system connection daily, and if there are abnormal obstacles, the obstacles are eliminated to ensure the stable operation of the system. 9. Water pollution control system database control For the "Water Pollution Source Information System", "Marine Pollution Prevention and Control System", "Development of Dynamic Webpages for EPD Training Officers" and "Administrative Environmental Protection Department Control Number Unified Management System" is equivalent to completing the work within one month Carry out the construction and update of the system. X. Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Facilities At 8/17, 24 and 9/20, six sewage treatment plants in the six industrial zones of Keelung City, the industrial bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Dawulun and Ruifang Industrial Zone Service Center sewage treatment plant, Fuji Weaving Co., Ltd. Five companies, including Yongsheng Development Industrial Co., Ltd. and Peace Island Water Recycling Center, conducted evaluation of waste water treatment facilities. XI. Water Environment Watch helps the patrol team to operate (1) After integrating the opinions of the patrol teams this year, the patrol team tools were enriched in November. (2) Establishing a dedicated line and stationed personnel to receive the notification and grievances of the patrol team, and assist in case handling and document management. 38 notifications have been completed as of 11/15; 35 annual targets have been achieved with a completion rate of 109%. (3) When the second statute briefing session was held, the team consulted and coached the volunteers for the 30 patrol members participating in the activity. Among them, Dawulun captain Huang Zhengwei was willing to participate in the volunteer training course, so it was completed. Consultation and counseling work, follow-up if there is an environmental volunteer training course within the jurisdiction, will refer to its participation. (4) The work team selects the warm patrol team with rich culture, landscape and human history, and assists in the production of the story of the two patrol teams. It has already used the kanban to provide warm teams in November. (5) The working team continues to use the communication or telephone to contact and accompany the Xiding River Guard Team. (6) Two patrol team education trainings have been handled in the 6/25 False Warm People Activity Center and the 10/26 False Acura District Office; and the patrol team environmental education facilities were completed in the second training session. Watching. 12. River surface cleaning (at least 20 metric tons) This work team completed 10.79 metric tons of river surface waste disposal this year, with a completion rate of 53.9%. XIII. Sudden pollution support and treatment in water environment The team has reported on 6/28 the “Emergency Response Procedure for Dead Fish or Water Body Discoloration in Rivers” and assisted in the completion of the “Emergency Response Procedure for Dead Fish in Rivers in Keelung City” on 9/15. XIV. Drinking water source water quality protection zone (1) The raw water quality of the water purification plant is sampled, and the raw water quality is sampled for four water purification sites, including Anle, Johor Bahru, Six Block and Warm, within the jurisdiction. The total implementation is 4 times; the annual target is reached 4 times, and the achievement rate is 100%. (2) Two drinking water source water quality protection zones in Xinshan and Xi'an Reservoir, and seven water intakes such as Dongshikeng, Weng, Keelung River and Bajiao, Youyi, Malingkeng and Grassland are inspected for a total of 4 times; The annual target was reached 4 times and the achievement rate was 100%. (3) The water supply company will conduct inspections on two reservoirs, namely, Johor Bahru and Xiji, within the jurisdiction of each quarter, for a total of four times; and achieve an annual target of four times with a completion rate of 100%. Fifteen, drinking water safety management (1) Perform water quality sampling of the tap water supply system and sample at least 40 pieces per month. Sampling work was carried out in the water supply system of the water company, totaling 480 times; reaching 480 annual targets, the achievement rate was 100%. (2) Execute continuous water supply and fixed equipment, and inspect at least 15 places per month, including at least 10 water quality samples. For the public and private drinking fountains, 180 inspections and 149 samples were collected; the annual target was 180 and 120, and the achievement rate was 100% and 124%. (3) The water quality inspection of the clean water outlet of the water purification business of the water supply business shall be carried out at least once a quarter for a total of 4 times; the annual target is reached 4 times, and the achievement rate is 100%. (4) Sampling and sampling of water wells, mountain springs and other simple tap waters, with a minimum of 36 planned periods. The total execution was 40 times, and the achievement rate was 111%. (5) Summer drinking water sampling test: During the summer vacation, 269 points of sampling and testing were carried out for the water quality of the school sink (indirect water supply) and the water dispenser (direct water supply), and the achievement rate was 100%. (6) The water purification treatment of the water purification plant shall be checked at least once a quarter for a total of 4 times; the annual target shall be achieved 4 times, and the achievement rate shall be 100%. (7) The drinking water industry packaged or inspected shall conduct a check at least once a quarter for a total of 4 times; achieve an annual target of 4 times with a completion rate of 100%. (8) Control of drinking water sampling after disasters. There were no major disaster events this year and it was not implemented. XVI. Marine pollution drills and professional training (1) Marine pollution emergency response drill 1 time This work held two consultations on 7/27 and 8/14, two rehearsals in 8/21 and 8/23, and mobilized 12 units in the 8/24 fake Waimushan fishing port, with a total of 80 participants. The rest of the people handled the emergency response drill for the marine oil pollution incident and was a complete success. (2) Marine pollution emergency response equipment equipment inventory and maintenance operations 2 times In 3/22 and 10/16, cooperate with the North District Joint Defense to carry out maintenance work on marine equipment for the warm container house, and strengthen the implementation of equipment maintenance work on 6/25 and 10/18 for the opinions of the North District. (III) Marine pollution emergency response drills Equipment and consumable parts replacement operations: completed in November. (IV) Marine pollution professional training 1 time: A marine pollution professional training has been held in the 8/10 Fake Keelung Fisheries Association to enhance the professional quality of marine pollution emergency response team members. (5) Purchase of river type oil retaining cable: completed on 6/28. XVII. Handling marine pollution inspection and control operations (1) Execution of ship inspection and control operations (including: 50 merchant ships and 31 fishing vessels) with a completion rate of 100 and 103%. (2) Perform at least 150 inspections of port inspection and control, with a completion rate of 100%. XVIII. Implementation of pollution source inspection and control operations: Conducting a pollution source inspection and control work for each of the listed power stations (4/26) and CNPC (10/24) in the jurisdiction, and the results of the inspection are in compliance with the laws and regulations. 19. Update the map of marine oil pollution equipment and the information of the EPD system. The work of updating and mapping the risk map of marine oil pollution in Keelung and the map of updating and mapping the marine emergency response equipment have been completed. 20. Promote the promotion of a green port environment (1) In the course of handling the ship inspection operation, the waste oil and sewage generated by the ship shall be entrusted to the qualified agent to be cleaned up, and the application materials of the "Business Waste Declaration and Management Information System" shall be checked. (II) This work was conducted on June 28th in the meeting room of the Fisheries Club of Keelung District for a marine environmental education training. Twenty-one, the implementation of water quality testing in the port area: for the sea area of ​​the east coast of Keelung Port and the sea area of ​​the Bayouzi fishing port, the sampling area is completed once every season; the annual target is 8 points, and the achievement rate is 100%. 廿一, Submarine (drift) garbage removal and marine environmental education (1) Conducting near-shore seabed (drift) garbage investigation and removal: This work entrusts a private diving team to perform nearshore shores on the 9/7, 9/8 and 9/21 to 9/23 false Waimu coastal scenic spots. The garbage inspection operation has carried out five activities of 104 people. The total weight of the garbage collected is 248.8 kg, of which plastic fishing nets account for up to 200 kg, accounting for 89.4%. (2) Marine environmental education promotion activities include: 4/28 Spring Beach, 6/9 World Ocean Day Net Beach, 6/17 Swimming Activity Beach, 8/4 Environmental Volunteer Group and 9/15 World Clean Day Jinqiujingtan and other activities. (3) The results report was sent to the paper report and 10 related electronic files in November. (4) Except for the first quarter, the environmental protection fleet did not hold any work, and the other three seasons reported the results according to the regulations and uploaded them to the system. (5) Wenxuan products (1,000 copies) and exchange products (1,300 copies) were sent to the Environmental Protection Bureau for reference in November. 廿 Second, other administrative assistance matters (1) Handling 20 water conservation activities, and completing 24 games this year, with a total of more than 500 students. (2) Produced 350 copies of the water-conducting activities, which were delivered in 200 and 150 copies in April and June respectively.
英文關鍵字 Keelung City Marine and Water Environmental Pollution Prevention Plan and Marine Environmental Education Promotion Plan